Chapter 12

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Olivia seeing someone is crying im front of her . She doesn't know what to do. But see can't see someone is crying in front of her . Should she believe a stranger who just meets with her. And He is from another world . She is confused.

"I can help " Olivia tell.  Martin's eye become full of hope.
"But I still don't know anything. So how can I help? I am not good at history. I am a science student find someoneelse" Olivia tell.

"It is just a matter of knowing history ? Then it can be solved  but you still compering it with human world.  I didn't understand how science and history came here . I have told don't think as a human." Martin tell.

"What? I am a human. I live in earth.  And I don't believe in magic.  Amd you are telling me don't think as a human.  I am a human and human this as a human not as a animal or magician. " Olivia tell angrily.

"You was in earth.But now you're in fairyland. And how many time keep telling you that don't think it as a ordinary human or science student. " Martin tell angrily.

" Nope I don't believe in magic " Olivia tell again.

Martin shoot a magical arrow on Olivia.  Without any spell Olivia fastly move her hand and and her magic block the arrow and the arrow disappear. Olivia Gasped.  She can't believe she just use magic.

"Ok you don't believe in magic.  Then what was that " Martin ask.

"Is that real? " Olivia ask to herself.

"Yes it is . You wanna pick a argument  or wanna help?" Martin ask.

" I am helping you. But what i have to do.?" Olivia ask. Martin give a smile on his face .

"Ohh finally.  Then ,Come with me you will know everything. "  Martin tell .

Sorry my sweet readers for late update. I ass very busy because it is exam time .I hope you will not angry at me . Best wishes for you all ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Thanks for reading.

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