chapter 21

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     Minna, first i want to thank you for the read, wow it's 7 k already !!! I am so happy, so i decided to update!!! ^^ sorry for the short chappie anyway, now that i am a third year i am getting even busier *sigh*, well nobody cares enjoy!!! And fairy tail is not mine i just owns the plot of this story and some characters ^^

Lucy P.O.V

         "AAAAAAARGH!!!!!! NATSUU!!!!" i scream in pain, and then the door burst open "LUCEEEEE!!!!" he screams then he sees me "natsu.....the b-babies are c-coming! ARGH!! NATSU!!" i scream, and then natsu carry me bridal style and then he hurrily brought me to the hospital "hang on luce, we're almost there" he said kissing my forehead


Natsu P.O.V

     We were already in the hospital room, lucy is gripping my hands so tight that i thought my hand is going to be crushed but i know lucy's bearing more pain

    "Breath mrs.Dragnell breath" the doctor said and then luce started to breath slowly

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale

   "Good, now i want you to push as hard as you can" the doctore instructed

    "AAAAARGH!!!!!" she screams as she do as the doctor instructed, she grip my hand even more now "natsu!!!" She said "it's going to be okay honey, i promise it's going to be okay" i said worrily and then kiss her hand "one more time mrs.Dragnell , one more time" she (the doctor) said.

     After a good half hour of luce screaming the doctor finaly said "one last time mrs.Dragnell one last time" after that finnaly one baby is out "congcratulations mrs. And mr.Dragnell, it's a boy" the doctor said "now one more" she said as lucy started to push again, and then after another half hour of luce screaming again finnaly they are out "it's done now mrs.Dragnell, one boy and one girl, congratulations" she said smiling, wrapping both babies in blankets and then she gave them to us, i was holding the baby girl and luce is holding the baby boy, the baby girl has pink hair and brown orbs with a pale skin the same as luce, while the baby boy has a blonde hair and a black onyx orb just like mine his skin is also pale like luce, looking at them luce started to cry "you did it luce" i said to her as i smile, she nod and cry even more

Third person P.O.V

    "Finnaly!!!!" Victor said grinning, "go now before it's getting difficult" victor order some guys in cloaks, then they nod and disappear, he just smiled wickedly looking at the lacrimas.

An :

Oh no!!! Victor you bastard, well guys thanks for reading the story of this shitty author!! >♡< please don't get tired of me, this book almost ends now so please be pattience with me, comments and votes are always welcomed!! ^^ well disclaimers

Oh oh!! Would you guys be so kind as to suggest names for the babies? Thank you

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