Chapter 7

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Waking up

Y/ns POV

I wake up in a bed, my stomach hurts like hell, I turn to my side to see my dad holding my hand he's asleep I think, I lay down on my back how long have a been out? I think, I then hear a groan and I look to my side and see my dad waking up, then once he saw me his face lite up
"Y/N!" I yells, then grabbing me and giving me a tight hug
"Injured! INJURED!" I Yelp, he then quickly let's go, and people come rushing in the door, Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Hange, Erwin, Connie, Jean, Sasha
"Oh my god y/n your ok!" Sasha exclaims
"Thank you for saving me" Armin smiles

I look around to see everyone huddled over me why do they care so much? I think
"Tch ok you can stop bombarding her" my dad angrily says
"It's fine, my titan abilities are back so I'm healed" I say
"How did they take your abilities" Erwin asks
"For as long as I know they have way to get rid of titan abilities temporarily" I say, as peoples eyes widen
"Wait! So you took out all those people without your abilities, with just a pocket knife?!" Eren exclaims
"Well yeah, humans I quite weak, and plus they were just throw away gang me beers not the real thing" I reply
"Anyways I'm starving I'm going to go eat" I go to sit up but when I look down I see me just in bandages
"Everyone get out" i blandly whisper
"What did you say y/n?"Armin asks
"I'm naked so get out" i blandly say, with that peoples faces heat up and my dad grows angry
"IF ANY OF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT I WILL PERSONALLY FEED YOU TO A TITAN!" he yells making everyone run out of the room, and he soon follows closing the door behind him

I get up and walk over to a cabinet, I see some black jeans, a white long sleeve top and a brown vest with long combat boots, I grab the outfit and put it on I make my way down to the meeting hall,everyone's eyes quickly land on me fuck what did I do? I think, I grab some food and make my way to empty table hoping to be uninterrupted

Erwin soon steps up to the front of the hall and speaks
"Ok in 2 weeks we will be going on a expedition, we will be trying to get y/n and Eren to wall Maria for them to plug up the hole"he shouts what! How are we supposed to plug up a hole?! I think, before going back to eating, when I hear footsteps behind me
"What is it Yeager?"I ask annoyed
"What how did you know it was me?"he questions
"Call it a hunch now what do you want?" I ask again
"I just wanted to know who those people were, what do they want with you?" He asks damnit out of all the things you ask you ask this I think, son multiple people come over wanting to hear as well

"Why are you all so interested in those people" I say getting angry
"Well if they tried to attack you then we need to know" Mikasa emotionlessly says
"Tch fine, have any of heard of the gang called "the outsiders"I say hearing a few gasps, apparently a few people knew
"You mean the gang that has the best assassins to live? Didn't they also have the midnight slasher?, no one even knows what they look, how can we take that person on who killed hundreds?!" People exclaim
"Well you don't need to worry about the midnight slasher" I calmly say
"What of course we do unless she's dead, she'll kill us" Connie yelps
"No she won't because I'm her, I'm the midnight slasher" i mutter people quickly back away

Tch I knew they wouldn't be able to handle this knowledge and they wonder why I'm so good at hand-to-hand combat I think
"And I didn't kill random people I killed those who needed to die, rapists, human traffickers, murders, molisters and anyone who dared to touch or harm kids" i sneer
"Anyways when I was about 10 years old, they recruited me or well forced me to join them but they experimented on me, I don't know what or how much they put in me, but all I know is that I'm a titan shifter I have no clue of my abilities as they gave me hundreds or thousands of shots of things so it's a mystery to me, any other day that I wasn't getting experimented on I was training, I didn't sleep though I would be lucky to get 4 hours of sleep

So instead I trained more, and unintentionally that made those people like me more, but I always despised them, they are brutal and go to extreme extents to get what they want, do not underestimate the or you will end up dead, but if your to any value to them they'll take you so Eren you need to watch out, if they find out your a titan shifter they'll go after us both, the only thing is I know these people and you don't" I say leaving people shocked, I then get up and walk out

I walk outside and I see a few blood stains how many people did I kill? I think, I walk around to where I found Enely and I saw a knife with a note, I rip the note from the blade and attempt to read, which I fail so I go back inside to Armin, I grab him by the collar and drag him outside
"Hey can you read this out for me" I ask quite politely passing the note to him

Erens POV

Y/n had just gone outside I was still trying to process what she just said she's the midnight slasher? I think, I hear people whispering when Armin stands up
"It doesn't matter who she was right guys, I mean she saved me so in my eyes she's still y/n" she awkwardly says
"I agree!" I step in, a few others agree as well, when we hear the door open and see Y/n with a piece of paper in her hand, she grabs Armin by the collar and drags him outside, I start to feel angry what is this? I think am I jealous? I think

Y/ns POV

I handed Armin the piece of paper and he started reading
Dear 1209 or Y/n
You have made a huge mistake by turning on us, and if you didn't have so much value you would be a lying corpe right now, just know that we are not giving up until we have you back in our hands again, and just note just because we won't kill you doesn't mean we won't kill others and just so you know, as long as you stay up there we will slaughter every single child in sight

Check in the bush~
He read my eyes widened they wouldn't bring kids into this right?! I think, I ran over to the bush that I found Enely in Armin was rushing after me, I drug into the bush to feel something I pull it out to see a little boy, his eyes had been carved out and his mouth had been slit to his raw making him have a frown, his wrists wee cut as well, once Armin walked over and aw the sight I heard gagging, I turn to see him throwing up with tears in his eyes

I walk over to him and bring him into a hug
"I'm so sorry that I brought you into this" I whisper
"Don't worry we'll avenge that kid and any other person they harm" he sobs
We decided to bury the boy, we walk back inside Armin was still a little shaken from what he saw, I was more sad, angry no fucking furious they know that I help and save kids, so of course they would go there, I lay on my bed enely you disgusting bitch I think

sorry that this chapters quite boring and if you haven't already noticed I'm not using the original plot so far but I will be soon, but I'll be adding some other bits and pieces
I hope you enjoyed

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