Chapter 5

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Y/ns POV

I had been learning how to read and write from Armin for about 2 hours now I was bloody tired though he asked me to write my name then we could go to bed, I had raged many times because of how stressful it is to write "my name is y/n Ackerman" Armin made me write that 10 times and this was the last time
Y/n Ackerman I write it was really hard to understand it but I did it
"Great job y/n" Armin congratulated
"Don't pity me, I know my hand writing sucks" I groan
" actually not really considering you've never done this before I think you've done well" he sincerely says, this make me give him a little smile
"Thanks blonde" I mumble, before walking off to my room
I make it to my room I lay down and fall asleep immediately

-time skip to morning-

I wake up as the sun shines onto me
"Mmm fuck off sun" i mutter in vain, i then get up i kind of miss the underground I think, I look around my room it's quite filthy (not really just has a wee bit of dust), ok I have 2 hours until I need to train I think, I get changed into cleaning clothes and put a cloth over my head, I walk around the hallways trying to find the cleaning supplies fuck it I'll just ask someone
i walk down to the mall were is the cleaning supplies? I think, I walk up to Yeager and ask
"Oi Yeager where's the cleaning supplies?"I ask he looks up at me and gives me a odd stare
"Why are you dressed like that?" He asks
"Sorry never knew there was a dress code" I say glaring at him
"So Yeager where are the cleaning supplies?"
"Um there in captain Levi's office"He replies
"Of course they are" I mumble, I walk up to my dads room and knock on it
"Name and business" he states
"Your beloved daughter and hand over the cleaning supplies" I order, walking in
"Drop the attitude" he orders
"Tch whatever, anyways where are the cleaning supplies my room needs to be cleaned" I groan
"Over there" he points to a cabinet, I walk over and grab all the supplies I need
"Thanks dad" I say, I turn around to see a genuine smile on his face

I go into my room and drop all the supplies, I walk over to my cabinet and rub my fingers under it, I could feel the dust coming off it gross I think, I start cleaning. I had done most of my room, and I was just doing the outside of window, I was hanging off it, my feet being the only thing stopping me from falling, but oh well as long as I got around my window I was fine, I then hear someone walk in my room
"Y/N!" They yell sounds like Yeager I think, he grabs my ankles and pulls me up
"What was that for?!" I yell
"You were hanging out of a wonder what was I supposed to do!" He angrily replied
"Tch whatever, what do you want" I groan
"Training" he replies
"Ok" I walk over to my cabinet and pull out my uniform and start taking off my top
"Are you staying or?" I ask, he turns deep red and runs out
"NOPE IM LEAVING!" He shouts
"Heh" I slightly laugh

I finish changing and make my way down to the training area, people were already fighting isn't this useless I mean were fighting Titans not humans I think, I walk over to we're everyone is and I see Eren fighting Jean they we're not holding back, I soon see Eren win and Jean walk away in embarrassment
"Hey aren't you going to train y/n?" Armin said coming up to me, while Eren was still gloating
"What's the point we fight Titans here not humans don't we?" I ask
"Well yes but it's still good to train" he says
"Hmm ok fine" I give in, before walking over to Eren
"So Yeager if your so good, fight me" I say, he turns around with determination in his eyes this guy remembers what I did to him in titan form I think
"Don't hold back ok!" He yells
"You sure?" I ask, if I go all out he'll get quite hurt
"Just do it damnit" he orders ok, ok jeez I think

He starts to run to me at full speed with the wooden knife in his hand, when he goes to hit me with the knife he changes the knife to his other hand, which I quickly grab his wrist and break it
"AH!"he screams, I grab his mouth and pull it back revealing his neck, and I hold the wooden knife to it
"Dead"I whisper in his ear
"EREN!" I hear people yell, I let go of him and push him away
"What did you do to him" Mikasa coldly said while grabbing my collar
"I did what Armin told me to do trained, and Eren over there wanted a sparing partner so I spared with him" i blandly say
"Don't ever touch him!" She yells
"Calm down, it's training nothing else plus he heals, so it's fine and I didn't go all out on him which you should be happy I didn't or he would be a corpse right now"i sneer, I grab onto her hand and force her to let me go

