Chat #19

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Boys gc

Reggie: Did you guys see Janet's stomach today?

Sweetpea: yeah the bitch looked bloated

Archie: I guess she really wasn't lying about being pregnant

Joaquin: come on you don't know that, maybe she just drank too much Starbucks

Toni: or Archie's cum🤢

Jughead: it can literally be anybody's

Toni: even yours

Jughead: Nope that day in the closet was the first and last time we did anything plus she was already pregnant by then

Archie: well when I get these results out of the way I'm gonna try to talk to Veronica

Fangs: you think she's gonna take you back after almost getting a girl pregnant?

Archie: ofc she would I have V wrapped around my finger, she might say no at first because of the girls but she'll come around eventually

Jughead: I've been trying to get through Betty too but she's ignoring me

Toni: as she should

Jughead: stfu Toni

Archie: pls😑

Toni: rude😣

Fangs: don't be assholes to her

Sweetpea: I'm about ready to beat the living shit out of both of you

Jughead: cool down sweets we don't mean any harm

Sweetpea: just don't get dropped Jones

Archie: well jumping back on topic I have a plan

Toni: that's scary

Joaquin: a plan for what exactly

Archie: a plan for Jug and I to get our girls back

Reggie: and what is this plan of yours Andrews?

Archie: it's actually quite simple someone just has to talk to them

Sweetpea: ...

Joaquin: ...

Reggie: ...

Fangs: I'll do it

Archie: NO

Archie: it has to be this specific person

Toni: ...


Archie: oh come on Toni you always know how to persuade people into having your way

Toni: I'm surprised you spelled persuade correctly

Archie: it was autocorrect

Toni: ofc but no

Jughead: are you seriously not gonna help us? don't you wanna see your friends happy again?

Toni: yeah of course I want to see them happy they deserve it

Jughead: then help us make them happy

Toni: idk they seem pretty cool without you guys tbh

Archie: have you ever thought maybe they're just pretending?

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