chapter 6 : hints of feelings

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         awwwwww, thank you to Piper2010, because of your coment now i can't stand not to update, anyway, i already dedicate this to you Piper2010! thank you for your support <3, and sorry for the wrong grammars or vocabularies, english is not my first langue anyway, well everyone hate long authors note !!! to the story !!!! ^^

previous chapter :

            my eyes widened at the flashback that i have seen.

it was something that i miss a lot......

it was something that's too horible to be missed.....

it was something that even hurts me everytime i see it....

something that made me realise what i have done.....

something i shouldn't have missed but i missed it......



damnit !!!!!!! "LUCEEEEEEEEE!!!"

chapter 6 : hints of feelings

Lucy P.O.V

     i ran ran and ran, 'how could he say that? i admit that i am not as strong as him or gray or erza, b-but, i am not that WEAK !!' i thought, lost in my thought, i suddenly realize something,i stop, my surroundings are beautiful a city that was big and beautiful, with so many stores and the lively things, in the middle of the city is a beautiful mansion , a dark blue mansion's with golden and white lines,the mansion's large garden are full of yellow and blue roses and there's shimmering light behind it, means there's a pool behind there , and then i realize that the request paper is gone !! i panicked 'where did that paper gone to?!'

       when i lost in my thoughts, from the gate of the mansion comes out a cute little girl maybe around age 8-9, the girl have long wavy black hair, her eyes are bright blue, her smile is very cute , she wear an orange strapless mini dress with flower designs on it, she have some sunflowers band on the side of her head, she wears a cute pair of orange shoes "hey miss, are you the fairy tail wizard that my papa ask?" she said 'oh, i see her papa is the requestor' i thought, i smile "oh, are your father the one that requested to catch some thief? if it's true then yes,i am" i said, she smile and then pull me with her "then come on!!" she said, she lead me into her house

       passing some doors, she lead me into a room that i guess is the living room,"papa!!" the girl said happily, there stood a tall handsome man with a black suit, i think he's around 30 he have crimson eyes and black hair with a duckbutt hairstyle, he have pale skin, "kate,where have you been? mother is searching for you" said that man "kate honey!" i heard a voice said, it was a woman with a sun colored long straight hair but wavy in the end, her hair goes till her waist,she have three whisker on each of her cheeks, scars maybe? but that doesn't make her look weird at all, it makes her look cute, she have tan skin and she wear short orange dress that match perfectly with her hair , i think she's at the end of her twenty, twenty nine maybe? "mommy!" kate squeled (AN: guess!!!! >▼< >w<)

        "oh, who this might be, princess?" her father said noticing me "the wizard you requested !" said the girl, he look at me and smile,after that the man shake hand with me "uchiha, uchiha sasuke, miss...." sasuke san said "heartfilia, lucy heartfilia" i said "nice to meet you miss heartfilia, this is my wife naruto uchiha, and as you can see this cute little princess is our daugter kate uchiha" he said placing his hand to his wife waist and pull her closer and  (AN : KYAAAAAA!!! *FANGIRLING* oh my god so cute!!!! well guys you remember right? i said i do like yaoi, but here i made naruto a girl, but still, it's cute!! well gomen for those who don't like yaoi, well here not exactly yaoi hehe, here.... oh yeah ! it's sasunaru !!!! sasuke and naruto!!! ♥♡) "naruto.... is a boy name's right?" i asked, and then i gasp to what i said "i-i am sorry!!!!! i-i didn't mean to-" i said blushing in embarasment, and then i hear chuckle

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