chapter 12 : the first month

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Hii!!! I am so exited because finnaly i can get a way to make lucy pregnant and have more possibilities of the story!!! Haha i am blabbering aren't i? Well... enjoy!!!

Chapter 12 : the first month

Levy P.O.V

"Lu-chan!" I yelled 'is she alright?' I thought, and then i suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder "she's gonna be alright, stop worrying already shrimp" gajell obviously said "yeah" i said worrily

Time skip : two hours later (yes, the test took lucy two hours)

I heard the door of the guild opened, "lu chan!" I said as i hug her "are you alright? Your eyes are red" i asked, she nod "levy chan.... i need to tell you something....." she said as she drag me to the back of the guild, then she started to whisper to my ear, my eyes widen "l-lu chan?!?! Whose is it?!?!" I asked "natsu's" she answer me "a-are you sure?" I asked her, she nod "i remember very well levy chan, he was drunk" she said "are you alright? Let's go to your house, let's talk about this, this is not the place to talk about this" i said, she nod and then we got out of the guild and go to her house and she tell me everything

Timeskip : after the explaination

Lucy P.O.V

I poured everything and cry so hard "but don't worry levy chan, i promised to love this child, i will never abandon him/her" i said crying "don't worry lu chan i'll help you" she said holding my hands, comforting me, i nod and smile

At least now i know that i have someone to support me.....

That night levy chan stayed at my house and that happends for about a month, and good now i have nauses/ morning sickness, ughhh and with vommit too... and for godsake this is just the first month!!! Well into the second months actually hey did i tell you natsu comes back to normal and lissana has gone for a three months job with elfman? Well seems like natsu is not hating me anymore but i am still akward around him

In the morning i woke up and starting to feel something messed my stomach i ran to the bathroom and puke, levy chan wake up and help me, she then cooked me breakfast and i eat so much i couldn't belive myself, i just eat a whole meat that have weights of 2 kg!!!!! Now i know whose apettite this child holds, oh, i know there's an illusion spell, and i can use that to make my belly looks normal when it already bulge

Me and levy chan goes to the guild and my mood has lighten

We skipped through the guild and i open the door "morning everyone!" I said and then i just remembered that i have to go for shopping groceries "levy chan, can you go shopping with me?" i said "sorry lu chan i.....have a mission with gajell..." she said blushing "that's alright, you can go to your gajell now" i said teasing her, she blush "lu chan! W-well, then i am off!" She said , i nod "be carefull on the way!" I said as i smile, watching her go off with gajell, i go to the bar "morning, milkshake lucy?" Mira asked while wiping the glass, i shook my head "tea please with ice" i said, mira looked at me weird, i got nervous and i suddenly pout "stop staring mira!" I said, great now i have mood swings, she looked at me again weirdly, but then she smile "ofcourse!" She said as she skip her way i sigh in relief, she comes back but then i go to the bathroom to vommit and then comes back to her, when i come back she looked at me worrily "are you okay? You look sick" she asked "n-nothing, haha..." i akwardly said and then she stare at me, i sigh 'wouldn't hurt right?' I thought "mira...." i said as i got closer to her ear i whisper to her and then she widened her eyes "YOU'RE P-" she said but i closed her mouth and shh her "w-whose?" She asked "n-natsu..." i said and then she squeled "kyaaaaaaa!! i know you two would end up together!!! Relax, i support you two very much because i think that lissana is mistaking her feelings for a brotherly and sisterly love, Soooo where's natsu?" She said "NATSU!!!" she yelled "mira! Shhhh! I- he didn't know i am pregnant!!!" I yelled whispered, her eyes widen "w-what?" She asked

I also told her everything and also my groceries shopping hoping she would help me, after that she got angered "NATSU!!!!!" she yelled "what is it mira?" Natsu suddenly came ,i backed a bit, suddenly mira slap him hard, he fly across the room "sorry my hand slipped" she said, i sweatdropped "natsu got up and go to the bar again "owww, what was that for?" He asked "nothing natsu" she said smiling and then he srugh it off "natsu, help lucy go get her groceries ok?" Mira ask with a creepy smile 'i swear she's scary' i thought but then i just realised what she told him

"wha-!? Mira! I am fine!" I said while mouthed 'not him!' To mira, she winks at me "natsu lucy is sick so accompany her" she said "okay" natsu replied my eyes widen 'oh no...' i thought

Natsu P.O.V

wait, why did i agree again? 'Well, mira did said that lucy is sick and thinking that this beautiful girl is sick makes me wanted to accompany her...' i thought, the cute blonde with hazel brown eyes is now walking next to me through magnolia to the convinience store, when suddenly she fell "luce!" I said as i catch her and then she got up "i am fine, just tired" she said, i let go of her 'i don't know why when i let her go i feel empty' i thought and then i sense something weird, weird magic's surrounding lucy now seems like different kinds of magic that she didn't have before... "lucee.... did you eat something weird?" I asked "n-no" she said "there're weird smells comes out of you......" i said as i sniff her "but it's nice" i said "yeah.... buy realy i-it's just the b- nothing, it is nothing" she said as she shrugh her back and look the other way 'she's lying....' i thought but i shrugh it off

I help her get the groceries and then i drop her off at her home as she said her thank you and get inside

What in the world happend?! She's so stiff all the way and she have mood swings and then i have a feeling lingering around me 'i have to go back' i thought, i ran into her room and go up through the window, i saw her and s-she's colapsing!!!!

AN :

Again, thank you for reading this, i am getting exited for the next chapter so please look forward to it, the disclaimers is the same as before! Bye!!!

Chapter 13 : while lissana is gone

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