chapter 2 : the bad feelings

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well, this is my second chapter, oh and for you to know, english is not my first langue, so please forgive me fo my grammar and vocabulary mistakes !!! *bow* well, enjoooy !!

previous chapter :

i'm happy for natsu but i don't know why but i have a realy bad feeling about this, i didn't knew but i smiled sadly

chapter 2 : the bad feelings

      it's just yesterday that lissana comes back from a place named edolas, she is now in the center of the crowd again, being attacked by so many questions,even natsu is there, i just sit back here watching her,i feel my heart start to beat? watching natsu and lissana, somehow i feel that my heart is being twisted but despite that i smiled, happy for them but at the same time feeling lonely,

    'well, it couldn't be helped, they miss her' i thought and then happy start to fly to me "lu-shee !~" he said "what is it happy?" i asked "nothing, aren't you feeling lonely lu-shee?" happy asked "well... yeah happy, but what can i do? they just miss her"i said "oh"is what happy said "now, what makes you here happy? don't you want to be with lissana too?" i asked, and then happy frown, "i-i do, but i can't seem to go through the crowd" he said "how about flying?" i asked "if i fly my voice can't reach her" he said , "oh" i said , i don't want him to get sad, what can i do? and then an idea poped to my head, i smiled "hey, happy, how about i buy you fishes?" i said, and then his face lighten up "a lot?!" he asked me excited , i chuckle, "yeah, a full bag of fishes" i said "YEAH !!!" he squeled excitedly "let's go happy !" i said, "aye sir!" he said, and then we walk out of the guild to buy fishes

after the .... shopping?

we walk in, i walk happily and happy chew on his raw fish, well, the rest of it are on his bag, i don't know how that little bag can brought so many fishes, i mean, we just buy 10 fishes for god sake, and then i shrugh it off, and then i saw natsu and...... lissana.... running "HAPPY !!! YOU'VE HAD US SO WORRIED !!!" they said "s-shorry, natshuu, lisshana" he said "h-hey, don't yell to him" i said as i hug happy

    "not your bussinese ! now give me the exceed !it's your fault ! don't take happy as you like!" lissana said glaring at me natsu also glare at me, "s-sorry" i said, as lissana snatch happy away from my hand and walk away "sorry lu-shee.... and thank you" happy mouthed, i just smiled sadly

Lissana P.O.V

     'that bitch, she take happy just like that ! she's just the same as her counterpart!! but i should just relax, natsu here think of me as more important than her, hehe, i can have my natsu now !!' i thought as i smirk

Happy P.O.V

    'lu-shee....' i thought worrily and then i realize that lisshana is smirking,what's wrong with her? and then i face back to lu-shee hope she's fine....

Natsu P.O.V

   i just glare lucy just like that, oh well she deserve it, she's always weak and trouble us, she shouldn't have been here, ah ! i know what to do ! "hey, lis i'll go for a while okay?" i said to her, and she nod, i leave happy with her

Lucy P.O.V

    i felt terible after that so i went home, i unlock it and i saw natsu, arrgh, as always, broke into my home by the window ofcourse, but that's weird, what makes him here? he's never been here after lissana come back, i have a bad feeling, i then close the door "what is it, natsu ?" i asked him "lucy, ummmm,i have something to talk to you" i said "w-what is it?" i asked, as the bad feeling overwelms me "actually, i kicked you out of the team" he said, his words maked mr shocked about 10 seconds, "w-what?" i asked hoping that i heard it wrong "yeah, we kicked you out of the team" he said as i feel as if a thousands of swords have been stabed into my heart, it's as if i want to die instead of hearing this "w-why?" i said hoping that the answer is not what i think

    "well, you're weaker than lissana, so we hope you can train yourself first before we can take you again, so well, gotta go, gray and erza already agreed so we're going on a mission, bye lucy"he said as he jump out of my room, and then i felt something wet comes out of my eyes, it's tears, i let out so much tears, it keeps flowing and flowing like hell, 'i-i shouldn't cry, they said they want me to get stronger, s-so i have to train' i thought it's okay lucy, it's okay, and then i saw a paper, it reads

lucy heartfilia ! please pay your rent imidietly ! you have a week or you're out of this room !


'ah, that's right, i was planning to go to a mission with natsu tommorow, i plan to tell him but i guess i can't now' i thought as more tears flows out, guess i'll just go by my own then.... and then i cry all over the night untill i fell asleep

AN :

oh god !!! lucy!!! huwaaa, well hope you enjoy !! ^^

disclaimers :

me : well the guess i just have to call her, meredy !!!

meredy : yes clari chan !!!

me : the disclaimer please !!

meredy : of course !! ^^

fairy tail is not clari chan's !! it's hiro mashima's !!!

thank god she didn't own it

me : the hell !!! meredy !!!! *chase*

meredy : *run*

me : well!! thanks for reading !! see you in the next chappie !!!

chapter 3 : the hurtfull feelings

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