chapter 4 : hanging on

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i feel sad for this well but i told you lucy is hanging on so she won't quit her guild guys!! i can't belive i made lucy hates fairy tail for a moment on bonds of love and friendship!! well that's okay as long as the story went well, okay ! to the story !!! ^^

previous chapter :

i feel hands starting to woke me up "ugh... 5 minutes more...natsu..." i said, and then i snapped as a drop of tear fall from my eye "a-ah sorry loke!!" i said faking a smile while wiping the tear "hime, please, tell me what happend" he beg me "guess i can't hide it any more" i said sighning

chapter 4 : hanging on

lucy P.O.V

"so they abandon you just like that !??!" loke said or shout "i-i don't know loke..... maybe they just want me to train.... to get stronger.. maybe they're just worry about me..." i said, "you think that way, hime? i think they saw you as a burden !!! how dare they !!! i'm gonna punch them !! specially natsu !!" loke yelled angry "maybe i am a burden..." i said "no !! i won't allow you to say that !!! you're the best owner i ever have lucy !!! and you know what? you're the strongest and the most kind and loving owner i ever have this far !! so don't you even dare to think about yourself like that !!!" loke said "loke...... i'm not your owner.. i'm your friend, so don't say owner, it makes me feels uneasy" i said "see? you're too kind, maybe you're not as stong as natsu or erza or gray, but i know for sure that you're one of the strongest in fairy tail, hell you even have urano metria !! the third strongest spell in planet !!! i know you can get stronger !!!" he said, tears started to fall from my eyes "loke..... thank you very much... i need that" i said while letting my face got burried in tears, loke just hug me there for a few minutes until i stop crying "hime, it's getting dark now so you should go home we'll train again tommorow" he said, and i nod "now if you'll excuse me" he said as he poff away to the spirit world, that evening i walk down the streets of magnolia, and i am now thinking that maybe i could start reading that book again, and i ran home, exited to read it

after i got home i quickly open the book anf i read it all night until i fall asleep, i already got into the stars part,only the begining though well actually i skip the dragons part, because it reminds me of something... oh well, i now learn that calestial wizards used to call their spirits without keys!!! they only use keys at the first month to bonds some bond and memorize the sign of each calestial spirits!!! can you belive that?!?! i already memorize all that from long ago !!!! so now finnaly i can call it without keys !!! that will erase one more of my weakness,gosh yes !!!! they can only call it if they have contracts though, i read how to do it and then put the book down and go to sleep

timeskip : morning

i got up with light showering all my body, heard the sing of the bird, i got a good feeling today ! i got up/ jump from my bed and do my usual, i wear dark brown plain tank top and some sport shorts, i grab my belt, but now my keys are not there, i started to chant a little bit different from usual "my friends,hear my voice and past through ! leo the lion !!" as i said that suddenly, loke's key is disappearing! and loke past through the gate !!! "kyaaaaa!!!! i did it!! yay!!!!" i squeled like a little child "what's wrong lucy?" loke asked me confused,i point my finger to the keys, his eyes widen then soften and he smiled "i see, you did it, congcratulations lucy ! oh and please call all of your spirits one by one later, it'll be easier to you that way" loke said, i nod "past trough! the maiden!! virgo!!" i chant "punishment time? hime?" i shook my head and point to my keys, and virgo's keys are gone, she's shock for a while but then smile to me 'hell yeah!! she smile!!!' i thought "congcratulation hime! punishment time?" she said , i shook my head , next i stand near the bathroom and fill the bathup? "past through! the water bearer !! aquarious!!" i said "hmmmph, finnaly you can do it huh, i'm not going to mad only for this day !! congcratulations lucy" she said then smile and then poof out for her date i guess, i got to the main room to see loke shocked "loke?" i asked "lucy !! you just open 3 gates at the same time!! and you didn't even sweat !!!" loke said, "oh....." i said "well hime sama,i'll be leaving then" she said "bye virgo" i said as she poofed out, i repeat that over and over untill there're no keys anymore, even the silver keys

"well done lucy now we can train" loke said, i nod 'wow, i called all my spirits!! and i don't realy feel tired !!! wow i'm getting stonger !!!

timeskip : after all that training and this is the day where lucy is taking her mission

i woke up horible !!! i ache all over my body !! we train at physic strenght all day !! even with all the other spirit !! i decide that i will rest for half a day now, but before that "stella, sanitas" i chant healing myself then i got back to sleep

timeskip : after that (3 p.m)

i shower got my belts and my etoiles d'noires and panicking because i didn't found my keys !! 'oh yeah' i just remember then i go to the guild wearing my plain white t-shirt and black shorts, it went just above my knees, after a 15 minutes i got to fairy tail, it's as loud as ever , i go inside and then suddenly lissana came with a glass of water and suddenly she spilled it on me "oops" she said "natsu !!! she suddenly bumped on me and made me spill my water !!!" lissana said and then natsu came "luce! you should be saying sorry y'know" natsu said "but-" i tried to denied but then he glared at me and takes lissana away , and then i could feel the glare from all the guilt mates like that little incident killed lissana, and then they all started to whisper something like "that weakling just bumped into lissana ! how dare she!" and something like "how disgusting, she's only a weakling but she dares to not say sorry to lissana !!"also "when is she going to quit the guild?!? she made us looks like some weak guild!!" all of them say that! even erza and levy.... i felt my tears are going to flow but i hold it 'i must hold out, they're my only family....' i convice myself, i go the request board, i saw nab glared at me, i quickly pick a job that got 1,000,000 jewels request and i take it without reading it "mira i'm going to take this job!" i said "sure lucy" she said smiling as i walk away i hear her wishper "go away, i hope you never comes back" i want to cry but i hold it in, as i walk out from the guild suddenly water was poured on my whole body, they all started to laugh, i low my head, cover my eyes with my bangs and go out of the guild

after that it started raining, i cry and cry, sobbing and sniffing for all i want, i didn't even care if some people look at me with pity in their eyes some even look at me weird, "i gotta hold on, they are now my only family, and i love them very much...." i whisper as i go to my apartement and took a long hot shower, after that i go to sleep without knowing, i planed to read the book again but i think i am to tired for that

AN :

done !!! i'm so tired and lazy !!! i realy write this chappie to much but yeah, hope you like it!!!!! ^^

me : poor lucy.....

natsu : why did you do that?!?!? you make lucy cry !!! and worse you write it that i did it to her even though i-

me : shut up you flame brain !!! or i'll make gray stole lucy's first kiss !!!!!!! *glare*

natsu : aye mam !!!

me: now do the disclaimers !!!!!!!! *death glare*

natsu : *gulp*

f-fairy tail is not clari chan's it's hiro mashima's

me : good !! now read your scripts !!!

natsu : *walks away obidiently*

chapter 5 : the mission

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