Chat #17

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Betty: You guys want to go to the movies later on?

Josie: Well I was planning on locking myself in my room while binge watching TWD and eating a bunch of junk food but going to the movies with friends sounds better

Veronica: yeah can we pls? Hermosa is still mocking me about my situation with he who shall not be named🙄

Kevin: What a bitch

Veronica: you can say that again

Kevin: what a bitch

Betty: I'm just gonna assume that Kevin is coming along as well

Kevin: I would never miss a day with my besties

Josie: oh really?

Kevin: that's what I said

Josie: What about that time you wouldn't go to that party with us because you thought you saw Harry Styles so you followed that man for HOURS until he finally went home and noticed you were following him that whole time so he called the sheriff on you (aka: your dad) but your dad wouldn't let you out the cell until he was done giving you a lecture about stalking random people like that and then he made you walk home and the only reason why I know the story is because you were ranting and crying about it when I was driving you home after almost passing by you crying on a curb...while it was raining

Kevin: just because I said that's what I said does not make it true

Veronica: wait Kevin that's why you didn't come?

Kevin: i didn't want to go to a random party when I could've had Harry Styles instead

Betty: It was your birthday party

Kevin: how did you know I wanted a party instead of doing something else huh?


Kevin: I don't appreciate the yelling, Nancy

Betty: Just forget it

Veronica: are you and Toni coming, Cheryl?

Cheryl: Yeah, maybe the movies would cheer her up

Josie: aww is she ok?

Cheryl: Idk she's been upset lately

Betty: do you think it's because she miss the guys? We haven't talked to them in awhile

Cheryl: I don't know she haven't told me anything which is weird because she tells me everything

Kevin: aww our little psycho😢

Veronica: where is she? Maybe we can try to cheer her up before we go to the movies

Cheryl: she went on a ride on her motorcycle

Betty: Well hopefully she'll be back before eight because that's when we're leaving

Josie: What are we going to see?

Betty: Girl's trip

Josie: with Tiffany Haddish? Count.Me.In.

Cue the Timeskip

Veronica: ok that movie was hilarious😂

Kevin: fr😭

Betty: I'm so happy I didn't go with my second option😂

Josie: what was your second option?

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