Chapter 8

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My mission

⚠️there will be a lot of mentions of blood⚠️


I woke up it was still nightfall, I get up and put my black jeans with long brown combat boots that go up to my knees, with a white long sleeve top and brown vest, I soon put on a black cloak and I quietly head down stairs, and head down to where all the ODM gear is

I put it all on as quietly as I can when I hear a door shut a turn around to see Armin staring at me
"What do you want Arlert?" I whisper-shout
"What do you think your doing? Your going to go fight all those people by yourself?!" He sighed
"If thats what it takes for them to stop killing kids then yes" I mutter
"Your not going alone" I turn to see Eren
"Eren but none of the scouts are coming you have no experience with the underground, you will all die in a instant" I
"Y/n it's just stupid going down there by yourself" Armin begs, while I try to walk out I feel a hand stop me from walking any further
"I'm coming with you" Eren demands
"Like hell you are" I Sneer
"Well your not going alone" I heard my dad say
"Not you to dad" I groan
" I don't care what you say cadet Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, Jean and I are coming" just then others showed up
"Tch none of these people have dealt with the underground other than you and I, you realise that they might die right?!" I scoff
"They've all agreed" he replied
"Tch fine then" I say going on a horse and start riding I better not loose these idiots I think

We ride for quite a while when we saw a entrance I walk over and look down to the staircase I turn around to see everyone, they were all nervous
"If any of you don't want to go threw with this turn back now!" I order, none of them leave
"Ok fine then, now this is the underground, it's not like up here, you will see dead bodies, beaten people, starving children, and there are thief's and murders all around, so DON'T let your guard down" I demand

We then all walk down the staircase after my dad talked with the military who were guarding it, we walk down, and I hear gasps behind me jeez they already are distracted I think
"Brats look alive"Dad ordered making everyone snap out of there thoughts, we walk until we hit the Main Street, I saw 3 kids on the street who looked like they hadn't eaten in weeks, I pick up a rock and throw it behind a merchant, making them turn around, I quickly snatch 3 pieces of bread and walk over to the kids
"Here" I say with the softest voice I have, there faces light up as the grab a bread each and start devouring it
"Thanks you" one boy said the other two just nodded, I walk back over to the group
"Why did you do that?" Dad asks
"Call it a old routine" I replied

We turn a corner and I see the place that I once called home, I stop quickly I heard footsteps from above and a fimilair stretching sound then a release, I catch the arrow and throw it back at the person stabbing him in the head
"We need to use our gear now, it looks like he was the only one" I say
"I'll take Armin, Eren, Jean, dad you take the others" I order, dad nods

We land on a roof of that was right next to the base, I soon hear zipping noises and I was soon fighting Sola, while Armin was fighting Tya, Jean fighting Kyo but I couldn't find Enely this isn't good she going to wait for a opening I think when I hear Erens shout I turn to see Enely standing over him, Eren had a huge slash across his chest, and a needle on the ground shit he won't heal his abilities are gone I think, my body fills with rage

Sola brings his sword to stab me when I put my hand in front of it making him cut threw my entire hand, I pull my hand out of the sword and snap his neck killing him instantly, I pick up his sword and throw it at Enely who was about to finish off Eren, I stab her right in the head making her fall over. Dead.

I run over to Eren who was coughing up blood, i try and stop the bleeding but to no avail, SHIT, SHIT SHIT! i think
"Y-y/n" he coughs
"Shut up, don't use up anymore energy"I snap, i then see I white light coming from my chest which comes to my arm and goes into Erens wound what the hell?! I think, I turn to see Jean and Armin still fighting Tya and Kyo, I turn around and there colour leaves their skin, even Armin and Jean look scared why do they look scared, huh they only hurt Eren I think, within a blink of a eye I was in front of Tya she looked at me her face wide, I raise my hand which now had claws as a beast, I claw her face making her scream which I quickly cover, I then rip out her vocal cords and drop her off the building

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