Chat #8

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Betty: alright guys I've had enough of this

Kevin: Whachoo talkin bout Willis?

Betty: I'm talkin about this little war in our friendship

Archie: we don't have a war in our friendship just with Jughead

Jughead: I think that's what she's talking about Arch🤦🏻‍♂️

Betty: we all use to be so close, what happened?

Cheryl: you broke up with hobo

Veronica: well ig we were falling apart a little bit before that😕

Archie: oh if that's the case Toni happened

Cheryl: are you insinuating that my TT is the reason that the breakfast club flopped?

Archie: ...yes

Veronica: wait no we can't blame Toni for this she didn't even ask for our friendship we begged her

Kevin: is begged really the right word for it?

Veronica: YES

Cheryl: YES

Jughead: YES

Kevin: alright then...😐

Archie: ok if it's not Toni's fault then who's is it?

Veronica: it's Jughead's if he wasn't acting so weird when it came to her none of this would've happened

Jughead: Toni is a part of a gang I didn't want her around you guys because I didn't want her to get distracted with anything

Betty: she's a teenager Jug we all are you can't expect too much out of that

Jughead: she's the serpents secret weapon I can't have her playing around with you guys she can be dangerous

Veronica: Toni is literally the sweetest how dangerous can she be? Are you listening to him rn Cheryl?🙄

Cheryl: Jughead ik what you're getting at but our friends are right you can't put all of that pressure on her she's just a teen

Jughead: Ok yeah I get that she's just a teen but sometimes her head doesn't really be in a teen-friendly place

Archie: what?

Betty: what are you talking about Jug?

Cheryl: Don't be so naive bird brain😒

Jughead: oh come on Cheryl you can't tell me some of the things she say or do doesn't sound a bit morbid to you

Cheryl: so what she says a little dark humor joke here or there it doesn't necessarily means that something is wrong with her

Kevin: what are you guys going on about?

Veronica: fr I wanna know

Cheryl: it's nothing serious

Jughead: it's more than just jokes you don't know the things she do

Cheryl: well have you encouraged her to do anything


Jughead: what have she told you?

Cheryl: enough

Betty: OK but you two are completely ignoring us🙃

Cheryl: sorry my dear cousin but your ex hobo doesn't know how to stay in his place

Jughead: All I'm saying is that there's a chance that T has a mental problem

Kevin: so you're a psychiatrist now?

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