Chat #11

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They don't text in the group chat in this chapter but oh well🤷🏾‍♀️

Still Cheryl POV:

"TONI WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK?!?" I yelled stressfully gripping the roots of my hair "ARE YOU IN-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence because I know the answer to that.

She stood up and turned to me frowning.

I groaned and sighed in frustration 'How does she manage to look so innocent yet is a mass of destruction?' I thought to myself.

"What's wrong baby? Isn't this what you wanted?" She slowly walks closer to me then crouch down to my level as I stayed sat on the couch with a distressed look on my face.

"How T? How could you possibly think this is what I want?" I groaned in disappointment.

"They were trying to take me away from you and that's bad and people who do bad things gets punished, right Cher?" She asked me with innocence all in her eyes and voice.

"That's right babe but you took away their homes and destroyed their little territory or whatever the hell they called it"

"Well they didn't die did they? They'll be able to redeem themselves"

"Yeah but you have to admit you don't really take consequences for your actions T.T. and your actions are really really bad" I chuckled in disbelief.

She softly took my hands in hers and looked me in the eyes with so much love.

"I know I haven't really been a good girl but I'll do anything to make sure we have a future together" I knew she meant what she said, she's so determined to keep what we have and in order to do that I have to put effort in this too.

"We will my jewel, we will I promise but you're gonna have to tone down your little now you see me acts for that to happen" I say nodding slowly.

"I will, I promise" she mimics my nodding with a small smile.

I returned the smile but immediately dropped it.

"What's wrong now?" She frowns her eyebrows.

"They...they said Hotdog was there how could you just leave him there to die? Toni you loved that dog" I say confused and concerned.

She gives me a blank stare, stood up, and walked out of the living room.

I just sat there even more confused and admittedly a bit frightened.

I looked at Chevy who just stared at me wagging his tail and sits like a good little boy.

"Where did your Mama go baby?" I asked him as if he had the ability to respond, he let out his tiny bark that honestly sounds like a little squeal and tilts his head.

"Aww you're just so cute and tiny like your Mama" I coo in a baby voice and gestured him to come here.

He gets up and walks to me but this time he lets out a deeper and strong bark, I jumped.

"Woah calm down dog where the hell did your Mama find you?" I scooted away from the pup as he stops walking and turns towards the living room entrance.

As soon as he did a familiar black and white dog with long shaggy hair ran up to me and licks my face repeatedly.

"Firstly ew dog breath" I pushed the dog off of me "Secondly HOTDOG?!?" He looks up at me and barks.

"Aww look at you looking like a pothead as always" I scratched behind his ears and he leans his head towards my hand enjoying the feeling.

I looked up and saw Toni watching us from the entrance.

"You saved him"

"Hotdog is the only serpent that I know will always be loyal to me, I wasn't just going to kill him off" she walk towards us and sat beside me then lays her head on my shoulder and sighed there was a long moment of silence between us after that it was a bit tense, I just know I have to put her in her place somehow.

"What you did was completely unacceptable" I stated.

"I did it for us"

"You did it out of anger Toni and even if you weren't angry at the time doing it 'for us' is not an excuse" I say firmly.

She lifts her head off my shoulder "But I did-"

"You destroyed many lives today all because you were being selfish Toni" I looked at her directly in her eyes.

"I did-I didn't mean to I just didn't want to be away from you" she says with tears in her eyes.

"What did I just say, Antonette?" It hurts me seeing her cry and I know she didn't really understood what she did but that's why I'm doing this to help her.

"I-It's n-not an excuse, I'm-I'm-" she looks down and fidget with her fingers while tears fall from her eyes.

"Look at me in the eyes when you're speaking to me" I grabbed her chin and forced her to look at me.

"I'm-I'm sorry Cher I didn't mean t-to hurt anybody I was just really angry a-and I didn't know what to do" she breaks down bawling her eyes out "P-please Cher don't leave me" she grabs the bottom of my shirt begging me not to leave her.

I let go of her chin and pulled her into my embrace "Shhhh...shhh" I shushed her as I rock both of us back and forth.

"Don't leave me...don't leave me...don't leave me..." she mumbles under her breath silently sobbing.

"How many times do I have to tell you Toni? I'm never leaving you especially not now, you're in an emotional state and you need to be surrounded by people who loves you"

"'re the only one who loves me..." she say in a soft voice.

I pulled back a little to look at her face "Baby...I know it's hard but believe it or not I think the serpents really cares about you too"

"No...only're all I need" she says with pain in her voice.

She's hurt right now so I've decided against talking anymore about those snakes and instead nodded my head and pulled her close to me again.

"If that's the case then I don't think you should leave my side anytime soon it's not that I don't trust you in general but you around other people without me is not safe for anybody you've proven that constantly" I closed my eyes I'm not going to sleep I'm just resting.

"I-I understand"

"Do you?"

"I-I don't-I-"

"That's ok baby I'll help you, I always will" I kissed the top of her head gently and slowly drifted to sleep.

Questions? (About anything I'm bored)

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