Chapter 9

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We had gotten out of the underground a was covered in blood it was disgusting, when we made it back into trost when put all of the kids into a good, well rated adoption home, but I heard the people's screams at me
"MONSTER!" "LOOK AT HER SHE MURDERED POEPLE!" "UNDERGROUND RAT" I was sort of numb to it though I dint really care for it, when I heard someone ride up behind me I saw it was Eren
"Hey don't listen to them ok y/n" he says
"Mhmm" I humm
"Are you ok?" He says with concern
"It doesn't really matter if I am or not" I mutter what's wrong with me, I killed the person who murdered my mother so why don't I feel any better I think, I then feel a hand on my shoulder I slightly jump
"It matters because your vital to us, your vital to me" he mumbles the last bit but I heard, I give him a little smile

-time skip to the expedition-

It was the early morning of the expedition, I had become even more quiet than I had before, when I was killing Kazz it was like I wasn't in control of my body, it was terrible I thought I would even go after my dad. At this point I was just staring at my horse when I hear my dad
"Y/n what's on your mind?"he nicely asks
"Nothing"i blandly say
"Don't lie c'mon you haven't been yourself since we went into the underground district" he told
"I mean I was a beast I didn't murder people no I slaughtered them, I wasn't in control of my body and when y..when you came I thought I was going to hurt you" I cry shit I stuttered, suddenly my dad pulls me into a hug

I was shocked at first but then a wrapped my hands and tears came down
"He was the one her killed her....he killed mama" I whisper
My stomach hurt from all the sobs, I couldn't see out of my eyes and I was chocking on my own tears, I was a mess why can't I just be normal I think, my dad then pushes me away and stares me right in the eye
"We will help you control your abilities, your titan and all the other ones, and for you being worried about attacking me don't worry you didn't, don't think about what if? Because no matter how much you try you can't change the past, or know the future" he wisely said, I wipe away the tears
"Thank you dad" I say giving him a smile

-time skip to middle of expedition (sorry I'm lazy :/)

We were using our ODM gear when I saw a cloaked figure go up to Gunther,it didn't look like my dad
"GUNTHER DUCK!" I yell, making him just dodge the blades that where going to his neck, I go up next to him
"How did you know it wasn't captain Levi?!" He frantically asks
"Doesn't matter we can chat after we get threw this, I assume that's the female titan, so keep moving" I order I never realised this until now but I'm bossy I think, I soon hear lightning behind me and I hear loud footsteps behind me
"Look you two make it to base, we'll take her" Eld implies
"If you do that there's a high chance you die" i blandly say
"C'mon lighten up y/n were the Levi squad" Oluo cockily says
"No our best bet is for Eren to fight the female titan while you all try and find captain Levi, I'll stay back in case anything bad happens" I reply
"Fine" they say before leaving to go find dad

I turn to Eren who's getting ready to turn, he brings his hand up to his mouth and bites it turning into a titan
"ROOOAR!" I roars
The female titan take fighting stance while I'm trying to look for a opening for her nape, soon her and Eren start to fight, though Eren seems to be losing, I see her whole arm harden and punch Eren but his mouth just scraps across it, but as his mouth hangs open from being ripped, the female titan kicks his upper head off
"EREN!" I yell before zipping over to the female titan who was going to bite down on Erens nape

I pull out a blade and slit my hand turning into a titan, she looks over at me not expecting another titan shifter, I punch her sending her far away, I quickly grab Eren from in the nape and start running, I soon see Mikasa and she sees Eren in my hand I give her to Eren and tell her to run which she soon does, I run back to the female titan who was staring at me. She charges at me and she goes to kick me I grab her foot and flip her over me, I was now onto of her I then feel a kick in my stomach I fly and hit a tree hitting my head keep your cool y/n I think, I turn my hand into claws and rush after her

She tries to block my claws but I end up slitting her arm I then trip her up and throw her into a tree, I cut all her limbs but her nape was still hardened so I couldn't do anything I decide to leave her there and just let as many people escape, I run out of the forest and see the squad, I soon get out of my titan form and I hear zipping before I get picked up I see my dad he drops me on a cart next to Eren my head hurt terribly, I hold onto it trying not to pass out when Petra came up to me
"Y/n are you ok!?" She ask, I just gave the thumbs up before I passed out

I woke up to hear Erens voice right next to me
"Y/n wake up" he said, I slightly open my eyes to see him right in front of me, I push him away
"Let me sleep" I mumble turning over, when I realise I'm not back at base, I snap my eyes open to look around and see I'm still on the cart
"Wha- oh yeah the female titan" i mutter
"Mikasa said you saved me, but I didn't need your help" he groans, I turn to look him right in his eyes
"From what I saw, if I didn't do anything you'd be dead, and it's called a thank you" I snap
"Now don't talk to me I just woke up" I say turning to see how many casualties, but I was happy to see the Levi's squad was ok, then my dad came up to the cart
"Now what was that back there, you shouldn't fight the female titan by yourself you could die" he asks
"Yeah well I did and I didn't die" I mumble
"Drop the attitude" he snaps
"Mhmm" I mumble
"2 weeks cleaning the stables" he states
"Yeah" I mutter

We soon make it back into the walls and I saw people all huddled around looking at us, the adults didn't really like us say it's a waste on their taxes though I see some kids filled with excitement and happiness
"Look at those guys they must be really strong!" One kid smiles aw how innocent and naïve I think, I then see Eren drop to the ground tears in his eyes, I go over to his side
"Eren what happened?" I ask
"Those kids, they're just like me, but they have no clue what's outside the walls" he says while crying, I put my hand on his head
"That's kids for you, but don't put that down yes we're all like that at one point in our life, we're naïve we think everything is fine, remember they probably haven't experienced anything so of course they will be like that, but suck it up ok" I sincerely say
"Thanks" he whispers
"Don't mention it" I say removing my hand from his hair why do I want to do that again?, why do I feel this? I think

Sorry this chapter is shorter but I'll make it up in the next few chapters
I hope you enjoyed the chapter regardless

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