Chapter 23

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1 year later

I made my way onto the train, and sat down across from Colt apparently his little brother was coming this time
"So colt where's you little brother?" I ask
"He's right beside you" he replies
"Huh?" I say looking to my side seeing a blond
"You must be Falco hello I'm y/n" I say putting out my hand
"Oh um hello, this is Gabi, Udo and Zophia" he says pointing to who I think are his friends
"Hello" I say
"We're apart of the warrior program, and it's also really good to meet you, your a really strong warrior" Gabi exclaimed
"Oh thank you, aren't you at all nervous, you all are going into war" I say
"not at all, we're going to win" Gabi says excitedly
"Yeah I guess we are" I say
"Y/n stop annoying those kids" I look up to see Theo
"You really are a old fart, stop acting like a grandpa your a teenager, live a little" I say
"I'm living right now" he says I roll my eyes

-during fighting-

I was shooting people, I see my comrades dying all around me, I keep a good eye on Theo who was near me, I look to his side and see someone about to shoot him, I push him away and get shot in the shoulder, before I shoot the man in the head
"Idiot watch out all around you" i scowl
"Yeah I know" he says
"FALL BACK!" Our leader says Theo starts running back when I see someone lifting up their arm, I quickly run towards them I look down to see Falco, I pick him up and start running back to the trench, I hear guns firing all around me, luckily non hit me, I dive into the trench
"Y/n! God sakes stop doing that I thought you died!" Theo scowled
"Yeah I know sorry but I wasn't going to leave Falco there to die" I reply
"You two stop fighting!" Someone yells
"Thank you y/n" Colt says
" no problem" I reply
"Tch idiot go treat your wound" Theo says before walking away
"Love you too buddy" I yell out
"This war has dragged on for too long, it's time to finish it" Gabi says

Gabi was running back to the trench when Falco jumped out and ran towards her
FALCO YOU DUMB FUCK!" I yell, I pull out my gun and point it and the man who was shooting at them before I shot him I look out and see Porco
"PORCO!" Theo yells, the titan turns around an nods before running to protect the kids

Porco started killing off bases, when Falco and Gabi came back to the trench, I stormed over to Falco
"Damn it Falco don't do that" i scowl him
"I'm sorry..." he says looking down
"Tch doesn't matter now just don't do that again, Gabi is capable of looking out for her self" I say
Soon a air-ship came and start dropping people, I look away damn it I hate war I think
"You still aren't over the amount of death are you" Theo says looking at me
"I just hate how many people die just because of a silly war" I say
"I know this is a good for nothing war, but we do this to protect the ones we love" he says
"Yeah, your right blonde" I say, I look out of the trench and see riener turning into a titan
"Yes Reiner!" Gabi happily says

Before long Reiner, Zeke and Porco took over the base and they were forced to sign a peace treaty, but finally this shitty war was over, we made our way back home, while people were drinking, even Theo was drunk
"Y/n~ come one~ just have a drink~" he sings he's so childish when he's drunk I think
"Nah I need to look out for your ass" I reply
"You party pooper" he mutter, I look behind him and see porco
"I found your Prince Charming" i mock him after all the times he referred porco to "his Prince Charming" Theo stumbles over to porco
"Hellooo porco~" Theo sings
"Oh no your drunk aren't you" porco groans
"Just a tad" Theo laughs, making porco blush
"You idiot, now I have to babysit you" porco groans
"I'm not a baby I'm a warrior" Theo says flexing his muscles, making porco look away all flustered, Theo then yawned and fell asleep on porco, making porco catch him, I run over to him
"Is he okay?!" I frantically ask
"Yeah he's fine just asleep" porco replies moving hair away from his face
"Thank goodness, you know he refers to you as his Prince Charming" I laugh, porco's eyes widen and I tint of pink raises in his cheeks
"Anyways do you want me to take him?" I ask
"No I got him" porco says
"Okay then" I say walking back to my seat

I look over and see Theo fast asleep leaning on porcos shoulder and porco laying his head on Theo's they're so cute together I think before falling asleep

