Chapter 3 {edited}

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Second chance

Y/ns POV

Walking into the room people stare at me, their eyes attached onto me with no chance of breaking it, I get pushed forward and forced to walk, they kick my knees in and chain me to a pole. As they leave the room dies down and quickly becomes quiet as some old fart walks up to the platform above me. He stares me down as do I, the milatary police murmurs and whispers were loud enough for me to here the words people full of hatfilled comments towards me.

As he stops looking he drops his eyes to the papers in front of him
Okay, okay, my name is premier Zackery, we have nothing on you as of now, so tell me what is your name and how do you plead?" He asks, i scoff at his remark
"1209 pleasure I'm sure" I smirk
"How do you plead?" He asks
"Why would I need to plead? I did nothing wrong" I say

An out-roar disrupts the quiet as people start yelling at me for saying I did nothing, it ticked me off that people who wern't even there I accusing me like I killed people, at the moment, if they asked about the underground then that would be another story
"Quiet!" Zackery yells
"You turned into a 19m titan, right at the scouts base before fleeing from the scene you caused tell me how is that nothing?" He asks
"One I didn't even know I could do that, two, of course I was at the base, I was being under the supervision of commander bushy brows and captain shortcake, sorry I wanted fresh air and three. I didn't want to hurt anyone so I left" I respond
"LAIR! A TITAN SHIFTER WOULDN"T CARE SO MUCH!" Another out-roar lets out
"God shut up, you wern't even there so you would know how? On that note, you don't even know me" I argue with them
"Yeah? Your from the underground! Of course you a liar!" They say
"Oh? What about captain Levi then, go on, don't leave him out" i egg them on
"He's different!-" they try to go on
"How? Tell me you privalidge arrogant mother fucker!" I shout before spitting in their direction

He's about to yell back at me but gets cut off by zackery who looks done with our bickering. As he deathglares at the community he looks back at me
"That brings me to another thing, other scouts say you have what seems to be a personal grudge against captain Levi, why?" He asks
"Hell yeah I do" I proudly say
"Why? Captain Levi is a respectable man, he serves us and saves many scouts?" Zackery asks
"Respectable? He is not, I have a personal grudge that goes back to a freind or family issue" I reply

People were just looking at us two and I give the crowd a snarky smirk, every part of my body wanted to expose him but I stayed quiet
"Why don't you tell everyone? Levi?" I ask him, he glares at me
"If you won't I'll gladly say so" I add making him click his tongue

Letting a small chuckle out I clear my throat about to speak for him, but he interjects telling me to shut my trap. My eyes turn to his again
"Captain Levi here had a wife and child"
"Shut up"
"The wife and kid loved him so much, but he being the "wonderful hero" he is, got up and left them, he left them so he could live like a prince. He left a pregnant women and child in the underground. The child was a good mate of mine, she cried herself to sleep every night, while he lived like a celebrity! So yeah I have a grudge against him" I say

With that the crowd was quiet and all the eyes that were in me where turned to Levi, his head hung low and his hair covering his eyes
"Uh...we're getting off track, let's continue" zackery says
"Gladly" I chime

"We're you aware that you were a titan shifter?"
"Nope, I didn't actually they existed"
"What are your intentions?"
"Honestly? Get revenge for my friend and make Levi's life a living hell"
"Would this mean kill him?"
"Nah, killing is to straight foward, I'm going to make him live a long life where he Wallows in self pity"
"Are you willing to help humanity?"
"Why not"

Zackery who at this point just wanted the trail to be over, he turns to the military police
"What would you like to say?" Nile is about to speak when someone else yells
"Where is your friend now?"
"Dead" I calmly said
"How did she die?"
"Hmm, let's just say, this world wasn't doing her any favours" I say

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