Chat #18

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Fangs: Baby

Fangs: Babe

Fangs: Kevin I know you're there

Fangs: ...Bun-bun

Kevin: don't you dare call me that ever again

Fangs: you use to love when I call you that

Kevin: yeah back when I didn't know you were such a lying scumbag

Fangs: I've never lied to you and I never will

Kevin: oh yeah? then what about all that I love you bullshit

Fangs: that wasn't a lie I really do love you baby

Kevin: then why haven't you tried to visit me or even call me in months? I didn't even get a text from you, you completely ghosted me

Fangs: I didn't mean to neglect your feelings Kev I was just going through something you wouldn't understand

Kevin: we all go through things Fangs we're young adults it's what we do but that doesn't mean we act like strangers to one another just because something goes bad, we talk about it

Fangs: My mom died


Kevin: oh no, oh I'm so sorry Fangs

Fangs: it's fine, I've just haven't felt like myself and I didn't want anybody to pity me so that's why I haven't been talking to anyone, not just you Kev

Kevin: so what made you text me now?

Fangs: I'm tired of being alone and feeling sorry for myself, I was pushing you away and that just made me even sadder because I love you so much Kev I just wasn't strong enough to face you again

Kevin: Fangs...I don't know what to say

Fangs: you don't have to say anything just please let me come see you again

Kevin: ok, tomorrow though

Fangs: why not today? do you have someone else?

Kevin: NO

Kevin: I mean no it's not like that it's just that Toni ate too much candy yesterday and her stomach hurts now

Fangs: what does that have to do with you?

Kevin: I gave her the candy so now Cheryl is forcing me to help take care of her little whiny ass🙄

Fangs: oh, I hope my little munchkin is ok I know she's upset about the serpents wanting Hotdog to travel with them

Kevin: she's ok just a little upset, besides it's not like she's never gonna see him again since she's apart of the serpents

Fangs: yeah I guess, I'll talk to you later alright Kev?

Kevin: ok bye Fangs

1 week later

Toni: and then I said that's why I have a bigger dick than you


Veronica: Toni he's ten

Cheryl: exactly

Toni: he shouldn't have been a little asshole

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