Chapter 10

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"You really don't know me?" The Angle ask .

"No , why I will now you . Even you don't know me then why you are asking I know you or not?"
Olivia tell angrily. Her voice telling that she is very angry.

"Then why you called me?" The angel ask

What? When I call you ? How can you tell that I call you ? I don't know you and you kidnapped me . And now you are telling I called how . How can a person tell too much lie" Olivia tell loudly and angrily.

"Hey wait.  I didn't know you are not only a great fainter. Younare also a great short-tempered girl and......... "Angel was telling. But Olivia interputted.

"How dare you telling such a thing about me . At first you kidnapped me and bring here in a strange place  now you are telling such a thing about me ........"Olivia start screaming and the angel interputted.

Wait,  wait.  You are misunderstood me . Let me explain. Can't you stop talking for some minutes ? I am trying to explain you and you are blabbering. " this time angel say a bit loudly like he is scolding .

"Okey I am letting you explain.  But explain what is happening with me ." Olivia tell.

"Ok , my name is Martin.  King of fairyland." He tell with a smile and see something in Olivia's  face .

Olivia's P.O.V

I was sleeping and I feel like it is
morning.  But alarm didn't ring today. Then I I remembered what happened last night. I saw the black figure in my room.  Then I can't remember anything. I try to open my eyes. My vision was blurry and u noticed a person was standing. My vision became clear and I see cloud everywhere in a room itvwas not my room. I asked the person that "who is him" but a another man came and the other on lower his head and show respect.  I don't know why.  When I wake i was very afraid but when I saw him i don't know why i start felling safe. we start talk . But he is so annoying.  And I can't crontrol myself.  I just wanna give him a slap. But I didn't.  But he is keep annoying me . But when I hear his name . I felling something strange happened with me . My all anger disappear.  I feel my heart is melting . I don't know why.

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