Fuck Nebraska

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Ellie greeted Jane at the cell, Jane already knew about the next morning's plan.
"See you in the morning, we all know it was an accident what happened out there." Jane smiled, Ellie smiled back and went into the cell.
About ten minutes later Curtis arrived.
Ellie simply said. "We shouldn't talk about this until we're well away tomorrow, let's just rest and get out of here in the morning."
"I agree." Curtis said, they both got to sleep early.
Ellie dreamed of Joel, he looked at Ellie then turned into a hyena then began to laugh. Ellie tried to chase him but could never catch up to him.

The next morning Ellie and Curtis packed in silence until Ellie asked.
"Are you okay Curtis?"
"Yeah when we get out of here I'll feel better and we can talk properly then."
"I agree." Ellie said.
Eventually Jane came for them, they ate with Lance and were ready to leave until Ellie spotted Bubbles and went over to her.
"Hey Lucy, we have to go now, but thanks, I'll always see you as a friend."
"Same, lead a good life Ellie." Bubbles shook her hand.
"See you Bubbles!" Curtis called.
"Good luck out there Curtis!" Bubbles replied. She exchanged waves with Lance and Jane. Ellie smiled and turned to leave.
"Ellie wait." Bubbles said, Ellie turned around and Bubbles put a little wooden star in her hand, she had one too. "A gift, we never forget each other."
"Thank you, I'll treasure it until I die." Ellie replied leaving.
Bubbles was genuinely sad to see her go, she'd wanted to spend more time with her, but that was just a dead dream now.

Thankfully there was no sighting of Monica as the four left the base. Monica watched them leave, she shook her head and decided on a replacement for Zara and Jane.

After about ten minutes of riding it was Curtis who spoke first.
"Thank fuck we've left that place."
"One day me and Jane have to go back, I'll take it you didn't enjoy it as much as I'd hoped." Lance replied.
"Hanging out with your mom was fun." Curtis added.
"Yeah when she's not matchmaking." Lance grinned.
"She won't have to do that again hopefully." Jane winked at Curtis.
"You two are dating?!" Curtis was excited. "Awesome, congratulations."
"It's a trial basis." Jane said.
"Mom reckons you're perfect for me, I can't fail." Lance laughed.
"You're quiet Ellie." Jane said.
"Just thinking, before I forget, congratulations. Don't fuck it up Lance."
Curtis burst into laughter. Jane sniggered at the comment too.
"Me? I'll treat Jane like a queen."
Ellie nodded. "That's alright then." She was glad to call them her friends but she wasn't interested in their love life, she was interested in their survival.
Shortly after Ellie stopped and checked her map. "Jane, Lance I want to go over the fastest but safest way to Illinois. I'm guessing we can stop at the nearest possible base at nightfall."
"Not before nightfall?" Jane asked.
"We have flashlights don't we, it shouldn't be a problem." Ellie replied passing the map to Lance's outstretched hand.
"I guess." Jane seemed to agree.
"What's your dad's name?" Curtis asked.
"Roger." Jane replied.
Lance showed Ellie a suitable route, the best way to make it to the Bengal base Jane's dad was stationed at, then a route to the Illinois border. Ellie agreed and the route was set in ink.
"No route is one hundred percent safe." Lance added.
"I haven't really seen much action since I became Monica's runaround, so a little would be fine with me." Jane said with some excitement.
"Don't wish for too much." Curtis added.
"I won't." Jane crossed her fingers.
"Seeing as me and Curtis got booted out early and you were happy to accompany us I see no reason why we shouldn't let you stay an extra day or two with your dad, that's if you want to Jane." Ellie explained.
"Yeah that would be great, are you sure it's okay Ellie?"
"Sure, if they don't mind having me and Curtis around."
"You might have to do chores or earn your meals, but nothing you two can't handle." Lance added.
"That's fine." Ellie nodded.
For the next hour Curtis joked with Jane and Lance, Ellie didn't.
"Are you sure you're okay Ellie?" Jane asked.
Ellie was about to speak when Curtis interrupted.
"Apart from the fact my sister is moody, lacks a sense of humour and thinks she's the reason there's no cure, she's great!" Curtis laughed.
"Yeah haha." Ellie grinned, although there was obvious truth to his words. "He's right though, it's great to see you guys getting along, I mean it. But I'm not built that way, I'm thinking about what's ahead, not just in Indiana but around the corner. So don't think that I'm angry, I just have a lot to think about, I'm not afraid to say it's taking a lot of effort right now not to just turn all the way around and say fuck it all."
"I wish we would but I know we can't." Curtis said.
"I want to put something to you both." Ellie said looking at Jane and Lance.
"Okay." Jane replied, bubbly as ever.
"I've talked with Curtis about this, so before I even say what it is, if neither of you are a fan of the idea I'll understand and there will be no hard feelings."
"She wants us to laugh at her jokes." Lance replied.
Curtis began laughing again. "They're pretty awful aren't they?"
"No, I like them, you and Jane don't understand her quirky humor." Lance grinned.
"Some of them are funny." Jane said defensively.
"Wait, no, we're going off topic. What I want to ask is that when we reach the Pegasus you guys are meant to leave us. But I've decided that after I talk to Clairmont if things don't go well I won't be allowed to leave so I'm going to fight my way out, I'd like your assistance if that happens." Ellie explained.
"If things don't go well?" Lance asked.
"What I mean is, if the percentage of a cure is low or if there's no way I'll survive the surgery I've decided I won't go through with it. I'm going back to Jackson with Curtis. At first I didn't care what happened to me, but I do now, I don't want to leave Curtis by himself, if it sounds selfish I guess it is." Ellie shrugged.
"I understand and I've got your back, you and Curtis, I'm sure Lance does too." Jane looked at Lance who nodded.
"Of course."
"Are you both sure? I want to try and help if I can, I'm just not sacrificing myself to do it. Six months ago, I'd have laid my life down to be a cure, things changed. If we have to fight our way out I don't want you both thinking you have to come."
"Isn't there another way Ellie?" Lance asked.
"It sounds silly, sure. But I want to do this for my father, I had a chance to be the cure, he didn't want me to die so it never happened. Now he's dead I honestly felt I had nothing left and was ready to die. I feel I'm betraying him if I don't at least try."
"Nothing Left Ellie, what about Curtis?" Jane asked.
Ellie looked at the ground. "I've been a very selfish person and only thought about myself for a lot of years, I wanted to atone for it by doing this. Trust me though, Curtis has made me realize I have everything in the world to live for. I want other people to have that chance, I don't want to debate the ethics of it, but I have to try. If this Doctor Clairmont won't respect my decision if it doesn't suit him then I just don't think he'll let me leave. Yes I could just turn back and find another way, but this is the only lead I've got in all these years since I was fourteen." This was taking a lot out of Ellie.
"You're a good person who wants to go a good thing, but if it means leaving Curtis alone in the world you can't do it, I'd be the same." Jane touched Ellie lightly on the shoulder.
"That's the bones of it, but I wish I could say I was a good person..."
"You are, you made mistakes is all." Curtis was ever in defence of Ellie.
"Yeah, I guess." Ellie said weakly.

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