chapter 25

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Third person POV

    Natsu's wide eyes stared victor like a knife, natsu charged aimlessly, blinded by anger,  that made victor smirk grew wider. "You know natsu, i need lucy cause she's the choosen one. The one that will get all of the gold and dragon's calestial key in the world,  her magic is big enough to call fort all of her spirits at the same time,  this time the machine will convert her magic into the power of 'chaos' belive me this world will be full of monsters and things like a blown up mountain wouldn't matter anymore. Her power are also enought to create a world where i cn rule and be loved" victor laugh as he dodge every single one of natsu's aimless attack

Lucy's POV

    I woke up as pain shot my bodies. I looked natsu's way.  Oh no.... "Nat... S... U" my voice are hoarse, 'this is it,  i need to use my last retort,  even if it cost my lives. Please , i want POWER"

    "Here.... By the Grace of the lord, open up the gate to the heavenly key... " i said with a hoarse voice holding a white key "star dress..... Kr.. A... Tos.. " i chanted as power filled my body the chain got cutted off, my hair grew longer,  my dress change into the clothes of a greek goddess with a lot of stars decoration,  wing started to grow on my back.

    "You! H-How-" victor stuttered. I smirked


     I found the book that i read about dragons and find some ancient words i didn't notice before. I read it it meant "give me thy power, give me thy dress, i'll do good,  live no more"

    A white key appeared,  when i touch it it glows, the key talks to me "you've awaken,  the choosen one" i gasped , scared "chosen one? " i asked "yes,  every 100 year,  this key will be given to the choosen one in that period of time, i am the god of strength kratos, use me when you would put your life on the line,  my sweet master. The key then stopped glowing" i looked at it, 'my life.... '

Back to the present

      "Victor.... Now, be a good boy and give my kids and husband back or you'll f*cking regret it!!!!!" I yelled

      "You wish!!!!" He said the he grabs the two globs of ball. I shot death glares on him.

       "Star lock" i chanted, stars like chains appeared and circled him, "damn you woman!!" He screamed at me.

     I smirked and the i feel the building moved and then stopped causing me to lose balance, just when i was about to hit the ground i felt two warm arms arround me, i didn't need to look up to know who

    "Natsu....." I said as i hug him, he gave me his signature grin. I turn myself to him and my heart hurted when i see all of his body, it's full of cuts and bruises , i held out my hand.

     "Heal" i command, and then all that's left is just some small bruises. "Thanks ms.Dragneell" he said.

    "Natsu, the kids?" I asked "here" he holds two globs of ball. "Natsu, please watch them, you always saved me, now it will be my turn" i said determined. "He nodded, yeah, beat them! My wifey" he grins, i smiled at him sadly while he replies with a confused look.

        The building shakes  then forms a tower of light that then forms magic circles. "Machine loading, 30%" a robot like voice sounded. "This is checkmate dear, just give up" victor chuckles then looked at me like he won already. "YOU BASTARD" natsu yelled. He then carried me out of the buildung with the children and then throw victor to the ground harshly.

     "No, since beginning you haven't won a single time" i shook my head. He then looks at me slightly warned. Natsu just looked at me, trusting that i have a way to solve this. And i do, i clased my eyes with the tears that almost drop

     "I here declared by the power that's bestowed upon me and with the proper sacrifice to call forth the key to the king of dragon, orsus" my whole body glowed, and i hold an enormus key which i throw into the air. It glowed

      A dragon with white scales appear, it's twice as big as acnologia, the eyes as blue as the sea, and the wings as strong as titanium, when the light touches the scales it changes color

    Victor eyeswiden "that d*mn b***-" he cursed. "DON'T THINK IT'S OVER JUST CUSE YOU SUMMON HER!!! HEARTFILIA!!" he screamed "machine loading 86%" he smirk "just a little more... " he then laughs. I ignored him.

    "Beautiful" i said as i dropped into the ground exhausted. The dragon looked into my eyes "anna's descentdant, you must know what's the price for summoning me right? A life" She told me, i looked at Natsu and my two children and then to her, i nod my head "hmm, very well, i shall do your command mistres" she said to me while bowing, i looked at her and smile "oh no, i'm not your mistress. I'm just a wife and a mother that wanna safe her husband and children..... That's asking for a new friend a favor" i said

       she looked dumbfounded and then laughed "friend..... it's been hundred of years since i hear a person that says that i'm their friend not tools" the dragon smiles, "i know what's happening, i will help you..  Friend" i smiled and then pass out as the last thing i saw was the dragon flying and natsu's face above me "i love you natsu..."

     Machine loading 100% complete

Natsu's POV

    "LUCE!!" i ran to her, i shake her body but it won't budge, "i love you..." I heard,

    'is luce going to die? nononono No my mind is a mess, a life for calling this dragon?'

    "LUCE LUCE!! DON'T DO THIS TO ME!!!"  i screamed

    Machine loading 100% completed

     I watched as the white dragon flew then open it's mouth and then swalowed the whole building, the whole machine and gulped it down

      I stared at it while it's having light shined inside her and then beam off with the sound of broken machine. He flew down and then looked at lucy's body.

    "It's done. Now i shall asked for my sacrifice." She said, my eyes shot glare at it


Lucy's POV

    I heard natsu chalenging the dragon 'this moron.. Please i beg you, just let me do it... ' i thought as my eyes slowly futter open.

AN :

Please bear with this lousy author...  Hiks (´;д;')

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