I wake up to Theo shaking me
"C'mon n/n wake up where home" he says tipsy
" yeah, yeah, looks like your still a little bit on the drunk side" I laugh
"Yeah i know" he says rubbing his head, I stand up and put his arm around my neck and start walking
"Man your lightweight aren't you" I say
"Heh shut up" he laughs, we make our way outside when I see peick, I quickly run over to her
"PEICK! Oh how are you" I say excited to see my friend
"I'm good, what happened to Theo?" She calmly asks
"Oh little brother here got drunk" I say
"Y/n!" He scowls
"Well c'mon you two let's meet our families" she says, my smile becomes more fake knowing I have no family
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to say it that way" peick apologises
"No need" Theo says

We make our way and I see everyone meeting up with their families, I look over and see a man with people in a line behind him
"Oh can't you stand?!" The man scowls, I let go of Theo and make my way over there, I see one person in the line eyes slightly widen
"Give them a break!" I scowl
"Oh well isn't it y/n, you know if you weren't a favourite and so close to miss finger and mr galliard you'd be dead" he says
"Well count me lucky now who are these people" I say
"Ugh soldiers who still think they're in the trenches and at war, still think they're surrounded by death peeeeew KAPOW!" He mocks making the people fall and yell in fear, I punch him on the shoulder
"Dick!" I yell, before walking over to them
"Hey your fine you don't have to fight" I say, I look and see Falco talking to one
"Hey Falco" I say, I look at the make with long brown hair and dark green eyes why does he look familiar? I think
"You don't have to fight anymore, the war is over" I smile, he looks straight at me with wide eyes
"Y/n....I found you......" Eren thinks, I help him up
"What's your name?" I ask
"Kruger...Eren Kruger"
"I'm y/n nice to meet you" I smile, I start having a headache I walk away holding onto my head, when Falco walks up to me
"Miss y/n are you alright?" He asks
"Call me y/n and I'm fine just a headache" I say

I make my way back to the apartment and I see Peick laying down on the couch
"Hey pieck do you want me to make you a coffee or tea?" I ask
"A tea will be nice thank you" she calmly says
"Alright" I say making my way to the kitchen and making her a tea and me a coffee, I walk back to the couch and give her the tea
"Do you know where Theo is?" I ask
"Yeah he went to see porco a while ago" she replies
"Ok" I say before the headache comes back

"1209 start training now!"
"Y/n I love you"
"I'm not leaving you again"
"We're family!"
"Are you going to eat that?"

"GAH!" I yell out grasping my head
"Y/n!?" Peick frantically asks
"What the hell!?" I groan
"What happened?" She asks
"I'm not sure.....maybe I just need some air, I think I've just been at war for too long" I try and laugh off
"Y/n you should rest instead" she urges
"I'm good thank you Peick, I'll be back soon ok" I say making my way out the door

I was going for a walk when I see the mental clinic, I walk past the gate and see falco what's he doing there? I think, I walk to him
"Hey falco what'cha doing?" I ask
"Just talking with mr Kruger" he smiles
"Oh hello again Eren" I say
"Hello y/n" he replies

I sit next to falco on the end of the bench
"I'm just not ready to face my family yet" Eren says who is my family?
"I'm not going to get the armoured, there's a girl who is far better than all of us everyone knows she's going to get the armoured" falco sadly says
"Falco they haven't chosen the next armoured yet, don't give up you can still inherit the armoured" I say
"Why didn't you try and get the armoured y/n your a perfect fit for it" he asks
"Well mostly because I want I nice, long life when you inherit Titans you have 13 years to live, but I want to live not as a warrior but as a person, who's knows maybe one day I'll find a partner and settle that's my reasoning" I say
"What about being a honorary marlyian?" Eren asks
"To be honest I don't give a crap about that shit, I'll be a Eldian that's who I am so I'll be proud of it" I say with fire in my eyes
"Do either of you wonder, how we got like this people got there minds taken from them, there freedom and independence got striped away" Eren says
"War....a pointless war" I say angrily
"But we need to take down the devils" falco says
"Why are they devils though?! Because of something that happened 100 bloody years ago, falco why did we do that to innocent people, they did nothing all they did is live and we saw them as a threat, I hate war it's pointless when you have the chance to have a quiet peaceful life" i angry say

2 chapters in one day
I'm on a roll hehhehehe
Anyways hope you liked it

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