Chapter 2 {edited}

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Titan shifter

Y/ns POV

My eyes were closed, the subtle breeze kissing my skin. Moonlight shining over the ground as a kid I always loved the day and wanted as much sun as I wanted, I never even tried to look at the beauty of night. Hearing footsteps approaching me I can tell it's yeager by the heaviness of his footsteps and how fast he was walking
"You want me again? Can't I get any non-Eren bugging me time" I ask him, he sighs and lightly kicks my legs
"Captain Levi wants you" he says
"Ugh, fine" I groan standing up

Walking up to Levi's office I knock on his door, Eren looked like he was about to shit himself with the amount of fear from Levi
"What? Scared of a 5'3 clean freak?" I ask him
"Don't speak about captain Levi like that" he says
"Aww, you like him? You know he doesn't care about others right" I say

I'm about to carry on but a voice interrupts us
"Who is it?" Levi asks, biting my bottom lip I chuckle and turn to Eren and wink at him
"See you around" I say

Barging into the office with my arms spread out I laugh
"Ahh! Levi! How was it getting rid of all the soup? Are you full now?" I ask
"Sit down." He orders
"Hey, hey no need for the hate" I say
"Just. Sit down" he says pulling on my top and making me sit down

Keeping eye contact with him he keeps a stonic face not smiling once, me on the other hand I was trying not to laugh, his "angry" face looked so stupid
"You should smile more, maybe could get a wife" I say smirking at him. Visibly he looks uncomfortable
"Aww did I strike a nerve? I'm so sorry..." I "apologise" whilst covering my mouth

His eyebrow twitches at my antics and I just continue to irk him on 'this'll be fun' grabbing some of his papers they quickly get snatches from me
"You know, you should keep you hands to yourself" I say
"Just shut up, I came here to discuss multiple things" he says
"Oh ok" I say nodding my head a fixing my posture
"How's this? Do I look professional enough for "adult stuff" Levi?" I ask
"It's captain, and stop acting like a child" he orders, I chuckle at his low voice

Laying back in my chair he goes on
"Why did you walk out of the meeting when I said it wasn't done?" He asks
"Easy, I was bored" I reply
"That's not a excuse, I'm a higher up, you do as I say" he says
"Why should I? Give me a reason? You earned it...that has nothing to do with me, why should respect you, respect is earnt" I respond
"You flipped me over a table then poured soup on me" he argues

Staying quiet
"Yeah that was fully on me, but in my defence I get spooked easily, so don't touch me, especially when I don't know it's coming" i say
"The soup...?" He asks
"I wanted to do that, mostly because it was funny, secondly is because I absolutely fucking despise you" I say
"Why is that? You don't know me?" He asks
"Oh I do know you" I say, pulling out a silver knife with a rose pattern on it I show it to him

He looks say and his stoic face drops showing I sad one, he tries to take it from me but I lift it up
"Let's just say an old friend of mine gave it to me" i say smirking
"Did she..." he quietly says
"Oh no, she's bloody dead, you killed her" I say pointing the knife at him

He stays in his seat and just looks down, this pisses me off even more, gripping the knife even more I kick his desk out of the way and grab his seat an point the blade as his throat
" she's dead, because of you, she cried every night, because of you, she was left behind because of you! And what? To play hero? To start new!? ANWSER ME DAMNIT!" I shout digging the blade into his neck

The door bursts open to show Eren who's about to bite his hand
"What are you doing!?" He asks
"This bastard murdered my friend" I say
"No he did-" he about to speak
"Shut sun bather, privalidge little shit! You don't know anything that goes on down there!" I shout directing my blade at him
"That man, had a daughter, a wife! A PREGNANT WIFE! And he left them...he left them defenceless in the underground...that little girl was 6" i shout at him

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