chapter 3 : the hurtful feelings

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     hey hey hey !!!!!^^ i think i'm to exited for the idea of this chapter, i even write it 2 in a row hahaha well, enjoy !

previously :

    'ah, that's right, i was planning to go to a mission with natsu tommorow, i plan to tell him but i guess i can't now' i thought as more tears flows out, guess i'll just go by my own then.... and then i cry all over the night untill i fell asleep

chapter 3 : the hurtful feelings

in the morning

lucy P.O.V

    my eyes are red because i keep crying and crying all over the night 'that just surprised me,natsu make me quit, no he kicked me out.... but.... i know he say it a little hard but he wants me to train, that means he encourage me to get stronger, right?' i frown at the thought, 'y-yeah that must be it' i try to convince myself , and the i go to the guild so early in the morning to tell mira that i won't come here again today, the excuse i use is i have something to do, well, i do have something to do, to go to the library

time skip : at the library

       there i search information to what magic i can learn to make me stronger, beside training on the calestial magic, i search for the book at the part i've never seen before, it's weird that suddenly i found it, and then something caught my eyes, it was a very thick book, like there's maybe more than 8-900 page hell, maybe that book have 1000 page, but what makes me curious at the book was the  tittle, it's "magic,dragon and stars?" i read the tittle confused, i take the book, hell it's so heavy, i borrow it for a month, the receptionis agree because she looked how thick the book was and then i go home to read the book

time skip : lucy's house

    i start to read it, it bassicly about spells and some easy magic !!!! i even found a motion sickness pill !!! i'm so happy i found this book because now i can train, i read through out the night but fell asleep in the middle of reading it, just at the part when it's start to talk about dragon,it was far from over, but i already decide that tommorow and the day after tommorow i'll train the new spell and 1/2 days after that i can take a mission because if i not the landlady could kill me !!! hiii!!

timeskip : in the morning

       i woke up feeling emptyness, ussualy natsu's going to be here but not anymore... i then do my ussual, i wear black clothes with sleeves and a sport pants, i grab my keys and fleuve d'etoiles and ready .... ready to train... i determine myself and then i start to chant "gate of the lion! i open thee leo !!" i chant as a golden magic circle appear and loki pooped out with a 'pooff' "your knight in shining armour is here, hime, what can i help you with?" he says smiling that playful smile of his, i rolled my eyes first before speaking "loki, i need your help to help me train"

    "eh? why so sudden?" he asked "i just.... want to get  stronger, so i won't trouble anybody" i said frowning, i know he was about to ask again but i think he stop because he saw my frowning face, "your wish is my command hime, now, let's find some suitable place" he said, while grabbing my hands and poffing us out of my apartement to some unknow forest

         "now hime i won't hold back so make sure to watch closely, calestial mage is weak at physic strength so let's train that first" he said to me, i nod, "i'll begin now" he said as he attack me, he puch me, and then i dodge "YOU DODGE TO MUCH !!! DODGE IT EFFICIENTLY !!!" he said warning me, he then kick me with his right leg, me, unable to dodge it, i got kicked right in the stomach, "DEFENCE YOURSELF LUCY !!!" as he yelled that i remember the spell that i read in that book, as the book said i concetrated magic into my whole body, and i chant " scutum corporis" and then my body glow, and as loki once again kicked me i feel nothing, i didn't fell pain, instead i grab loki's leg, surprising him and then i punch him with all my might and make him back off a little bit "ouch" i feel pain, punching someone is not as easy as it seems ( AN : let me explain, the magic lucy use is only protecting her from the pain if she sense any danger so bassicaly she can't stop some pain that caused from herself, it's the weakness of this magic) and then he smiled "quite nice spell you have lucy, we can do some training so you can chant it to other people to ! and faster, just then you're to slow if it's not me that's battling you then you're already beaten up right now, and we have to train that punch of yours, c'mon, stop the battle and start punching that tree until you're used to it" he said, after that i keep punching that tree about 2 hours and got used to the pain

     "good, you can rest now lucy, we're going to fight in one hour" he said,and then i fell to the ground 'i need to heal myself' i thought, and then i remember another spell "stella, sanitas " i chant and then my body start to heal itself, good now i just have to rest a little to heal my magic, after an hour of sleeping, i feel hands starting to woke me up "ugh... 5 minutes more...natsu..." i said, and then i snapped as a drop of tear fall from my eye "a-ah sorry loke!!" i said faking a smile while wiping the tear "hime, please, tell me what happend" he beg me "guess i can't hide it any more" i said sighning

AN :

done ! ^^ so glad, i'm so excitef from my flowing idea, well disclaimers !!!

disclaimers :

me : hey i heard from hiro mashima's  twitter that there will be a new arc for lucy, it'll be about calestial spirits going againts their master because of wanting freedom, hope it'll go out fine
virgo : what is it? clari sama?
me : oh yeah you're drawed so cool there virgo !! i love it ! you look like some sadist antagonist, having a whip in your hand!!! and you're not in maid dress anymore !! ^^ yay!! ^^
virgo : huh?
me : nothing virgo, just.... don't hurt lucy much *said it sadly*
virgo : clari sama?
me : nothing !!! the disclaimers please!!! virgo : sure

Fairy Tail is not Clari sama ! it's hiro sama

me : arigatou virgo !
virgo : punishment time? clari sama?
me : nooo !! now i know how lucy feels..., well!! excited for the new arc !!! ^^ see you in the next chappie !!! ^^

chapter 4 : hanging on

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