Chat #23

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Groupchat between Jughead, Archie, and Toni

Jughead: T

Jughead: TONI

Archie: TONI



Jughead: how come you didn't tell us that V and B had a thing going on?

Toni: what?🤨

Archie: don't play dumb Veronica just told me yesterday, you have to had known

Toni: I didn't know shit, I suspected it but I didn't know anything

Jughead: why didn't you tell us you suspected something?

Toni: because why should I? What the fuck were you two going to do ask for a foursome?😒

Jughead: Just come to the whyte wyrm so we can talk

Toni: I can't I'm going out of town with Cheryl

Jughead: we need to talk

Toni: and I'm in a relationship, I don't need to worry about your imaginary ones with your lesbian ex-girlfriends

Archie: you're the only one we know they'll listen to

Toni: I don't care stop texting me and leave those girls alone, you two have other problems to take care of

Archie: like?

Toni: well for one, watching your backs because papi doesn't like to see his little princesa and her amiga get hurt by estúpido and estúpido dos

Toni: he also somehow heard about the news that a certain redhead orangutan is trying to kill him and better believe he's not happy about that

Archie: fuck

Toni: fuck indeed and on top of that Penny is coming back in town

Jughead: What?

Toni: yeah she seems outraged, she wanna know about those murders that happened at sweet water river all those months ago

Jughead: that was your doing

Toni: really? because it was your knife that they found at the crime scene

Jughead: impossible we cleaned up all evidence that led to us

Toni: that's crazy it's almost like someone bribed the cops to plant your knife there, or is that what happened?

Archie: what do you want from us Toni? I know you can call them off

Toni: I mean it's already too late burning your house down was fun and all but I needed something more like a chase or something

Archie: THAT WAS YOU?!?

Jughead: I should've just listened to the serpents and watch you like I was suppose to you're truly evil

Toni: I'm not evil I'm just really passionate about the people I care about so once you hurt them I'm gonna have to hurt you 10x worst it's a fair trade

Toni: I kind of have to go now, we can talk when I get back that is if you're still alive by then

Toni left the chat

Jughead: we're so fucked

Archie: well at least she was nice enough to warn us

Jughead: that's not her being nice, that's her laughing at us because she knows we're scared

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