Chapter 1 {edited}

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Long time, no see

It was 4v1, Nicholas, aoife, Lea and Tobias against me, Nicholas then charges at me with a sword. Using his obvious move he goes to slice me horizontally, moving to the side slightly, I dodge his attack. I duck under his next attack and uppercut him, making him go flying into the air he falls onto some nearby furniture.

Tilting my head to the side a knife flies past me and digs into the wall infront of me, turning around I see Lea with her annoying little knifes. She runs towards me and tries to stab me but I continuously dodge her, Tobias and aoife join into the fight and try and attack me. Grabbing aoife's arm and swing her and her body into Lea. Grabbing one of lea's knife I throw it at Tobias and stick him to the wall. The other four were disarmed and were no longer able to fight back, I had barely broken a sweat and without looking back at them, I grabbed my jacket and walked out of the training room.

After our training I feel a familiar presence, turning around to see Kazz towering over me I cock an eyebrow
"What is it?" I ask
"Your getting soft" he replies
"I'm perfectly fine, just because I don't want to kill them doesn't make me soft" I reply
"You need to go harder" he orders
"If I did I would kill them" I reply
"So what? They're pawns at my command" he replies
"Whatever, I'm not going to kill them" I say
"Fine. That's not what I came here for anyways, you have a mission, steal some documents from a merchant, can you do that?" He says. Grabbing my coat that hung in his hands
"Of course I can" I say before walking away

-half way threw the mission-

'He never said the damn scouts would be here! Just my luck' turning around the corner I loose 3 but with that I feel I cold wind hit me, moving my head to the side my cheek gets cut by a tall man, taking out my knife I deflect his attacks but as more and more scouts close in on me, with my free hand I grab some dirt and throw it in the tall man's face, directly in his eyes

Switching to my 3D Manoeuvering gear I attach my wires to a nearby building, in the corner of my eyes I see a blond male rushing to me, his sword ready to attack me. Throwing my knife at him I switch to his direction and drive straight towards him but instead of me reaching him, I feel my calf hurt. Turning to look at his I see someone's wires in my calf and pulling me towards them

I crash on the ground with my bleeding calf and grip it tightly, people start surrounding me and I get up to fight but get kicked down into the dirt, my hands get cuffed and someone lays their foot on my head making my unable to see what's going on

My hair getting pulled and I get forced to look up, my eyes meeting the blonds I spit in his face and chuckle as he wipes it away in disgust
"What? Don't like being treated like a dog you Privileged sun eater" I laugh, he bends down to my level and looks me straight in my eyes
"What's your name?" He asks
"Wouldn't you like to know" I roll my eyes, a blade gets pointed to my throat and taps my chin, looking in the direction it want me to look in I see a black-haired man with peircing grey eyes, in short. Levi

"Awnser him" Levi says
"Fine, fine, 1209, how about you?" I say in a fake friendly tone
"1209? We're not stupid, your real name" Levi says
"Your not? I'd like to disagree" I laugh, feeling a pain in my cheek I realise I got kicked
"Look, my names 1209, I wasn't given a proper name" I say
" did you obtain the 3D Manoeuvering gear and how did you learn to use it?" He asks
"Stole it and I old friend taught me" I reply
"Who is this old friend?" He asks
"Does it matter, they're dead?" I reply
"I see" he says putting his hand on his chin

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