chapter 24 : anger

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Lucy POV

       I felt as the life got sucked out of me, i didn't know wheater i am screaming or not anymore. This hurts so much, but i can't give up now, i need to-

       "ARRRGH" my thought was ruined by the pain i was feeling, just then i heard crashes

       "LUCEEEEEEE!!!!" natsu screamed. I looked at hime weak and tried to smile, but then pain again shook my whole body. My visions became blurry

       " 30% more till Machine engine is activated" a robot like voice spoke.

Natsu POV

     'LUCE LUCE LUCE' thats all i could think of. "Wait for me luce!" I said.

    When we hot in, many soldiers came at us, the rest of the team are battling them while i run to reach for luce in that weird machine.

     "You really think you can save her?" I heard a familiar voice "victor..." I said angrily as i growled "let go of luce or you're gonna get it you bastard!" I screamed "lets see who's gonna get it alright?" He said as he laugh evily.

    "VICTOOOOR" i screamed as i run as him "FIRE DRAGON'S WINGS ATTACK"

   Victor then click his finger as a man in dark blue suit nulled my attack, i stared at them angrily, but i know i have to use my head now, i need to save lucy  first.

     I ran charging at victor "FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR" victor ran to the sides "you missed me pinky" victor replied. I smirked "not really"

    A loud boom can be heared in the air,  i looked at the machine,  it's PERFECTLY FINE WITH SOME GLOWING THINGS AROUND IT!!

    "Hmm, seems like you're kinda stupid" he said, i growled at him. "You B*stard... I'm gonna-

Engine's loading100% completed

     My eyes went wide as the machine suddenly reconstruct the building.  "AAAAAAAAAAAARGH" luce screamed. "Luce!  Hang in there!" 'shit' i thought

    "Now now,  relax natsu" victor smirks "you can't possibly leave the babies in magnolia cause it'll be really stupid knowing almost the whole guild came here so i know you're bringing the babies. Maybe on the city next door? Or maybe they came with you...." i growled at him again "you'll be dead meat if you touch them" i said in a dangerous low voice. "Hmm you mean this globs of balls? " victor holds them with some kinda magic bird cage

      "Daddy!" i heard the twin's voice.  My heart stops for a second,  my eyes went wide and anger full filed me to the brim. Dragon like scales started to appear "i'm gonna kill you!" i said simply i charged

Hello, again it's the lazy authors. Im sorry, im gonna complete this book soon

Disclaimer : fairytail is not mine, only the plot is mine.

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