Chat #4

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Jughead: guys

Jughead: Hellooo

Jughead: Are y'all still mad about what happened two weeks ago?

Kevin: Yes

Veronica: Kevin we're not suppose to be talking to him

Kevin: oh right sorry

Jughead: ....

Jughead: Really? Oh come on guys what will it take for you to forgive me?

Betty: um I don't maybe apologizing to both Cheryl and Toni plus unbanning Toni from entering the chat

Jughead: I can apologize but I'm not unbanning Toni

Cheryl: That's ok Bighead, Toni and I have been texting privately lately and we've gotten pretty close😉

Jughead: You've been talking to Toni? She won't even look at me

Cheryl: Sounds like a personal problem☺️

Jughead: You told her not to speak to me didn't you?

Betty: Jughead stop, Cheryl is not controlling Toni in any way, right Cheryl?

Cheryl: Of course not dear cousin, I care about her very deeply I wouldn't do such a thing

Archie: See, Jug? Everyone's good

Jughead: Yeah until Cheryl sends death threats to people who look at her too long

Betty: Enough Jughead, you seem to care more about their relationship than ours and they're not even official yet

Cheryl: About that not being official part...

Jughead: WHAT

Archie: Jughead...

Betty: Maybe we should break up until you get rid of  YOUR obsession with Toni

Jughead: fine

Betty: fine

Jughead left the chat :/

Kevin: I would be so upset right now if I wasn't so mad at Jughead😡

PC between Jughead and Toni

Jughead: Toni you don't have to respond just listen to me alright? I know you're angry at me right now but can you meet me at pops around 6? I really need my bestfriend rn

Toni: What's wrong Jug?🙁

Jughead: Betty broke up with me😭

Toni: I'm sorry Jug I know it sucks

Jughead: I'll be fine I just need you rn

Toni: Woah Jug we're just friends and plus I kinda have a thing with Cheryl sooooo...🙅🏽‍♀️

Jughead: Not like that you pink haired idiot🙄


Jughead: And I'm sorry about what I said about Cheryl you're right I don't have a say on who you date but I don't think Cheryl really have a compassionate side

Toni: but she does Jug I've seen it, she's beautiful inside and out

Jughead: Wow I've never heard you talk about anyone like that

Toni: Maybe because she's not just a fling

Jughead: Yeah...

Jughead: I've heard you two are official now

Toni: Who told you?🤨

Jughead: Cheryl

Toni: Of course, she was so happy when I asked her to be my girlfriend she almost pushed me off of a roof

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