chapter 16 : rescue mission

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Okay i write two chapter in a row so..... to the story!!!

Chapter 16 : rescue mission

Natsu P.O.V

again, i stop and turn back "Cana! Can you seek for luce by your cards?" I asked, cana nod and then started to pull out a map and then throw one of her card and it landed on the city called 'sathed', "weird name" i say just that and then i pull off the map and walked out "c'mon!" I said as my teamates follow me to the train stations, without telling them or anything i ran right into the locket "i want the fastest express train to sathed city, 6 tickets" i said (AN : you didn't count the exceeds) "that would be 60,000 jewels" she said, i pay it without doubt "when is it going?" I asked "15 more minutes sir, it's on platform D" she said, "thank you" i said and then i wave my hand to my teammates and then i point at the train, they seems to understand and got into the train, i too got into the train and also awe for a while but then i stop and think about lucy "this is no time for having an 'awe' moment guys" i said seriously and then i gave the tickets to the you know, i forgot the name and then i sat right down and as soon as they sat i speak "so how many of you guys know that lucy is pregnant with my childs?" I asked, wendy shyly raise her little hand "sorry natsu san, it's just that.....i don't want to hurt lucy san's feelings, i don't want her to think that i betray her, because i already promised not to tell back then" wendy explained "that's alright wendy, i know it's not your fault, so can you tell me more?" I said not realizing that my voice got sore, "i will be gladly too natsu san, ah, natsu san you're not sick" she said i nod "lucy heal me with some sort of spell" i said "oh" she said "so, about the baby?" I asked "not baby natsu san, babies" she corrected

"Right we have a twin" i said smiling "yeah, oh and natsu san, lucy san is already pregnant for three months" she said "s-seriously?" I asked, she nod "it seems like she is using some sort of spell to hid her body bulge, and oh, i heard they have the same apettite as yours" wendy explained for me "haha, that would explain how lucy eat food forten people all of a sudden so.." i said and smile, fake ofcourse how could i smile at a time like this? Don't get me wrong, i am happy, hell! I am going to be a father!! But i can't be happy cause luce is not here

Gray P.O.V

"Gray sama" juvia suddenly said, 'wait, i didn't realise she's beside me?! Typical juvia' i thought "juvia will be scared to death too if juvia know our child is on danger" she said "what chi-!?" "Poor natsu, he didn't even realise how much he pay for this firstclass train" erza suddenly butted in while holding a glass of wine "erza...." i said sweatdropped

Lucy P.O.V

i sit on the bed and then look up 'oh man, i can't do something as falling because i hold this baby, what should i do?' I thought, i stroke my stomach "mommy didn't blame you, mommy is glad you are here with me" i talk to them and then i feel somethung weird somehiw i feel like there are voices "mommy" i heard the voices "mommy? Wait don't tell me.... are you two?" i whisper then stroke my belly and then i feel some kick, my eyes widen "we whill help mommy gut aut ofu hiri" i heard "how honey?" I asked "throug de ruff" i heard "roof?" I asked and then suddenly i feel my body became as light as a feather, "woah" i awe, "mommi, u cen flie light?" They asked, i smirk "ofcourse i can honey" i said "forgotten magic : feather sky" i chant as a pair of angel like wings grow on my back, i looked around and faund a ventilation hole on top of the bed and fly out of there, after i got out victor see me and gasped "how can? Shit!" He said and then he started to shoot some nets to us (me and the babies)

Natsu P.O.V

We arrives at the seathed city about 15 minutes ago 'that express train sure is fast, it's onle have been 45 minutes but it should be 1 hour and 15 minutes to get here' i thought 'daddy' i heard "daddy? Who's there?" I asked "natsu san? What's wrong?" Asked wendy "i heard a voice calling me daddy" i said, "daddy!! Mommi ish on dangel!!! Helpsh hur!!! Thele!! Daddy thele!!" i heard and then my feet is going on it's own path "NATSU!! WAIT!!" "OI FLAMEBRAIN!!" "NATSU SAN!!" "NATSU!!" i heard but i didn't stop because...

I picked lucy's scent

"LUCEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" i roared as i see her... flying? doesn't matter now, she's falling, i gasped and ran faster

Lucy P.O.V

Crap, i am feeling tired! Oh no, "Mommi, daddy ish hele, sho dotn wolli" i heard "n-natsu?" I gasped as i looked at her "LUCEEEEE!!!" i heard, tears fell down "N-NATSUUUUU!!!!" i yelled as i fell just before i crash on the ground, natsu catch me just like the other days when he is always there to catch me, just like in that tower, in that day when i fell with the souls and they day of that grand magic games....

A tear fell once more "natsu......" i said as i looked at him smiling and he grins like an idiot

AN :

awwwww!!! Kyaaa!! Well i gotta go write the next chapter, so bye!!! Oh i think i can always write a chapter in sunday and saturday!! So this is sunday so.... wait for the next chapter!!! ^^

Chapter 15 : i catch you again

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