chapter 9 : walked into my misfortune

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       hey guys!!! as i was saying i am gonna do one story at a time so until this book is finished i am hoing to neglect my other stories, so to the story

previous chapter :

after that we goes to the train station to go home, but as i went to the train happy just..... come? "wait, did you just find us happy?" i asked "yeah, nat-shuu, i just finish my fish shopping" he said "oh" i replied "lu-sheee, i am tired, let me sleep in your lap?" asked happy "yeah happy, as i said you're always welcomed!" said luce, we hop into the train and started our journey back to magnolia, but i don't know yet that i just go into my misfortune

chapter 9 : walked into my musfortune

Lucy P.O.V

      after we got to the train natsu got dizzy suddenly and i felt some weird present just now 'that's weird, it's not like his motion sickness, maybe he's sick because of that cut the thief cause?' i thought, but boy i was wrong, but i don't know that yet

      "lucee, i am dizzy please let me sleep on your lap" he said "i wouldn't mind, happy do you mind sleeping on top of natsu?" i asked happy nod,he fly to let natsu got a chance to lay and then plop down on natsu with a 'poof', and as i stroke his hair i felt a feeling that someone is watching for us, who is that?

Natsu P.O.V

        'lucy's lap is always the best, and that beautiful hands and delicate finger of hers that stroke my hair to make me feel better, oh.. so nice' i thought i don't know where all that words came from but it just came out from my thought because of the beautifulness in her, see? just like before, i feel like my sickness is now no more, i start to fel asleep

       when i am asleep i had a veru weird dream where i am standing in front of lissana and then i saw her mouth saying something and then my eyes widen and i started to woke up, "natsu" luce said "we're already here in front of the guild !!" she said, 'what? i can't remember what happened after i take the train with lissana !! shit!' i thought and then i look at my right to found luce and then i glare at her, she seems surprised "what are you doing here? weakling?!" i said loud enough and then bang the guild doors

Lucy P.O.V

   'w-what? oh no.... i think it's weird enough that natsu woke up but didn't say anything so it was this.... again... he deceived me, he play nice and then he's going to hate me again' i thought frowning,he opens the door and then guildmates started to glare at me, and there it is lissana crying with her hands bleeding, i ran to her worrying about her "w-what happend?!" i asked worrily, but then i got a slap from an angry mirajane "what the hell did you think happend!! you take natsu away from her and then let her do her mission alone!!! you slut! she's injured because of you!!!" she said "what the- so that's what happend!! you're afraid aren't you? huh? weakling? and you got my lissana into trouble !!!!" he said as he slap me to, tears run down my eyes and i ran home

       'so it was a lie afterall, hoe could he?!?!?' i scream in my head, as i reach my apartement i fell to the floor  and cry 'why? why? why does it hurts so much? i-' and then u stopped thinking "ah...... now i see why it hurt so much...... i love him right? i love that dense idiot..... i don't know, is it a luck or is it my misfortune...?" i thought as i fell asleep once more i don't know how many times does this have to repeat

Natsu P.O.V

        i am now sitting in the guild thinking 'i don't remember anything,that's weird, i know i am stupid but i am not that forgetful..... and now... i don't know why i felt guilty now....' i thought as i held my head

Lissana P.O.V

          'ha, such a stupid girl, she fell for it huh,well whatever, what i care is that natsu's and i relationship didn't get bothered by her' i thought as i smirk and skip my way to my honey

AN :

       sorry for this, i know i have put lucy sad countless of times now but then i am out of idea so..... anyway!! happy new year!! hope next year is better than this year, the disclaimer is always the same okay so let's just make it quick, fairy tail is not mine !  bye

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