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Shortly after two soldiers came towards them wearing New Eagles uniforms.
"I'm Lopez and this guy here is Roberts, we're here to take Ellie Williams to see Doctor Clairmont."
Both men stood over six feet tall, Lopez had a scar running down his right cheek. His hair was unkempt and lay over his face, his eyes were cold and he probably wasn't a guy to show anyone mercy.
Roberts was a tanned Caucasian with a buzz cut and sneering lips.
Ellie guessed they knew she had executed their master, she was ready to die but nothing would happen until the Doctor had got his hands on her.
"Yeah I'm Ellie Williams, you know me or something?"
"Oh you'd better believe we know who you are." Roberts replied.
Ellie smirked back at them. "I bet you do."
"You're coming with us Williams. Your pals stay here." Lopez told her, not rising to her bait.
"Wait a minute here, why are there two New Eagle soldiers here?" Jane asked.
"We're working with the Doctor, he pays well and we are building bridges with our new Pegasus allies right here." Lopez looked at her like she belonged in the gutter.
"I suggest you stop glaring at her like that." Lance warned.
Lopez glanced at him decidedly unimpressed then returned back to Ellie.
"You'll come with us now girl."
"I want to come with her." Curtis said. "No actually I am coming and no one's stopping me."
Roberts pulled out a pistol. "You three stay here, when we're done here you'll go."
"Don't worry Curtis." Ellie took the lead as Lopez and Roberts followed close behind, guns at her back.
"Now what? I'm not leaving without her." Curtis looked up to see various soldiers at windows watching them. "Look at those assholes up there, I want to put an arrow through all their throats so they choke on their own poisoned blood."
"They'll all have weapons trained on us in seconds, I know a pretty good plan C." Jane whispered, she had noticed something they had not.

As Ellie was led into the Challenge pr Learning Centre Roberts spoke up.
"Right now we have plans to have your little friends gunned down within the hour, and any hopes you have of coming out of here alive are fruitless. Once you've proved your usefulness you'll die too. Isn't that the fairytale ending for the evil murderer of our leader?"
"Your leader was a bitch, died like a bitch from a bitch-ass cult with bitch-ass beliefs."
"You might be a good assassin but you weren't too smart coming here." Roberts replied, devoid of emotion.
Lopez drove his fist into Ellie's stomach, she wretched and fell to the ground stunned. Lopez picked her up and did it again, he pushed her towards Roberts who hit her square on the jaw. Ellie was unconscious before she hit the ground, Lopez tossed her like a rag doll into a cell, removing her weapons.

About twenty minutes later Ellie awoke with a throbbing pain in her skull.
"Wakey wakey." A female voice, Ellie looked up but found it hard for her eyes to focus.
"Huh?" Is all Ellie could manage.
"My name is Doctor Remy Clairmont, you're here for my father."
Ellie's vision swam but eventually she could make out Remy's features. She was pale, blonde, her her was tied up in a tight bun and her glasses stuck on the bottom of her button nose, her blue eyes blazed.
Ellie reached for her pocket.
"I'm sorry to tell you but you've had your weapons taken away for your safety and ours.
Ellie pulled out the pendant Marianna had given her.
"Here, a friend of mine wanted me to give you this." She held the pendant out, Remy took it.
"Mari. How did you get this?"
"I met her, she told me about how you hounded her out of her home and away from her family. I know what you are, I just want you to know I know."
"She painted me as a devil? No, she wouldn't see my vision, my father's vision, she was always a dullard."
"Your dad will get his cure today but he wasn't the first to get a chance. Let's hope he doesn't fail because then you'll all be exposed as frauds."
"You got hit too hard Ellie, maybe your brains are addled."
Ellie laughed. Remy pulled out a handgun. "Follow me and look forward to your fate, you'll be a savior and know me and my father will reap all the benefits."
"So you're telling me that if I'm going to be the cure I must die."
"Yes, we'll remove your brain, sure there's only a 73% chance it will succeed but if it doesn't it will be your fault. Your death will mean nothing. Now get up before I shoot you."
"Shoot me in the brain, I fucking dare you!" Ellie was laughing at her again.
"Stop laughing at me."
Ellie continued to laugh.
Remy was getting mad, her finger was twitching on the trigger.
Ellie tripped Remy with a leg sweep, she hit the ground hard but kept hold of the gun. She swung it at Ellie hitting her on the shoulder. Ellie swatted her arm away and drove her forehead into Remy's nose exploding it, blood spattered her. Ellie took the gun, checking the rounds, all the chambers were full. Then she took Remy hostage led her out with the gun pointed underneath her chin.
"Take me to your dad."
Remy was having trouble breathing, she tried to gurgle instructions.
"Point where he is."
Remy obeyed, the walk was along a futuristic white corridor.
A grunt noticed. "What the fu-." Ellie shot him between the eyes.
Finally they came to the door reading Doctor Newman Clairmont. Ellie knocked politely and heard an old man's voice.
"Come in dear, bring our little sacrificial lamb with you?"
"Oh yes daddy dearest." Ellie called kicking the door in.
Newman Clairmont was somewhere in his fifties, a strange little man with a grey moustache that hung towards his chin. Pin button eyes poked out of his spectacles, his gut told the story of a man who had lived in luxury for too long while others around them suffered.
"What are you doing? Let my daughter go!"
"Doc all I ever wanted was a chance to save humanity, to be shown a little humanity back, maybe even a thank you and I'd have laid my life down for it. But looking at you, your daughter, thinking about what my father did. He killed the last Doctor who tried to use me as a cure, I was so mad at him for so long, because of someone like you, then you know what happened, he was murdered before I could forgive him!"
"No wait, there's good people you can save."
"We all die."
"You lost a father, I lost a son."
"Yeah and now you're working with his murderers for your own protection, how's that working out for you?"
Remy struggled.
"Tell her to stop struggling or she dies too. Today ends with your death old man, but you can save hers."
"Fuck you, fuck your father, this is for the greater..."
"Wrong answer fuckwad!" Ellie put a bullet into his brain, the old man dropped.
Remy whined like an old dog.
"Sorry for your loss." Ellie blew Remy's brains out.
Newman had a handgun with ammunition in a draw, this would do Ellie until she found her gear.
She heard footsteps running towards her.
Two soldiers came around the corner, Ellie executed them both. She followed the corridor around and saw the two New Eagles coming towards her. She took a gamble and aimed at Lopez's head, it hit true, he hit the ground dead. She shot at Roberts destroying his shoulder blade. She ran to him.
"Where is my gear?"
"In the room behind me, the blue door, don't kill me, we can work something out."
Ellie smiled in his face, put the gun to his throat and pulled the trigger. "Maybe another day tough guy."
She entered the room, a soldier shot at her.
"Fuck." Ellie dived to her left and executed him. She landed hard on the ground. "Ouch, fucking ouch." She found her backpack and left towards her friends.

