Chat #15

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In "The boys" groupchat

Archie: knock knock

Jughead: no

Archie: oh come onnnnn🥲

Jughead: no

Archie: guys help me out pls?

Fangs: no can do

Reggie: yeah sorry red but your jokes just aren't funny

Joaquin: including the knock knock ones

Sweetpea: especially the knock knock ones

Archie: Toni?

Toni: Who's there?☺️

Archie: Thank you

Toni: Thank you, who?

Archie: at least SOMEBODY appreciates me in this gc

Toni: Archie I think they're right you're not good at these jokes maybe you should just stick with music

Joaquin: ...

Toni: on second thought not even that

Sweetpea: I don't think that was apart of the joke Tiny

Toni: oh😶

Archie: 😑

Toni: I sowwy🥺

Archie: Awww don't even worry about it, T☺️

Jughead: Maybe you should stop hanging around Archie so much, you're inheriting his dumbness

Archie: oh yeah well maybe you should stop hanging around Bret you're inheriting his jackassness

Toni: Good one, Arch✋🏽

Archie: Thx T✋🏻

Fangs: *Smack*

Jughead: I don't "hang around" Bret he antagonize me

Jughead: why is Toni even in this groupchat isn't this suppose to be for "the boys" only?

Reggie: Toni is fucking the head bitch so she is "the boys"

Sweetpea: Yeah if anything your pussy ass is not suppose to be here

Jughead: I am the soon to be leader of a whole gang and I'm not apart of "the boys"?

Reggie: Well let's start by saying this you're not getting any pussy

Jughead: I do so, who do you think was fucking Janet McClure in the janitors closet this morning

Joaquin: gross that was you?

Jughead: Damn right

Fangs: Janet will give it up to anyone you just have to ask nicely

Archie: True

Toni: huh?

Archie: don't tell Veronica but I use to have a couple of run ins with her

Toni: and by "run ins" you mean...

Archie: I smashed

Toni: oh😶

Reggie: My man, Red😂

Sweetpea: That's what I'm talking about

Joaquin: I'm impressed

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