Chat #21

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Chat between Kevin and Cheryl


Cheryl: what do you want Damian?

Kevin: wow ok I'm gonna ignore that


Cheryl: we've already went over this, Toni would never

Kevin: I have proof

Cheryl: proof? You have proof?

Kevin: yep

Cheryl: alright let's see this proof

Kevin: *sends pictures of Toni and Josie hugging behind the bleachers*

Cheryl: what is that tone death baby giraffe doing with my girlfriend?

Kevin: exactly

Kevin: this is why they've both been so absent from the groupchat it's because they've been fucking around with each other

Cheryl: no this could be some misunderstanding they're just hugging friends hug

Kevin: yeah but why are they hiding? and don't you think if they were just being friendly they wouldn't be lying about where they've been running off to for the past couple of days?

Cheryl: OH HELL NO

Cheryl added Betty and Veronica to the chat

Veronica: woah why are we making a new groupchat?

Cheryl: show them

Kevin: *picture attached*

Betty: uhh it's just Josie and Toni

Cheryl: those discreet adulteress have been fucking behind my back

Veronica: What makes you say that? They're just hugging

Kevin: they've also been lying about hanging out with each other

Betty: ok now that I've thought about it Josie did tell us she's been hooking up with someone recently and she haven't told us who it is because "someone might not be happy"

Cheryl: how was I suppose to know that she was fucking the one person I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with?

Betty: I'm so sorry Cher

Cheryl: Now now dear cousin of mine as Drake said laugh now cry later

Kevin: what's so funny about getting cheated on?

Veronica: she meant she's planning on getting revenge numbnut

Kevin: Ohhhh

Betty: what are we gonna do?

Cheryl: who's in the mood for a sleepover?


Cheryl's POV

I lightly glared at Kevin as he was stuffing random shit in the coat closet "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked in a calm voice because I know I'll explode if I spoke any louder.

He took a glance at me as he struggled to close the closet door "I'm trying to hide anything that will make the plan too obvious but the chair is kind of hard to stuff in such a small closet" he groans.

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