Chapter 24

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My past


I was sleeping peacefully when I heard shouts, and laughing outside, I wake up and bang my head on the wall
"Ow shit" I say falling off my bed, I quickly get up and change into casual clothes and put my black hair into a hair pony-tail making it fall on my back and my bangs cover my forehead, I make my way outside my room and hear snoring, I look and see Theo snoring the morning away
"Oi Theo wake up!" I shout making him jolt up
"HUH!" He yelps
"It's 10:00am get up, also there's a lot of noise outside" I say
"Mmhmm" he mumbles, I walk into the kitchen and start cooking eggs

After about 10 minutes no sign of Theo, I storm back into the room and see him asleep again he was never a morning person I think
"WAKE UP PORCOS HERE!" I yell at him he immediately jumps out of his bed butt naked, I turn away closing my eyes
"FUCK SAKES! Theo put bloody clothes on before I burn you alive" I say

After 20 minutes we finish eating and make our way outside to see stores everywhere
"What the hell?" Theo mutters
"y/n, Theo your finally awake" I hear peick say behind us
"This is the festival!?"I ask which she nods my eyes light up as I run back into the house and grab my money....and Theo's
"Hey thats my money!" Theo says
"Well who made you breakfast" I laugh
"N/n give me my money" he says
"Mmmm come catch me first!" I say before running off as he runs after heheh lets see who's faster I think
"Y/N NO!" Theo yells angry

I start running, turning corners I climb up a few boxes and jump on a roof, I see that Theo is is slowly catching up, along with Porco making sure Theo doesn't get hurt
"Y/N YOUR DEAD!" Theo yells
"If you catch me that is~"i sing
I turn around and see riener in front of me
"AHH!" I say
"Y/n give Theo his money back" he says tiredly
"Your such a troublemaker" porco says
"Not my fault you all are lil bummers" I say rolling my eyes, just as Theo was about to grab his money back I jump off the building a roll before saluting them and running
"She's such a pain sometimes" Theo says
"I'll say" riener says rubbing his head

I turn a corner and see Porco he quickly grabs me and takes back Theo's money
"Act your age, your 20 not 2" porco scowls
"Hmpf" I groan
"Did you have something" he asks
"Mmm maybe~" I sing
"What and when" he blandly says
"I had...whisky this morning while waiting on Theo" I honestly say
"Really! Y/n this is you drunk" he groans
"Uh-Huh"I smile
"Damn it" he say

After that whole fiasco, they made riener watch over me to make sure I don't go crazy again, soon I start to die down, and we meet up with Gabi, falco, zophia and udo and Riener pays for all their food, at the 3 shop I go up behind him
"Let me this time riener" I say before giving the money over
"Thanks" he says
"No problem"

3 hours later

I was sitting in my seat next to Theo and Udo, Willy came on and started speaking I didn't particularly listen because to be honest everything that came out of this guys mouth is bullshit, it was quiet but then all of a sudden the building behind the stage starts to break, I notice before everyone else, I grab Theo, Udo, gabi and zophia, I just grab and pull zophia towards me before a Boulder crushes her, I look up at Willy and he was being eaten by a titan

Everyone start to go in a panic when I was trying to protect all the kids, Udo gets out of my grasp and the crowd start to stomp on him, I instantly put myself over him to stop them from crushing him, people kick me, stomp on me but all I could think of was at least he wasn't getting it, just then colt comes and protect the other three
"Y/N!" Theo yells, I give him a smile, before the stomping stops and I look at Udo he's just in shock no big damage

I hear the others rush over to me, but they stop and stare at me
"W-why is steam coming from you?" Colt asks
"Huh?" I mutter before feeling around my head and feeling heat
"Huh!?" I exclaim, but I shake it off
"Doesn't matter right now, Colt take them somewhere safe" I order
"What about you!?"Gabi yells
"I'm going to see if there's survivors" I say before Colt grabs them all and starts running

I look back at the damage before a feel a rumbling behind me and see the war-hammer titan fighting the founding titan
Holy shit I need to get out of here I think, I start running towards the exit when a huge Boulder falls infront of me I fly back, I turn to see the founding titan winning and he has the war-hammer titan in his hands, she was covered in a crystal
"STOP!" I yell, then Porco comes out of the shadows and goes to bite the nape of the founding when someone comes and cuts his jaw making him unable to bite down, he gets his legs cut off and gets the war-hammer titan in his mouth, I start running towards porco, before I could get to him, the founding had eaten the war-hammer and threw porco away, before I could get to him, I heard a zipping noise to turn around a get picked up
"What the-YOU MURDERER!" I yell hitting Eren
"Don't worry y/n we'll get you back" he says
"You pychcopathic maniac let me go!" I say, pushing his head away from me, but before I could we made it to a airship, and was greeted by a blond, his eyes lighting up when seeing me
"Y/n" i smiles, I get on the ship and people stare at me

They push me on a chair and tie my hands and feet down, I look to my side a see Theo
"Let him go he did nothing" I yell
"Do it Eren" says a guy who looks just like me, he looked like he was about to cry
"Don't touch me!" I sneer trying to move away from his hands, soon he puts his hands on my temple, and I start getting flashes
"Mama...papa...little brother" I mutter, my nose starts bleeding
"AHH!" I yell out
"LET HER GO!" Theo screams, he lets go and my head drops
"Y/n it's okay, riener and everyone else will come get us" Theo says,I look over at him and smile, before I start having flashes again
"STOP DON'T TOUCH ME, I'M SORRY I WON'T DISOBEY YOU AGAIN KAZZ!" I scream it feels like needles are all over my arms endlessly
"NO, GET IT OFF!" I yell, people are staring at me
"PLEASE MARTHA! SPARE NADIA KILL ME INSTEAD!" I beg what is this, why, what happened I think another one memory pops up, making me feel like I'm re-living it
"I don't want to be a assassin Sola, you do I don't" I whisper
"Just because I have this power doesn't mean I can't be good right" I mutter

Soon I was snapped back into reality people was staring at me, they were all wide eyed and I look over to Theo and see him muttering and crying
"W-what's happen-ning?" I mutter
"Who are you and what is the last thing you remember before Marley?" Levi asks
"What are you doing here!" I sneer
"Answer please" he says
"Tch remember getting I remember talking with a friend" i blandly say
"Ok, we need to continue" Levi says
"FUCK OFF!" I sneer
"I'm sorry y/n" a guy with long brown eyes says, he puts his hands on my temple and memories flood back even more painful this time
"AHHH!" I yell I grab onto the chair
"Join the scout"
"I can teach you"
"You really are clueless"
"We're in this together"
"I love you y/n"
These all flash between my eyes, my mind couldn't comprehend and my ears started to bleed, I drop my head letting my hair fall on my face
"Y/n...." I hear my dad say
"Hm" I weakly say, I get pulled into a hug by him
"I haven't seen you in a while haven't I" I mutter
"I've missed you so much, I thought I....I lost you" he cries
"I'm sorry for leaving you" I mutter
"It's fine just don't do it again" he hugs me tighter I just let him I'm to exhausted to do anything

I then hear bang from the other room I sit up, and weakly speed walk over to the door and slide it open I look down and see Sasha on the floor I stumble my way to her, before falling right next to her
"I'm here Sasha" I weakly say, before putting my hands on her wound, I use the last of my energy to heal her, a white light comes from my chest and goes to her wound before she heals up, I collapse beside her
"Nice seeing you sash" i mutter before passing out

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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