Chapter 22

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I woke up, holding onto something, I slowly open my eyes and see a little boy with blond shaggy hair, his name was Theo isn't he like my brother or something? I think, I look around and I'm surrounded with sand when I turn I see 2 people a girl with black long hair and a tired expression she looked about 16 or 15 and a boy with blond-ish, brown-ish hair with a serious look, he looks around 14 or 15
"Who are you!?" He asks
"Um....y-y/n" i studder that's my name right? I think, the boy starts to wake up
"Are you Eldian or marlyian?" The girl asks
"Eldian or marlyian?" I question
"Yes which are you!" The boy butted in
"Huh where am I?" Theo asks
"Your on Marly now Eldian or marlyian!" The boy asks again
"I don't know what your talking about, I don't even know my last name" I snap back
"What! Wait where did you come from?" The girl asks
"I don't know, all I know is my name is y/n this is Theo and I'm pretty sure he's my brother and I'm 16 that's all" I reply
"Hmm come with us" the girl says
"Wait hold on who are you two?!" I ask
"My name is peick and this is porco" she smiles
"Hmm alright..." I mutter, I turn back to Theo
"C'mon buddy" I say before the two of us get up and walk with them

Levi's POV

"Hahhhaha I guess you won't know but by the time you get there they will already be gone" he laughs, I go to hit him but I see blood splatter in front of me I turn to see that Eren had decapitated him, he was fuming
"Were finding them, even if it's the last thing I do" he says looking straight at me

We make our way out of the underground and we start splitting up and searching for them. Days pass and we've looked around non-stop, with no evidence that they were to be found
"Where are you y/n" I mutter, I feel a hand on my back I turn to see Hange
"No matter what we'll find her again" they reassure
"Right." I blandly say continuing to look


We just a blood test and both Theo and I are Eldian and we soon get a band on our arm signifying that we're Eldian
"Where do we go miss pieck?" Theo asks
"You can probably just stay with me" she says smiling at us
"No, no we can't do that, you just met us that's just.....we can't" I say
"No need, all I ask is that you maybe help us in the war?" She asks
"The war?" Theo asks
"Of course not you Theo, I'll get someone to train you" peick says
"Yes please! If n/n is going to fight I'll fight with her!" Theo says seriously punching the air, porco laughs at this
"Not like that you are" he laughs
"I don't care what you say, I'll be a warrior that n/n can be proud of" he smiles

-3 years later (sorry got lazy :3)-

Theo and I were training, but I look over at porco and I see him keeping a close eye on Theo is something going on between those two I think
"Y/N!" Theo yells snapping me into reality
"Huh!?" I blurt out
"Get your head out of the clouds" he says
"Stop being a party pooper then, I'm aloud to think" I say
"Not when we're training now let's go your supposed to train me I'm going into the army next mission" he says I look down
"Y/n I'm 15 now I'm not a little kid anymore" he calmly says
"I know I'm just worried" I say looking down
"Wow thee y/n isn't joking around now that's a new one" he sarcastically says
"Y/N, THEO STOP PLAYING AROUND!" Our commander orders
"Yes sir" we say saluting
"Alright lil man let's see what you got" I say

He charges at me and I go to punch him when he ducks and punches my stomach making me fly back a bit but I land on my feet
"Cadet Theo, a brilliant mind, the smartest cadet in the team, very agile, knows how to take a punch and knows his place as a cadet, strong both mentally and physically, though he knows how to play with the human mind which is quite scary really how easily a 15 year old can manipulate you, other than that one of the best warriors" the commander thinks
"Cadet y/n, one time got shot in the abdomen and walked it off as if it were nothing, just as agile as cadet Theo, quick thinker, knows what to do when is given a situation, can take a punch as if it were nothing, abnormally strong, doesn't know her place though, usually plays around, but when serious she is one of the scariest cadets, if she wanted to she could probably take out cities, but the best warrior we have" the commander thinks

I was holding Theo hands behind his back with one hand and the other was against his nape
"Tap out Theo" I say
"Like hell I am" he sneers before kicking my hip and disarms me and takes the knife but before he could stab me I put him into a choke hold, he tries to stab me but I don't care
"Tap out okay, you did well" I say into his ear, I soon feel I light tap on my arm and I let go, he starts gasping for air, and porco comes running over to his aid
"Hey Theo you okay?" Porco asks
"Yeah porco I'm fine" he say coughing
"You went to far that time y/n you could've killed him!" He yells at me
"Porco relax Theo will be fine, I made sure that I only held him where it would do temporarily damage non is permanent" I reassure
"Don't worry porco I'm fine, let's just move onto target practice" Theo say and we make our way to target practise

-a hour later-

Once we were done target practice I won against porco which made him angry, Theo needed to calm him down we made our way back to peick apartment, but get stoped by little fans or whatever
"Oh god look it's Theo he's so handsome!!" A girl screams, Theo awkwardly smiles
"Holy look it's y/n as well these two are the best warriors we have!" A boy yells, after that distraction we make our way back to the apartment
"Y/n~ why do girls do that to me they always squeal at me" he sighs
"Well apparently your handsome to them, I don't know your pretty hideous to me" I laugh (just note in case you think y/n is being mean, they're like siblings)
He glares at me
"Says you" he mutters
"Yes says me!" I say proudly
"Anyways why haven't you perused one of them I mean a lot of girls love you" I ask, he tenses up
"Theo is there something your not telling me?" I ask him, he looks down
"Yeah um...there is" he says looking down, I make my way to him and pull him into a hug
"If you don't want to tell me then don't just know I'm here alright" I say giving him a hug which he does back
"No I'll tell you I've been wanting to for awhile" he mutter, tears start rolling down his cheek
"I...I...I'm..." he stutters, it looks so hard for him to say
"I...I like....." he mutter the last word but I can't hear him
"I'm sorry what I didn't hear you" I ask
"I LIKE BOYS!" He shouts, tears streaming down his cheeks
"And...I'm sorry if you don't like me now....but porco and I are....seeing each other" he says looking away
"Theo...that's fine" I say he looks up
"W-what?!" He asks
"I love you no matter who you like, honestly I don't really care, all I do care about is that your alright and happy and if you happy with porco then I'm fine" I say putting my hands on his shoulders, he soon hugs me
"Thank you, I was so scared that you would....hate me" he says sadly
"I could never hate you, you dumbass" a say rubbing his back, I pull him away and look him in the eyes
".....why porco though I mean, why?" I groan
"I mean, he's funny, he's really caring even though he seems like he doesn't, fucking hot" Theo says
"Language!" I yell
"Y/n you were swearing well and truly before 15" he says looking straight at me
"......shut up" I blurt out

I'm sorry for the short chapter
I'll try and upload another one soon

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