There Will Be Blood

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Over the next week they did a set of hunts, Ellie and Zara weren't put together in that time. They hadn't bothered each other in that time either.
One thing that had changed was Ellie found herself talking to Jane a lot, even Curtis had warmed to her.
On breaks she would share a drink with them and they shared stories. Ellie had come up with a backstory for herself and Curtis.

Jane's story was she was born twenty six years ago in Iowa to two loving parents who owned their own business, running a toy store. She was an only child who never really had friends and spent most of her time with the toys as friends instead.
She learned to play the flute, studied the Classics and was as big a music fan as Ellie.
She'd joined the Bengals in what was becoming a depressingly normal story to Ellie, her mom had been shot and killed when Jane was nineteen, by someone from the New Eagles. Happily her dad was alive but serving at another base, she hadn't seen him for over a year.
She'd been a good soldier and had made it as a supervisor thanks to her hard work, kind nature and obvious brains. She also had a background in First Aid and nursing. Although Jane had been humble and said she'd got the job by luck.

One evening Jane was sharing a hot tea with them and they'd spent enough time together that Ellie accepted her invitation of friendship, of course Curtis had too.
"So when you played guitar what songs did you like playing?" Jane asked Ellie.
"Stuff by Pearl Jam, Crooked Still, Sparklehorse, you know any of them?" Ellie asked.
"No but I'd like to I think, I like Dave Matthews, Butthole Surfers, stuff like that."
"Butthole what? I thought you liked the Classics." Curtis laughed.
"I do, Beethoven, Mozart and Wakeman. But my tastes are eclectic Curtis."
"I know the Butthole Surfers." Ellie said.
"You would!" Curtis was in a fit of hysterics.
Jane shrugged. "Is your brother alright?" She asked jokingly.
"He's fine, it's good to laugh when we're surrounded by so much bleakness." Ellie added.
"I totally agree with that sentiment Ellie."
"Have you ever thought about catching up with your dad again?" Ellie asked.
"Of course, I guess I haven't had much time, you understand."
"I guess, but you really should." Her final night with Joel was coming back to haunt her again.
"I know Ellie believe me, I will." Jane knew Ellie was right, she did miss him.
Curtis had calmed down as well now. "Yeah, we both lost our parents so I'm ordering you to go see your dad." Curtis pointed at her. "I'm being serious."
Jane smiled. "Okay guys I'll put in for some leave and surprise him."
"Do it when you leave here." Curtis added. "Anyway I'm going to get some rest, let you ladies have a chat without the dumb boy here."
"What are you talking about?" Ellie asked, slightly miffed.
"It was a terrible joke." He added.
"Here's a terrible joke. What do you get if you mix cheese with a dinosaur?" Ellie asked.
"I don't know." Jane asked.
"I've heard this, all Ellie's jokes suck." Curtis laughed.
"Gorgonzilla." Ellie said.
"Erm, yeah, it was quite funny Ellie, not bad." Jane said respectfully, or so she hoped.
Ellie laughed. "No, Curtis is right it sucked."
Curtis laughed too. "I'll leave you ladies to it." He hopped into bed.
Jane was laughing too. "He's a cool kid."
Ellie nodded. "Yep, he's a good kid too."
"I'm sorry we have to keep you guys locked in here but it's comfortable right, you have everything you need?" Jane asked.
"No need to say sorry Jane, everything's fine and I understand. Yeah we're good, I guess this is what a holiday camp was like." Ellie put out her cup and Jane clinked it with hers, they drank.
"A fun but scary prison holiday camp, Ellie."
"Something like that." Ellie guessed.
"What's next for you two when you leave? I won't lie I'll miss you both." Jane sounded a little sad.
"To Indiana and Doctor Clairmont, maybe return home if all ends well. Don't be silly, you'll have forgotten us as soon as we leave." Ellie said offhandedly.
"No I won't Ellie, I've come to see you as a friend." Jane seemed slightly offended.
Ellie was a little taken aback. "Okay Jane I didn't mean anything by it, I'll miss you too. But we have to go as soon as we possibly can."
"Even when you and Curtis leave I'll always see you as friends."
"Don't worry Jane, we'll always be friends." Ellie smiled.
Jane leaned over and gave Ellie a big hug. "Great." She was grinning cheek to cheek.
Ellie didn't return the hug, instead replied. "Jane I'd like to breathe please."
Jane let go. "Sorry, you didn't mind me giving you a hug did you?"
"No Jane it's fine, Curtis hugs me a lot, I'm not one to hug back though, not my thing, it's nothing personal." Ellie gently patted Jane on the arm. "No offence."
"Don't be silly Ellie. You'll probably get a bunch more hugs from me before you leave, but I promise I'll let go before you pass out." Jane chuckled, blushing.
"Fine, that's a deal." Ellie gestured with a friendly eye roll.
Jane looked at her watch. "Time to go for now, I'll put in for some leave to see my father and I'll catch up with you both tomorrow."
"Sounds a great plan." Ellie responded.
Jane got up, so did Ellie. Jane went to hug her again but instead decided to shake hands with her.
"One hug a day is enough." Jane said.
"It's plenty." Ellie agreed.
Jane left, locked the cell and Ellie decided to write for an hour before hitting the sack as well.

The Last of Us part III Ellie's RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now