"Y/n!" My dad shouts, I groan and walk over to him
"Yeah?" I ask
"Why don't you train with me?" He offers rolling up his sleeves
"Oooo this'll be good" I mumble
We walk over to the training ground and I pick up the knife and chuck it to him
"Respect to my elders, you have the knife" I exclaimed
"Tch." He replies, we get into our fighting positions and I look him straight in the eye this should be easy, as he still sees me as a little frail girl I think but don't underestimate him I added

he lungs at me before I could comprehend he knocked me onto the ground he goes for my face and I move just before he cuts me and I quickly stand up, grab his hair and shove it into the ground, I slightly loosen my grip and he takes advantage of that and kicks me in the stomach
"Ouch" I sarcastically say
He goes behind me and goes to put the knife at my neck, I quickly put my hand in front of my neck and grab onto the knife as soon as I hold onto it a disarm him and sweep him off his feet making him stumble back, I go to "kill" him but he kicks me in the stomach and I cough up blood

I grip onto the knife as he comes charging at me and I see him doing a old move he once did on me, he makes it look like he goes to punch you but he then kicks your ankles to make you fall smart but you must've forgot you taught me this when I was 5 I think, I jump as he goes to kick my ankles i then grab his arm and flip him over me, once he hits the ground he gets winded I then press the knife up against his neck, and hold both his hands in my arm while I stand on his legs
"Done" I whisper, I get up and wipe the remaining blood from my mouth, I see everyone looking at me and my dad
"What!" I spat, everyone quickly looks away

I find I open bit of grass and sit down, I was sitting in peace and quiet when I hear a bush Shaka and I hear a
"Psssst" I quickly get up and get ready to fight but then I see familiar messy blond hair
"Enely?!" I loudly whisper, she comes out of the bush along with kyo, Sola and tya
"What are you all doing up here, and how did you get here" I spit
"Look Kazz and Martha are furious that your not back, and we're here to bring you back" tya speaks
"Well I'm sorry I'm not going back to being their little labrat!" I sneer
"We thought you might say that, so" Sola spoke, I heard I little ruffle above me, I look up and see people come out and went to jump on me

I jump back, I look around to see people surrounding me
"Tch all this to get me back" I spit
"What can we say, we miss our little labrat" I hear a voice say from behind me, I turn around to see Martha with a crappy smile on her face, I stand frozen in fear why can't I move! I think
"Hello again y/n~" she whispers in my ear, she then pulls out a needle and shoves it in my arm
"Now it's more even your titan abilities are temporarily gone" she smiles
"You bitch!" I growl, I grab out my knife and grasp it
"Oh, ho, ho there she is the midnight slasher!" She laughs

People then come down and grab my arms, I stomp on there feet causing them to break, I stab one in the torso and slit it up all the way up to their neck, making them die, I then quickly slit the other ones throat I can't take all these people there are about 100 i think
"Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?" I hear Armin yell shit! I think, I quickly run after him and I see someone aiming to shoot him, I push Armin out of the way and get shot in my shoulder
"Armin go get my dad now!" I order him, he looks at me wide eyes before he runs inside

People start charging at me and I swiftly kill about 10 of them by cutting their ankles and leaving them to bleed out, I was fighting Enely when I feel a sharp pain in my back, I turn to see Tya
"You traitor" she sneers
"Last time I checked I never joined this pathetic excuse for a gang"I growl, I quickly disarm her but she take the knife out leaving me to bleed, someone then injects me with something, I soon feel drowsy no I'm not letting them take me!" I think, I keep fighting and killing

I was now completely exhausted
"Wow y/n your more powerful than I thought" Martha laughed
"You psychotic bitch" I yell, I feel another injection but this one just makes me dizzy
"Y/N!" I hear my dad yell, I turn around to see my dad, perfect timing I think before passing out
"Y/N!" The last thing I hear

I hope you enjoyed this chapter
I'm thinking about doing a chapter on Levi and Kayle the mom
Tell me what you think
Other than that

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