Chat #25

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Josie: Did you guys see Archie today?

Veronica: I don't know what to say about that

Toni: I do


Cheryl: agreed his face made my face hurt

Betty: I think he was even missing a couple of teeth

Kevin: poor dumbass

Cheryl: it was deserved

Josie: it was overkill

Toni: it's not overkill if he's still walking

Kevin: Well rolling

Toni: Yeah he rolled over my foot a couple of times with that goddamn wheelchair I swear I almost tipped him over

Veronica: oh Antonette Topaz you and your psychotic ways but I'm with you on that one

Toni: Not with that name you're not

Cheryl: she was just teasing, my little adhd gremlin

Betty: her nicknames kills me everytime😂

Kevin: yeah speaking of cute nicknames Betty, you and Veronica seemed to be pretty close👀

Veronica: that's because we are close, Kevin

Josie: they're literally bestfriends

Kevin: no close👀🤭

Betty: yeah...we are😐

Kevin: nOoOOoooO cLoSe😏

Cheryl: do you need to borrow one of my therapist Kevin?

Kevin: how many therapists do you have?

Cheryl: I have three

Kevin: oop-

Toni: don't worry Kev I got this

Toni: he meant you two seemed CLOooooosssse👅💦✂️👀

Josie: seriously T?

Toni: but...that's what he meant

Veronica: well I don't know how you two made that assumption

Toni: don't worry girls I already know

Betty: how?

Toni: a red headed birdie told me


Cheryl: what? I didn't know I thought that kiss you two did at tryouts was just for show

Toni: let me rephrase that a now temporarily crippled red headed birdie told me

Veronica: oh fuck it was Archie

Toni: 🚨ding ding ding we have a winner🚨🎉


Veronica: yeah it was a way of saying fuck off you know? He tried to get me back and it was annoying

Kevin: well looks like a knew ship has been unlocked🔓 *squeals in excitement*

Toni: ...ugh my brain hurts

Josie: I know Toni...I know

Betty: what's wrong with you two?

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