Chat #2

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Bosslodge: I can't take it

Boynextdoor: that's what she said

NancyDrew: really, Archie?

Boynextdoor: What?

Bosslodge: that's what she said jokes are so sixth grade🙄

Burgergobbler: ignoring Archie's sad attempt at making a joke, what are you on about Veronica?

Lonelygay: She's talking about your mistress

Burgergobbler: my what now?🤨

NancyDrew: for fucks sakes Jug she's talking about Toni🙄

Lonelygay: is that a bit of  jealousy I hear?

NancyDrew: you don't hear shit Kevin we're texting besides why would I be jealous? he's my man

Lonelygay: maybe because he's her man too😬

Burgergobbler: for the last time Toni and I are just friends

Lonelygay: and I'm straight🙄

Boynextdoor: how about you just add Toni to confirm you guys are just friends so we can put all of this behind us


Boynextdoor: yep he's cheating

Burgergobbler: I'm not

NancyDrew: then why won't you add Toni?

Burgergobbler: i just think it's best not to mix up my southside and northside friends together

NancyDrew: 🤨

Lonelygay: sounds like bullshit

Burgergobbler: it's not

NancyDrew: ...ok

NancyDrew added CherryBombshell to the chat!!!

CherryBombshell: what is the meaning of this, cousin?

Burgergobblin: wtf Betty?

NancyDrew: I'm honestly sick of this Jug you're always talking about this girl but everytime I ask to meet her you completely shut me down

CherryBombshell: ?

Bosslodge: Cheryl you know a thing or two about gossip right?

CherryBombshell: Gossip is my second priority as THE HBIC

Lonelygay: what would you say if, a guy repeatedly talks about a girl to his girlfriend but doesn't want the two to meet for some reason and claims that this mysterious girl is just a friend

CherryBombshell: Lonelygay? Really?

Lonelygay: just answer the question😑

CherryBombshell: does his friends know this mystery girl?

Bosslodge: no, not the friends that are also friends with his girlfriend, at least

CherryBombshell: well it's obvi that the boyfriend is totally fucking this mystery girl behind her back, he's probably always talking about her so he can make his girlfriend feel more secure about him "hanging out" with her and when the two finally do meet there won't be much suspicion

NancyDrew: is this true Jug?

Burgergobblin: ...Betty no it's not you know I would never do something like that to you

CherryBombshell: woah, pause, is hobo cheating on my cousin with some trailer trash?

Lonelygay: Yes

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