Chapter 11

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Olivia's P.O.V

I don't know why my all  anger disappear after listening this name . Wait what he tell? King of fairyland? King? Fairyland? What the hell is it ? Is that true what I just heard? What is fairyland? I never heard about any country named fairyland.

What? What do you mean with fairyland ? What you mean with King? Olivia a breathlessly.

"Hey don't be shocked. Let me finish. " Martin tell with a little smile and Olivia nod.

"Ok , but what is your name? I don't know your name." Martin ask .

"Olivia "  she tell in a soft voice.

"Okey , Olivia don't be afraid or shocked.  You are not a ordinary human so don't think as a human.  You have to know the all truth and we need your help. "Martin tell.

"What do you mean with not a ordinary? And why I shouldthink in other way . I am a pure humanhow you can tell I am not a ordinaryhuman.  Evenyou don't know me. How can you tell this " Olivia ask and become angry again .

"I say don't be angry.  Let me explain " Martin tell .

"Ok . But explain faster." Olivia tell . She was trying to calm herself.

Martin noticed that she is becoming angry. He smile a little bit .

Olivia become more angry after seeing that smile.  But she find out it was a very adorable smile. She become calm a little bit .

"Okey I am not a human.  I am a angel. And King of fairyland and I need your help. My hole kingdom need your help. We were waiting for you from 100 years .Pls help us " Martin tell.

"If u are King of angels then why you need help of a human?  And why you waited for me from 100 year, And how can I help you?" Olivia ask curiously

"100 years ago late King  of blackfairies use his hole magic in our land and trapped us all fairly.  They can't fly anymore.  They can't fly  anymore.  They all leave fairyland and start living in mortal world.  Only golden flower can break this magic. But no one can find this golden flower . Only you can save us." Martin request . His eyes became full with water. And it make pain in Olivia's heart.

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