Outside Jane said two the two boys. "I think three friends from the Black horns have joined us, don't look behind you."
Lance smiled.
"Damn they tracked us?" Curtis smiled. He looked up towards a soldier in the window. "I'm going to see my sister now, no one's stopping me."
The soldier pulled out an M-16, seconds later a bullet exploded his face. Jane looked around and got a thumbs up from Alwaleed, Ashley and Marianna we're beside him, they showed themselves and bullets began to fly. From the front of the University a sound of many hooves came towards them.
"We don't have long Jane, we rode as fast as we could to catch you up, we brought backup, you needed our help, so here we are." Alwaleed told her. He looked at Curtis and Lance. "We'll get you guys out of here."
"Thanks we owe you." Lance replied.
"Not this time." Alwaleed patted him on the back.
Curtis thanked them then more Black-horns entered the grounds. An all out battle began.
Ellie saw this from a window, moments after sneaking up on a soldier and breaking her neck. She climbed out of the window and slid down a drainpipe.
"Ellie!" Curtis called, she made it to him.
"What's happening?" She asked.
"Alwaleed, Ashley and Marianna are here, they brought soldiers here to help us and I think to take down this regime."
"Clairmont and his daughter are dead." Ellie told him.
Alwaleed made it to her. "You four go, clearly the Doctor wasn't as interested in your survival as we'd hoped, so much for his humanity. Now all of you go, ride for Jackson."
"What about you guys? Marianna is okay?" Ellie asked.
"Don't worry about us, she's tough, like you Ellie. Just go!"
"Thank you." Ellie replied as she, Curtis, Lance and Jane left Indiana behind forever.
Over the next few weeks it was rinse and repeat. Sleep, eat, travel, hunt, kill, talk, sleep.
Everything seemed fine and Ellie honestly had hope of getting to Jackson, but one morning things changed.
A day out from reaching Nebraska there was obviously a hit out on Ellie.
Jane was her usual chirpy self, talking about going to see her father.
Moments later an arrow with an eagle's feather hit her in the head, she died before she crashed off her horse. Bullets were fired, Ellie called for Lance to follow, he wouldn't. He demanded they rode on, there were too many New Eagles. Ellie and Curtis would never know Lance's fate.
Ellie and Curtis had managed to escape any repercussions from them, either by hiding, scouting or killing, it hadn't been easy but they were getting close to Jackson. They returned to Curtis' farm to pick up his father's keepsake. The farm had been raided but he didn't care, they stayed the night then rode on.
That morning Ellie was hopeful they would get to Wyoming.
Later in the day they were ambushed at the border.
Ellie was forced off her horse. "Ride dammit ride, I'll find you!" Ellie called before she went out of sight, crashing down a steep hill.
"No!" Curtis wanted to reach her but there were too many soldiers, shots were fired but he rode for Jackson, angry, upset and confused. He wanted retribution, how dare these scumbags ruin everything when they were so close? But if he stayed it would be suicide, he trusted Ellie would return like she promised.
Eventually he made it to Jackson, a soldier met him there.
"Who are you kid?"
"My name is Curtis, I was riding back here with Ellie Williams but we were attacked at the border there was nothing I could do."
"You'd better come in."
Curtis explained everything to Maria and a search party along with Curtis, Dinah and Rich went looking for her. When they reached the area all that was left was Pisces lying dead on the ground, flies circling her eyeballs.
Everyone searched extensively for Ellie but she was never found.
Curtis was given a permanent home at Jackson, he moved into Ellie's home but refused to change anything about it. He was surprised they'd kept her place as it was, they had hoped she'd eventually return.
Months went past, Curtis cried a lot, but became quick friends with Rich who helped him settle in.
Curtis held onto Ellie's promise.

The Last of Us part III Ellie's RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now