chapter 7 : the thief

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      oh my god, i am addicted to this story!!! i am so enjoying writing it!!! kyaaaa!!! i never thought i'll be addicted to this that i  forgot to update the other story!!! sorry guys i am a bad author , well then enjoy this chapter! beause i enjoy writing it!! ^^

previous chapter :

        sasuke is already there reading a book "such a sweet couple aren't they?" i said,sasuke look at me, he nod and then smile, he hold my waist and then kiss my neck "reminds me of when we're young, you always have girls fangirling around you and i am some unotice and hated girl, i am not sure how we even met" i said "they only hate you because you're kind and beautiful naru, you take away my breath the first time you bump into me, i thought you're an angel with that pure white clothes and those fake wings behind your back" he said, i blush "that's only because my class is doing cosplay cafe!!" i whine "but you look very cute, i fall in love instantly" he said, i blush and kissed his lip and then smile

chapter 8 : the thief

Lucy P.O.V

     after natsu and i make up (as friends) we're soon doing the mission "this city is very huge, i wonder where could we start searching?" i said wondering "luceeee! are you realy going to start looking immediately? i am hungryyyyyyy!!!" natsu whine "me too!" said happy while both of their stomach growled "now that you said it.. i haven't eat anything either since thus morning.." i said as my stomach to started to growled "then let's go find a restaurant!!!!!" natsu said grabing my hand and draging me who knows where hus nose lead us "aye sir!" happy said following us, i just smile at this nostalgic feelings

     as soon as we got to some western restaurant we got in and sat on a table, and then a beautiful waiter come and start eyeing natsu "may i take the order if this cute couple?" she asked now looking at me while she smile, natsu didn't realise we being called a couple because of the smell of the food, i blush "w-we're not a couple" i said stuttered "oh! i am sorry, it's because ypu two looks good together, now may i take your order?" she said, i smile at her "ofcourse! i want one portion of chicken cordon bleu with french fries please" i said amd then she write it down "how about you,sir?" she asked "one fried chiken breast and one bacon also two portion of medium rare steak,i want the steak to be extra big" he said "okay, what do you want to drink then?" she asked "i'll have some vannila milkshake then" i said "i'll have a glass of orange juice" natsu said "oh! miss i want to have some waffle with ice cream please" i said , the waiter nod and then take her leave

       some time later the waiter brought our order and then we finish our meal, when i was just going to pay the bill, natsu push my hand away and pay it himself saying "this is to apologize to you luce, this one is my treat" he said showing his toothy grin, then i smile at him with a faint blush, i don't know why i keep blushing while with him, after that we leave for the mission

     and then we head to the shoping center that's full with jewelry store "why are we here luce?" natsu asked me "because thief usually steal jewelry natsu, that's why" i said, he just nod , i look around to lool for the thief but then something caught my eyes a necklace the necklace have a red ruby pendant that have the shape of a dragons head, it kind of remind me of natsu but then it's not what awe me the most, it made some fire like shape comes out of it's mouth, the fire shaped the word 'NaLu', but then i look at the price 1.700.000 jewels, unnoticed by me i made a very sad face

      "hey luce! what are you looking at?" he asked and then he stared at the necklace "wait here" he said, i wait for 5 minutes,i watch the people go back and forth not noticing a lady taking the necklace away, then natsu comes out with......THE NECKLACE!!!!!! i gasp "n-natsu..... y-you don't have too....i-i can't accept this" i said as i stared at it in awe "how rude, that's not how you answer someone who give you a gift lucy" he said "but-" i said "butt is to vulgar lucy, a simple thank you would do" he said as he walked into me and then place the necklace around my neck, i blush while placing my finger on the pendant

Natsu P.O.V

       she blush while placing her finger on it, 'how cute!!' i thought and then sje blush beet red "t-thank you...." she said "no pro-" i wanted to say but then she look up to me and smile a smile that made my heart skip a beat, the cutest and the most beautiful also the kindest smile i've ever seen, with that gorgeus smile that curve perfectly just like every part of her body, that big beautiful honey brown eyes that have each a single tear of joy on the corner of it when she smile, that golden blond hair that rivals the brightness of the stars or even the sun, that blush that perfect her face and those cute round beautiful face also that skin that's so smoth without a scar or a scratch, weird that she always get hurt, and hear that angelic voice, so sweet, plus she have the most perfect personalities funny, stuborn and sometimes a weirdo and a nerd but she's the kindest woman i have ever seen  i don't belive she's a human, she's defenelitly not human, there's no way she's a human, because for me..... she's a fallen angel that fall from the sky and fate has decided for me to caught her with my very own hands

        "l-luce......" i said, i got closer to her, so much closer that our faces arr.just inches apart, but then we heard a 'BOOOOM' and the a man with dark brown hair, he have dark grey eyes,he cover the rest of his appearence, he wears some sort of t-shirt with a weird like bird symbol, he brought a sword that have weird shape, it's black, all of it is black and the head of the sword have a shape of a dragon head "the thief!!!!" lucy shout that makes the thief looks this way and smirk, he looks at lucy up and down, up and down, he looks at her body with lust, and then he lick hus lips, veins poped to my head, both of my flames errupted from my hands, i shield lucy "stay behind lucy" i said "but-" i interrupted her "stay!" i said and then i aproach him "fire dragon's : wings attack" i chant and he............. smirk? my hit blows and makes dust flew everywhere but then what shocked me , he still stands !!! with no scratch on him!!! "WHAT?!" i yelled,he held the sword up and then suddenly he was behind me and scratch my hand , i dodge it but it scratch my hand

     and then i can fell something is not right when he's lauhging "now you can't use your dragon slaying magic anymore"  he said, and then i laugh "you're not expecting to belive that would you?" i asked a little bit worried actually , if i don't have my magic then what about luce?!?! and then my eyes widen "i-it won't come out" i said "i already supress it with my sword, natsu dragnell" he said "h-how do you know my name?!?!?" i asked "ofcourse i'll know, i have informant you know" he said "shut it!!" i said "fire dragon's fist!!" i chant but nothing comes out !!! he smirk "told you" he said as he aproach me with his blade

AN :

     cliffhanger !!!!!! >♡< hahaha i am evil !!! well guys i already thought this i want to erase my other story, because writing 3 stories at the same time..... it's tiresome, please tell me if you have objections, i'll only write one story now and  it is this, but if you have objection then maybe i'll just put it on hold until i finish this story, comment? well to the disclaimer!!

disclaimer :

me : i'll call guest this time !! i present you.....
misaki & takumi : us !
me : yup ! it's misaki usui and usui takumi from the series kaicho wa maid sama!!!!! one of my favorite romance anime!! now would you do the disclaimer please?
misaki : ofcourse clari-chan ! c'mon baka usui!!
takumi : haha, misa chan we are usui
misaki : oh yeah.... sorry it need adjustment, c'min takumi
takumi : anything for my misaki
misaki & takumi :

fairy tail is not clari chan's it's rightfully belongs to hiro mashima's

me : well see you in the next chapter !! ^^

chapter 8 : stronger

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