Chat #7

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Betty: GUYS!!!!

Veronica: Are you alright, B? What happened?

Kevin: ^

Betty: Have you not seen the news paper yet?!??!?

Cheryl: well I guess not since we're not freaking out like you are😒

Archie: What's up, Betty?

Betty: Apparently five dead bodies were found at sweetwater river

Veronica: well that's nothing new😐

Betty: No but they were all killed at the same time it seemed to be some kind of gang rivalry thing all the bodies that were found were Ghoulies between the ages of 17-20

Kevin: Ghoulies? And they were found dead at sweetwater river?

Betty: yeah it says they were all brutally murdered they didn't even have weapons on them

Cheryl: This is horrifying

Archie: wait if this was a gang rivalry thing does that mean Serpents did this?

Betty: They're the number one suspect rn

Cheryl: Toni


Cheryl: Toni

Cheryl: TONI

Cheryl: TONI


Toni: what Cheryl?

Cheryl: Cheryl? What's wrong with you?

Toni: nothing baby I just have a lot on my mind

Veronica: is what you're thinking about have anything to do with five dead bodies at sweetwater river?

Toni: Don't fucking say shit about that

Kevin: so you do know something

Toni: I don't know shit

Archie: Are you sure? Because the Ghoulies and Serpents has been rivals for years

Toni: Don't you think I know that?

Betty: We're just worried

Toni: Worried about what? The Ghoulies don't mean shit to you guys so stay out of it

Kevin: people are dead Toni

Toni: I'm not gonna grief for people I don't give a fuck about

Cheryl: you don't usually speak like this what's up with you?

Jughead: maybe she finally opened her eyes and realized that talking to you guys was a waste of time

Kevin: says the guy who introduced us to her

Jughead: Just to save my relationship but that went left anyways so now I'm telling you guys to stay the hell away from her

Cheryl: she's my girlfriend you depressed bum she's suppose to be with me

Jughead: not anymore you ginger headed witch go cast your spells on somebody else

Toni: Don't you EVER disrespect my girlfriend like that again

Jughead: you should cut them off it's not good for the type of lifestyle we live

Toni: I'll cut off whoever I want to cut off Jones

Toni: hop off my tip, you don't own me

Jughead: but Cheryl do right?

Toni: yeah she do, it's way better than becoming your little bitch

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