The Kid

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Before it got too late Ellie had managed to find somewhere to hold up for herself and Pisces. The snow had left tracks but Ellie wasn't tired just yet and was used to being a light sleeper.
She had pushed hard to get as far away from Jackson as possible. She'd been lucky enough not to come across any people on her journey although that wouldn't last. She'd found supplies in a broken down warehouse but had to kill two clickers to get them.

There'd been a letter left by someone called Cecil who had talked about killing two people with a rifle who had tried to rob him and take his wedding ring from his now deceased wife but in doing so he had invited infected on himself, he'd been bitten but managed to make it to the warehouse where a woman called Olivia had welcomed him in from the hordes.
He had hidden his bite from her but had wanted to write his apology beforehand because he had been too cowardly to tell her about it. Olivia had told him about how she had lost two sons to other survivors, she had once been a nurse and wanted to help other people but things had gone so wrong. Cecil had wrote that when he turned he could at least release Olivia from the torment she had been in.
The two clickers Ellie slaughtered had stories before the infection, had been loved and mattered to someone.
Ellie had simply whispered, 'Then you died.'

"Okay Pisces we'll be on the move again tomorrow morning."
Ellie had explored the building before turning in to more troubled sleep.
The next morning she cooked up some rabbit then got moving again.
"There must be a cure out there, if I can't do anything else in my life I have to find someone who can make it matter again. I don't care about what happens to me anymore, I really don't." Ellie exhaled. "Well thanks for listening and not judging me." Ellie patted Pisces thoughtfully.
She had imagined Rich going straight to Maria making a huge drama about her leaving and no one giving a fuck. That made her laugh.
Ellie didn't know where to start so she would just keep traveling, killing, leaving someone alive to answer her questions before she tore through their jugular vein, stock up, rest and repeat the process. Dying wasn't an option for her, not yet.

The next few weeks she headed east, she had put questions to other survivors but nothing had really come of it until an hour ago. One guy in his late twenties had said something about a possible lead. A doctor he knew somewhere in Indiana called Clairmont and talk of 'Saving the World '. She had asked what he meant and he explained he was a former member of the 'Pegasus' until he came this way on word an uncle of his had become a higher up in this region's so called 'Policing Force' the 'New Eagles ' and they were in need of a medic, he was a medic.
Ellie had promised not to kill him because he was a healer and even told him she'd let him stitch up and clean her wounds.
"Promise not to kill me, I'll tell you everything I can. I'm a medic, I just want to help people."
"I won't kill you, you talk I'll let you go, but I'd better not see you again." Ellie wasn't in the mood to play.
"Okay, I can even tend to your cuts, as a way of thanking you then I swear you'll never see me again."
Ellie looked at him for a moment then raised her hands. "Sure, sure dude, whatever."
"If anyone asks what happened I'll say it was a rogue group who came through outnumbering us. I'll say I got lucky and hid."
"I said fine!" Ellie glared at him.
"Thank you, I wish I was never a part of all this, damn infected spoilt it all." The guy laughed nervously.
"They did, now tell me what I want before I change my mind."
After she got what she wanted from him she slit his throat. He may have trusted her but she didn't trust him. Medic or not, the second she would let him tend to her she'd more than likely be the one on the floor choking on her own blood. She had seen the look in his eyes, the look of someone who was planning to put an end to her. As he hit the ground, while tied to the chair, she could only glare down on his big, dumb, unbelieving eyes. The look of someone who couldn't believe they would go out like this.
She saw to her aching body, left with more supplies and got out of there with Pisces in case anymore of the 'New Eagles ' arrived. She hated the thought of leaving a warm, comfortable bed behind but what good was that if she was the next to die.
Next safe spot she found she would rest, she really hoped for that bed.
"Indiana. The Pegasus. Jesus man, Rich might actually have been useful. No, he'd have got himself killed. Well Ellie you at least know these guys aren't friendly. Wow Pisces, are you as shocked about that as I am?"
Pisces raced onwards.
"I didn't think so." Ellie laughed, the sound of her freedom.

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