chapter 8 : stronger

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      heeeey !! to lazy for the author note sooooooooo to the story !!!

previous chapter :

    "i already supress it with my sword, natsu dragnell" he said "h-how do you know my name?!?!?" i asked "ofcourse i'll know, i have informant you know" he said "shut it!!" i said "fire dragon's fist!!" i chant but nothing comes out !!! he smirk "told you" he said as he aproach me with his blade

chapter 8 : stronger

Lucy P.O.V

        i see the thief comes closer at natsu 'oh no! and natsu's magic won't comes out too, it must be because of the blade' i thought, and then i go infront of natsu "natsu get back!!!" i yelled, "what-" he said but then he looks at my waist "LUCE!! WHERE'RE YOUR KEYS?!?! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!?! YOU GET BACK!!" he yelled,i just smirk at him "i am juat going to say this once natsu, i am not that stupid and i can asure you i am not that stupid so trust me" i said with the most serious face i could make

Natsu P.O.V

      "what the-" i said, but then i stop looking at her eyes, i stare at it "fine, but when it comes to much i'll interfere" i said then i saw her eyes glow and magic circle appear "past through ! leo the lion!!" she chant and then leo appear "how-" i asked "i am stronger now natsu" she said as she got to fighting position holding her whip "what can your prince charming do for you my princess?" he asked lucy, a vein poped to my head and somehow i feel like i wanna punch loke right in the face and then hug lucy 'what is this feeling?' i thought, without noticing it i growled at loke

       "what? calestial wizard? but where's your keys?!?!" the thief said,lucy just smirk at him "what?!?! you damn little girl!!" he said angrily at luce and then he chant "shadow shapes : puppets" and then some human shapes shadow puppets grow from the shadow from the ground, it grows so much of it, i think there's about at least 100 of them "luce, careful" i said worriedly and then i saw loke glare at me, whatever, back to luce, luce not afraid of it , she's..... smirking?

       "i call the right spirit then, loke ! your regulus impact!" luce said, loke look at het as he noded understanding 'what is it?' i thought, loke made regulus impact and one of the shadow disappear "what? it shouldn't-" the thief said and then luce tsk "not very smart are you?" luce said 'what? did luce just tsk him and insult him?' i asked myself "what?!?!?!? you are too not very smart are you? i know your physical strength is weak!!!!" he said as he charge, his right fist being surrounded by dark light, looks like loke's regulus impact but in dark black, he ran to luce to punch her "luce!" i said worrily, lucy glance at me and then smirk at the thief "scutum corporis" lucy said as her body glows, "surpress" lucy again chant perharps? and then this time lucy caught it bare hands?! and then the glows disappeas and lucy punch the guy in the face making him groan and take a couple of steps back "w-what the?!" said the thief surprised 'wow,my girl sure is good at this' i thought, 'wait? what did i just say about lucy and girl? i forgot, oh whatever' i thought again,and again i turn my eyes to luce

Lucy P.O.V

       "why you!?!?" he said "what? you sure are stupid, you should observe first before you act you know" i said, and then i charge, i kick his head with my right leg ,he dodge by ducking (did i get that right?) his head and then when he got up again i do the spin kick and got his head, and them blood come out of his head because i spin kick him with my heels, "you woman!!" he yelled as he kick me in the stomach but my spell is still there so i just feel some tingeling sensation as i sent flying across the tree, i got up as soon as i touch the ground, i'll finish him with the finish bliw i ran into him and then my fist glowed as i chant something that just comes out of my mouth,i intend to use another spell but then i don't know, something just comed out "activate! leo's power! : regulus impact!!!!!" i chant unknowingly to me as my eyes glowed golden and magic circle appear on top of both my hands and then the magic is encircle my hands just like loke's regulus impact, i puch him right in the stomach taking the chance of him surprising, i sent him flying through the tree and blood comes out of his mouth "what?" i gasp as i look at my hands, loke look at me surprised at my act, loke also looked at me surprised "l-loke, what- , wah! loke please take the thief away to the client house" i said, loke nod amd brought it to the client house

      i look at natsu "c-c'mon natsu, we'll talk about tjis later" i said and the natsu and we make our way to the client house, once we got there we press the bell and then naruto san comes out "ah, lucy come in, your friend has been here first" she said and then i nod and we make our way into the house to meet sasuke san, we walk in akward silent, once we got into the living room i knock and then i come in

      once i was there i was attacked by kate "LUCY SAN! " kate said while huging me then giggle, i just giggle to

Natsu P.O.V

  ' aww,so cute,  she's just to cute and beautiful, that's MY Luce' i thought 'huh? what luce? why do i always forgot? oh well' i thought again "ah? you're dine already i see, and now you're with your boyfriend i suppose?" the guy that addresed as 'sasuke' said and then smile "n-no" luce said stuttering and nlushing while smiling but i think that smile is akward, unotice even by me, i growled at this 'sasuke' and he gave me an amused smile "you sure there? cause i am pretty sure he just growled at me because of 'something' " he said while placing his right hand on luce's shoulder, i growled even louder while glaring at him, and then luce get out of his grab "natsu! don't be rude!" she yelled

      "but luce! this guy grab your shoulder just now!" i said arguing "for god sake natsu! he have a wife!" she said and then i stood there dumb founded, then i hear some chuckle "sure not your boyfriend?" he asked "n-no!" luce said, "sasuke! don't be rude!" said some woman voice "hahaha,sorry sorry, i won't do it again" he said to a beautiful woman with sun colored hair "please forgive my husband atitude , here's your reward, thank you" she said as she handed the reward "thank you" said lucy while smiling "we'll be going then sasuke san, naruto san, bye kate! c'mon natsu!^^" lucy said, after that we goes to the train station to go home, but as i went to the train happy just..... come? "wait, did you just find us happy?" i asked "yeah, nat-shuu, i just finish my fish shopping" he said "oh" i replied "lu-sheee, i am tired, let me sleep in your lap?" asked happy "yeah happy, as i said you're always welcomed!" said luce, we hop into the train and started our journey back to magnolia, but i don't know yet that i just go into my misfortune

AN :

     YEAH, BLAH BLAH BLAH, WHATEVER I AM TO LAZY!!!! fairy tail is not mine, it's hiro mashima's okay? bye!

chapter 9 : walked into my misfortune

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