chapter 11 : to late

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       Naaah, let's skip it! Oh right it has a little bit mature content so please if you don't like it just skip it, but because this is a little bit important to the story... do as you like...

Previous chapter :

After that i turn my back and then..... 'ding dong' i groan "arrrrrgh!!! C'mon chris!! I want to sleep, c'mon, if you want to you can just come inside and look for your things that you left in my....." i said as i open the door "room....." i said but then the one that i look at now is...

Chapter 11: to late

Lucy P.O.V

     "N-natsu?" I said, natsu looks funny, his face is red and he frown at me while growling 'd-don't tell me.... he's still mad at me because of lissana ?!' "Luce..." his voice are deep and sounds like growl, i shivers "c-c'mon natsu, don't be mad at me..." i said 'it's not like i hook up with lissana, whatever i am a girl anyway' "i-it's not like i hook up with h-" i haven't have the time to finishy sentence and then natsu come at me dragging me to my room, i look at him 'something is wrong with him'  i tought, "natsu... what-"  again i can't finish my sentence i am interrupted by his kiss, my eyes widen by surprise and the suddely he slip his tounge into my mouth, that's when i realise he's drunk 'w-what!? I-is he mistaking me for lissana?!' I thought to myself, i started to push him away but he's just to powerful for me go stop, i began to cry but seems like he didn't care 'is this his revenge for me?' I thought, finnaly he stopped kissing me and i gasp for air not long after he started to nip my neck "n-natsu, stop! Stop it!! Ugh-" this time he cover my mouth with his scarf that's beeing tied by him to my mouth and he hilds my hands with his right arm, i cried and cried, he said something but i didn't listen because of the pain i am now feeling

(Gonna leave it there = ̄ω ̄= )

      In the morning i got up feeling sharp pain shot to my whole body especially my stomach and my hips,i look right next to me, natsu sleeping soundly naked, i feel warm liquid start to drip from my eyes and my lower i cried silently 'what am i gonna told the guild?' I thought as i cried, and then i gasp 'there's only one way' i thought determined 'i am going to act as if this doesn't happend, because natsu is already happy with lissana, i wouldn't bother them' i thought i put natsu's clothes back in him and chant "teleport : to natsu's house" i chant as natsu's bodies disappear

    After that i shower and stays home for the rest of the day feeling something that's not right on my stomach

Timeskip : one week later

      After that incident two weeks ago i started to go for a mission everyday (a simple one) to distract myself and for me not to meet natsu,and then the weird thing is that the whole guild is back to beeing normal with me saying that they didn't remember what happend to them for about a month back, that's the time when they're mean to me... it's so weird they are now still investigating the problem, everything started to go back to normal except natsu, he still hates me but didn't realy remember the reason

    "Hey lu-chan!" Levy chan  said "hey levy chan" i greet her back "what is it? You look down" she said "no-" i tried to say but then a feeling that suddenly come makes me run to the bathroom and puke

"lu-chan!! Are you okay?" Levy asked while banging through the door

"I am o-okay, i-it's just some stomach problem" i said "are you sure you're okay? I am gonna get you some water so please be out or unlock the door by then lu-chan" she said "yeah..." i answer weakly, but then my eyes widened, 'could it be?' I thought, and then i ran out of the bathroom and run through the town to a nearby hospital ignoring my bluehead friend that's calling my name

      I gasped when i arrive in the hospital "what can i help you with younglady?" A black haired nurse asked me "i want to check up for a pregnantcies test please" i said "please come this way" she said while leading me to a room with a female doctor with long green hair that goes till her back and blue eyes, she seems like she's in the middle of her fourties "ah, what can i do for you?" She asked "i am doctor erika, please have a seat" she said while extending her hand, i take her hand and have a seat "i am lucy, i want to have... pregnantcies test?" I said "yes i understand, then please have your urine into this bottle" she said as she take out a bottle out of the drawer from her desk and then give it to me, i nod

Timeskip : while her urine is being tested

     I finnaly done and i am sitting outside of the doctor lab to wait for the result and then i fell into a deep thought 'i am not sure if i am prepared for this, i think i am pregnant with my condition like this and i know for sure that this is 'his' , because it is my first time and my first kiss and i woulnd't have think that my first would be this horrible, i thought it'll be romantic..., but then i can't abandon this baby (if the result turn out to be positive) i just can't..... i just can't abandon a baby that's mine and my one-sided love's.... it's just to late...  i just love him very very much and... this is not this baby's fault (if i will have one) so i will love him/her with all my heart if it did turn out that i will have a baby' i thought until my name was called "lucy san?" The nurse called me, i get up and go inside the doctor's room

      I sit waiting for the reason "congcratulation miss lucy, you are positively pregnant, then please  come back here at least once a month to have the baby chack up" she said and i just smile "thank you" i said and then i give her my regards and got out to pay my hospital bill 'now.. i will just have to think of a way to hide the fact that i am pregnant because if they know i am sure they'll panick, i'll just have to do this....' i thought as i made my way to the guild

    On the way i stroke my belly "i just want you to know, no matter what mommy will love you, no matter what... even if your father doesn't want you....." i said as tears fall streaming down my eyes

AN :

TOO LAZY! fairy tail's not mine it's hiro mashima's !!! Byeee!!!

Chapter 12 : the first month

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