Chapter 14

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A deal

It has been about a day or two since we were found and there was a priest with us, apparently the walls might be mad up of Titans which sounds ridiculous but it is a possibility we were going to where all the Stohess refugees were

I was riding with Theo, Dad, Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Hange and the priest, I look over at Theo and he looks down
"Theo you ok?" I ask he was looking down today
"Miss y/n I need to tell you something" he mutters
"I told you call me y/n, and alright" I reply
"Um I have powers..." He mumbles powers...wait so he really did get experimented on? I think
"Powers?" I ask
"Um I know who you are, I know about Kazz and Martha" he mumbles, he pulls his shirt down slightly to reveal his tattoo, luckily everyone else was talking so they weren't listening to us...or so I thought
"What!" I exclaim
"I was the test subject before you, but once they got you they got rid of me they thought that the experiments would kill me but instead they gave me abilities"he says my eyes widen
"What are you powers?" I ask
"Well I call it....mind, basically anything to do with my and others mental stability, I can read peoples thoughts, move things, cause illusions, make people invision there deepest regret or nightmare" he says looking down that's....I don't even know what to say I think
"That's why I trusted you so easily, when I first read your mind, I knew your intentions were good" he adds
"I don't think I'm a good persom, I do what need to do for me amd those I love, I will go to extents most only think of, but in all honesty kid I don't give a shit if I'm a villain in other peoples stories" I say, he nods
"That includes you kid, but don't worry I'm not going to make you do anything that you don't want to do, like train" I say
"No, no, no I want to train, if I want to help out the world I need to be strong, so if you can, can you train me please!" He pleads
"Kid you-"I got cut off
"You can read peoples mind?" Hange exclaims
"Umm yeah" he mumbles
"How fascinating! How did you find out you had powers? Hange asks
"Um..."Theo muttered
"Ok that's enough Theo doesn't have to answer if he doesn't want to"i scowl

We soon make it to our destination, we walk in and I see families, kids, people our age, adults, elderly all huddled in a small area, I turn around to Theo
"you want to wait outside?" I ask
"Um no I'm good" he says, he looks over at a little girl about 5 and walks over to her and pulls out a peice of bread and gives it to her
"Here you go" he smiles, I give a small smile this boy may be my salvation I think

A few minutes go by when we start talking to the priest
"I cannot give out information about the walls" he states I get a little bit angry at this, I storm over to him
"So your telling me while people are out here dying you are here with information that could fucking help us win and you say"I cannot give out information about the walls" said WHO?! Who's holding you back huh!?" I scold
"I can give you a name" he mumbles
"Oh?" Hange says
"You will know her, she joined the scouts just recently, her name is Historia riess or Krista" he says

We quickly get ready to go to the front lines wait Theo who's going to look after Theo?! I think, I look frantically around to see anyone who isn't going to the front lines, or can take good care of him
"Y/n I'll take care of Theo ok" I turn to see my dad
"Thank you" I say, I wave to them then leave

-time skip-

We were riding our horses when I see loads of dust, and rubble they must be here i think, we make it to find Titans, I get off my horse and charge towards them, I cut down 6 in a blink of a eye hehe I've been waiting to kill you bastards i think
"Y/n! Your not on the offence!" Hange yells from below, I look over to see Eren about to kill one, once he does he falls to the ground I walk over to him
"Get up there's still more"I say tugging him from his shoulder
I run to one which was about to grab Connie, i speed over to it and cut it into pieces, it's blood splattered all over me, I let myself fall over along with the titan. I fall right in front of Connie
"That's the last one" I exclaim

-time skip-

We were on the wall looking out for anymore Titans or the beast titan Connie and all the others saw, I see Reiner still hurt and I walk over to him, Bertholt and Eren
"Reiner you still in pain?" I ask
"No y/n I'm fine thanks" he replies
"I can't believe it I nearly died back there, that's the second time, tell them Armin when Annie nearly squished me" Reiner said why do I have a bad feeling I think
"We should go home, we're not far!" Bertholt exclaimed he talks? I think
"Yes and we're so close to being done!" Reiner excitedly said

Then Hanes came apparently there was no breach so how did they Titans get here? I think, peo0e start leaving trying to find out what happened, I was about to walk away when Riener called me over, I did what he asked
"What is it?" I blandly ask
"5 years ago we compromised wall Maria" riener said casually, my eyes widened please don't I think, I look over at Eren he looked just as shocked
"We are on a mission to make mankind go extinct, I'm the armoured and Bertholt is the colossal" he adds
"Why are you telling them?!" Bertholt exclaimed
"We need you two to come back with us" Reiner says
"Like hell I am!" I yell
"Your lying no your not!" Eren says, suddenly lightning starts to form around them, I grab Eren and jump off the wall, I dig my knife into the wall making us stop
"SHIT!" I yell why did you betray us! I think Reiner then jumps down to the ground below us
"You and the others escape I'll hold him down!" Eren yelled
"The hell I'm doing that!" I scold him
"Just do IT!" He yell jumping out of my grasp and becoming a titan

I grab another knife out that I hid in my waist, I make my way back up the wall when I get up I see the colossal titan right in front of me, he looks directly at me and goes to grab me. I jump up and dodge just in time, I run over to everyone and get them to run, I turn back to Eren but it looks like Reiner is winning, just then Bertholt jumped down and hit Erens nape, I look down I then slit my hand turning me into a titan, though only this time I was different my hair was my teeth were sharper than swords and I had claws as a beast.

I jump down right on rieners head, I grab Eren and try and run damn it Eren wake UP! I mentally yell, I then get tackled and I tuck Eren in my chest, I look on reiners shoulder and see Bertholt, Reiner will want to protect Bertholt I think, I kick Reiner in the stomach and I make him go up in the air

I start to run to where the rest of the guys are so I can give them Eren, but just as I look behind me I see a tree about to hit me, I quickly put Eren in my mouth to hold and I get hit making me fly achers away, I hear stomping and look up to see Reiner going to jump on me, I roll to the side so he misses me, I then punch him in the jaw i then feel something biting my ankle I look down to see a titan, I quickly stomp on it but as I look back to riener he punches my face and I open my mouth causing Eren to fall out, I turn around and grab him before he hits the floor, but then m nape gets opened up and I pass out

I was awake but in complete darkness
"Hello Y/n" I voice says
"Who are you" i sneer
"Aww I'm hurt I only gave you a home since you were 10" the voice replies
"Kazz..." I mutter
"Ding, ding, ding" he happily says
"Where the fuck are we!" I yell, I feel a stab in my stomach and look up to see him right in front of me
"What did I always say about language" I sneers, I look back down and the once wound was gone
"You my dear are in your own passerelle du diable (devils gateway)" he replies
"What the hell is that?!" I snap
"You always lacked in intelligence y/n" he said shaking his head
"Here's the basics when I gave you, all your abilities I had to make a deal with a certain demon from the underworld" he says
"Wh...what are all my abilities" I ask
"Oh my dear there are far to many for me to count, let's just say, all the Titans combined are like worms to you" he says blankly
"OOOOOOO I just can't WAIT! For when you finally give in!" He says like a sociopath
"Fine but just note no matter how long you push it off, you will break and I'll be waiting~" he sings


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