chapter 10 : an old friend

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Hiii!! I am here for an update so... to the story !!! ♡♥ and anyway the adventure starts here!! ^^

Previous chapter :

'ha, such a stupid girl, she fell for it huh,well whatever, what i care is that natsu's and i relationship didn't get bothered by her' i thought as i smirk and skip my way to my honey

Chapter 10 : to late

Lucy P.O.V

Well, here i am again getting tired of all of this, and then now i decide to go through the book instead so i stop my cry and gonna get though now, i read it through the afternoon till what 8 p.m? It's bassically some more calestial spells and tools and some hytory like somehow the calestial world is created by human that made a deal with a dragon!! And that the first calestial spirit is actually a dragon ! Wow! But this book said that there's no more dragon key beside this one, this key is very strong and have been keeped by the 'choosen one', 'wow, there's so many that i don't know and then i finished it, the book ends exactly when i done reading the word 'choosen one' weird' i thought and then i want to settle the book into my bookshelf but then i dropped the book and the book opened to a page where the dragon's part are, and then i saw this... dragons that's drawn inside the book, page by page only telling about the names that i've heard such as metalicana, grandine and..... igneel.... i look at igneel's picture 'this is..., there're magic words here' i thought as i read this 'i can't read them... i should go to the library tommorow' i thought and then when i was about to fell asleep i heard knocks, "coming..." i said and then i open the door, my eyes widened "w-what are you doing here?" I said as i smile so brightly

1 hour earlier

Natsu P.O.V

I was at the bar, drinking when suddenly lissana comes at me "hey...sweety pie" she said, "hey, lisa" i said "hey, c'mon we have to celebrate !" She said "for....what?" I asked, lisa pout "for mira's birthday ofcourse !!!! How could you forget the birthday if your soon to be sister in law?!" She asked "sorry" i said "well whatever !! Let's DRIIIINK !!!!!" she said

After an hour of drinking nonstop

'I feel dizzy...... ah.. yeah that drinking contest, but relax! I am not drunk !! Jusy going to go home....' i thought as i got up and then 'bruk' i got hit by the pole in front of me "STUPID POLE !! I AM NOT DRUUUUUNK !!!!!!" i yelled, and then i made my way home...

Lucy P.O.V

"Hey luce" she said, i smile even brightly, it's












"CHRISSS CHAAAAN !!!!!!" i yelled 'yup, it's my childhood friend, christina, i called her chris though, she have black hair that goes till under her shoulder and she wear a short dark blue dress that goes to her mid tight with frilly things and long sleves and a jacket that she does not wear, she just tie it around her waist she wear a black very thick but long socks.

because she's my old maid's daughter i am close to her, she's 7/8 years younger than me, 'yuup! That means that she's 10 years old' she's defenelitly taller than wendy though, "what are you doing here?" I asked "lucy nee chan! I just moved there!!" She said as she pointed to the right, pointed into the purple house across the river

"waah !! I am so very glad !!!" I said as i hug her, "c'mon let's have some hot chocolate! Wait, chris, what is.... oh dear you still have the habbit of wearing a man colonge don't you?! Well that's alright, it smell nice, c'mon" i said as we got in have hot chocolate and then we have a very good talk but then chris got up "wah! Sorry nee chan, i forgot! Tommorow is school day and i have to go to bed early, bye nee!! G'night!!!" She said and then i smile and wave to her as she got up and run out of my apartement into her house across the river (AN : relax, there's a brige okay), and then i got inside, a couple of minutes after there's the sound of bell again "coming!" I said, i open the door to see chris chan"nee chan! I forgot my jacket!" Chris said "okay okay" i said as i hand her the jacket "thank you nee, i am going!" She said "yeah!" I said as i once again wave and close the door.

After that i turn my back and then..... 'ding dong' i groan "arrrrrgh!!! C'mon chris!! I want to sleep, c'mon, if you want to you can just come inside and look for your things that you left in my....." i said as i open the door "room....." i said but then the one that i look at now is...

AN :

Thank god! I got inspiration !!!! Weelll fairy tail is not mineee! Bye , to lazy for author note

Chapter 11 : to late

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