Chapter 16

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Nighttime moments
⚠️warning tiny bit of fluff in this chapter⚠️
(I sort of suck at it soooo sorry)

I wake up to someone shaking me and yelling at me
"Y/n! Y/n!. Wake up c'mon!" They yell
"Hmm Eren?" I mutter
"No it's Marco, get up what happened?" He asks frantically, I get up and look at him the moon was shimmering on him, I look around to try and see were I was cut
"How are you here I'm not bleeding?" I ask while getting up
"I don't know the last thing I remember was, you were coughing up blood, no one was around and when I got closer to you, I got blinded by a bright white light that came from you, and now I can't see the spirits?!" He says worried
"What the fuck!?" I mutter
"Wait you can't see the spirits and you got engulfed by a white light, hold on can you use you senses and can you get hurt?!" I ask did I bring him back to life I think, I look around me and the grass and tree was dead
"I'll try" he says grabbing my knife and cutting his palm
"Ouch!" He yelps I look down and he's bleeding
"Did I bring you back to life!?" I question
"How!? That's not even it" he mutters the last bit
"I don't know but I need to get inside" I say trying to stand up but falling
"Ugh fuck!" I curse
"Here let me help" Marco says putting my arm around his shoulder
How did I bring him to life? I think

Once we make it just outside the door, I tell Marco to wait outside while I get Hange as they will probably know what to do.....hopefully

I walk in and my legs give out and I fall to the ground making a big thud I hear footsteps running towards me, then I hear a sword, I look up to barely just see a sword right in front of me
"It's just me" I sneer
"Y/n, why the fuck are you up this late!?" Eren says lighting a candle
"I need Hange" i mutter
"What happened to you?" He said looking down at me
"Just fucking get Hange" I snap

He runs and gets Hange then the both of the, come back to me within a few minutes
"What happened y/n?" Hange asks worried
"Doesn't matter just go outside" I say getting up weakly and walking out the door
"What's outside?" Eren asks
"Just look and see" I reply, I feel something help me walk I look over and see it's Eren, for some reason my stomach feels light

We walk outside and I see Marco pacing nervously
"Cadet bolt?" Hange questions
"M-Marco aren't you dead?!" Eren stutters
"He's supposed to be but I think I brought him back to life" I say
"WOOOAH!" Hange says running over to Marco
"Is this how you got like this?" Eren says looking at me
"Yeah..." I say putting my head on his shoulder why do I feel so safe? I think

Hange was absolutely fangirling and asking questions about how the afterlife is, which just made Marco visibly confused
"Hange he just got brought back from the dead, let him rest" I say
"I could say the same for you" Eren says looking at me
"I've already slept I just need to lay down" I say, Marco walks up to me and grabs my hand, making me flinch
"Um thank you for giving me a second chance at life" he says smiling
"Hey Marco just sleep in my bed okay, you will need a lot of rest" I say
"No I can't do that" he says waving his hands
"Just sleep okay" I demand
"Ok....thank you again!" He smiles going inside

Eren tries to take me inside but I decide to lay down outside
"C'mon Y/n it's like 5 in the morning you should sleep" Eren says
"Nah I'm fine here" I mutter sitting down on the grass and staring at the stars
"They're still amazing 15 year all I could do is imagine" I say to him
"How was life down there anyways" he says laying down next to me
"Well for you guys, horrible most of you as kids would most likely die, be sold or raped but that was normal for me" I say
"Do you wish you were born up here?" Eren asks
"Umm in some ways I guess, I would've wanted to have more of a childhood, rather then having to grow up and mature young but who knows how I would be if those things didn't happen to me" I reply
"How was your childhood up here?" I ask
"Well quite boring really, day after day was the same, though when the Titans invaded and......ate my mom I swore that I was going to take down every titan, but know I'm a titan as well so..." Eren says looking away
"I've always wanted that a single day to do nothing, no training, no experiments, no death just a avarage day that can't really happen know with what I am" I say
"I'm also sorry about your mom" I add, turning to face him

Erens POV

I was laying outside with y/n it was actually really nice, and I love how she's opening up to me, but hearing about the things she's been threw, I don't even know how she's still able to smile, though she doesn't do it much, then she turns to face me, the moonlight reflects off her, her grey eyes shines in the moonlight
"Eren!" She yells
"What?" I snap out of my thoughts
"You were just staring at me, and your red are you sick?" She asks
"What no I'm not sick" I stutter
"Okay then" she shrugs off should I tell her I like her.... no the captain would kill me.....but I really do love her i think

"Why does Eren keep looking at me, and why am I this what the guys were talking I have feelings for Eren?" Y/n thought


I was looking at Eren why does he make me feel this way I think should I ask him i think, just then we both look eye contact and quickly look away I have no experience with this so called love I think
"E-Eren" my eyes go wide I STUTTERED!? I think, I get up and go to walk away but something grabs my hand but I don't flinch
"Maybe your sick your red and the y/n I know would never stutter" he said in a weird tone wait is this what Enely said once it's called flirting I think
"Stop touching me Yeager" I say that's sounds weird I think, I look back at Eren and he's gone deep red and let go of my hand, I sit down on the ground
"This love thing is confusing" i mutter
"Oh? Love?" Eren questions and I said that out loud.....fuck I think
"Nothing Yeager" I huff
"No don't be like that, why? Do you like someone?" He asks
"Huh! No!......I don't know" I stutter
"Hmm what do you think about Armin?" He asks
"I don't know, he's nice, intelligent as fuck, kind, but he has a dark side" I genuinely say
"Ok what about horse-face" he asks again why does he care?
"Well he's a nervous reck, but he's a genuinely nice guy if you get to know him, can think he's up-himself though" I say
"Okay what" he says
"You....well I don't know" I genuinely say
"What do you mean?" He asks with a hint of sadness
"Well I don't know how to voice my opinion on you, I don't know this feeling" I say
"I guess, I like how you have a goal in your life, you also have a very intense stare, your kind, lil bit of anger issues but that's fine, handsome, though when I'm with you my stomach feels weird and my face goes red, so maybe you make me sick"I say, he goes red
"You think I'm handsome?" He blurted
"That's what I said so yes" I reply
"What do you think of me?"I ask
"Perfect, honestly I see no flaws" he says proudly
"Out of all the girls, you think I'm perfect" I say why me I'm ugly I think
"Yup, I mean you are" he says looking at me, he was quite close to my face
"Someone needs glasses then" I say ruffling his hair

I turn to him and he's looking down why.....I want to kiss him.....don't y/n! I think this is so confusing, I move my hand to his chin and make him face me those damn eyes I think, I then do something I thought I never would I clashed my lips with his

I use my other hand and grab the back of his head pushing him towards me, I was then kissing him it was nice he soon bit my bottom lip, my lips slightly seperated but then his tongue was in my mouth and it was exploring every inch of my mouth, I soon do the same, we separate with a few strings of saliva connecting us, we were both panting hard holy shit what the fuck was that I think
"Holy shit!" I hear Eren say, I turn around and he managed to get even redder
I'll say oh my god!" I say blushing hard
"Your dads going to slaughter me!" He says scared
"No he won't......I hope" I whisper the last part so he can't hear


I can't believe I just did that😅😅
Well I hope you liked it, I may be doing more of that soooooooo
Heh bai!

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