Chat #20

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Private chat between Toni and Josie

Josie: Hey T

Toni: Hi Josie, how are you today?

Josie: I'm fine I guess

Toni: you guess?🤔

Josie: I don't know I just haven't been feeling like myself lately

Toni: well...I'm not a therapist unfortunately but Cheryl have told me that I'm a great listener, so what seems to be the problem Ms.McCoy?

Josie: right Cheryl

Josie: idk I've had a lot of things on my mind

Toni: like?

Josie: my feelings for one

Toni: ohhh this is one of those conversations...

Josie: T😑

Toni: don't mind me, carry on

Josie: I don't know what else to say besides that I'm confused

Toni: I see🧐

Josie: you're unbearable

Toni: I'm trying to help

Josie: and I appreciate you for trying

Josie: maybe we should go somewhere to talk

Toni: yeah maybe you'll feel more comfortable to talk about this in person, so Pop's?

Josie: no I don't think I want to run into anyone we know while we're talking

Toni: understandable

Josie: the bunker?

Toni: where horny teens go to spread STDs? I think not

Josie: you're right

Toni: Ouu I think I know the perfect place I took Cheryl to this garden for one of our dates it's very secluded the only problem is that it's in the next town over

Josie: you're taking your motorcycle?

Toni: Yes

Josie: it shouldn't be a problem then, come pick me up

Toni: should I tell Cheryl first?

Josie: pls don't I want to just keep my feelings between you and I...for now

Toni: ok but why me out of everyone?

Josie: I know I can trust you T and plus you know this person very well

Toni: ok I'm omw

Veronica: anyone up for some pampering?

Cheryl: Me

Kevin: pls take me I'm begging you

Betty: an relaxing environment is not really my scenery but after everything I deserve it

Veronica: great because we all are going to have a spa day

Cheryl: oh thank the heavens

Betty: what's the special occasion?

Veronica: nothing really but daddy saw his little girl with a broken heart so he thought a nice relaxing day with friends would cheer me up

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