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It took them one night's ride and they finally made it to within walking distance of the border.
"Jane I'm sorry if I let you down, but I would do it all over again."
"Yeah I know."
"Are we still friends? We've hardly talked since it happened."
"We're friends, I want to forget it and finish my job for you."
"Forget." Ellie whispered then they hit the border and left Iowa behind.
The first two Black-horns they came to was a woman called Ashley and a man named Alwaleed. Ashley introduced herself as a Scottish descendant, her freckles highlighted her pale face and her brown hair was braided, she was around nineteen or twenty.
Alwaleed himself was descended from another country too, Saudi Arabia. He was around mid twenties and had a kind smile, his eyes twinkled playfully. Something about the two made Ellie feel calm, it was the first time she'd felt like that since she met Jane, she wondered what it would be like to visit the two countries, but she was resigned to the idea that was just another pointless dream, one of many she quickly snuffed out.
The goods they had picked up from their fateful encounter with Natasha were fairly traded with Ashley and Alwaleed for their company to the Indiana border.
That night they had a campfire and shared stories, Ellie went into her journey to get here, of course she had left out certain details.
Finally there were the two Black-horns to tell their stories.
"We're not like the Bengals, the rule here is we trade for goods and keep everything logged in our little black books in case someone comes to inspect on us. Other than that it's free reign. It's nice to have met you all, though I'll admit I'm not really very sociable. I don't have a lot to say except my grandfather was from Ayr in Scotland then he emigrated to the United States after a tour of Afghanistan, a war that happened around forty years ago. I'm tired of war, I would rather see my days out reading by a quiet little loch. I'm studying my ancestors language of Gaelic, books are everything to me. Thanks to Alwaleed I've got my hands on two of my favorite books. My parents did what you'd call online jobs before the outbreak. Not much more to tell really."
Alwaleed took over the conversation. "I agree with Ashley, there's nothing better than reading. I don't have much to say either except like Ashley my grandparents came over here from another country. I've been lucky enough to see videos of my homeland, but we're all stuck here until the world either gives up on us or we're taken by those infected. What you're doing is admirable Ellie, giving to help others."
"Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it."
"My pa worked for the Emirates Red Cross, giving to others in need is the best thing an individual can do. We usually travel as a trio, our friend Marianna, you'd like her. She's on inactive service at the moment, recovering from near fatal injuries after an encounter with the New Eagles, she's lucky to have pulled through."
"I'm sure I'd like her, I hope she can get back to her old self again soon, I know it's something I've been trying to do." Ellie replied, she knew too well how hard it was to get over a traumatic experience.
Things between Ellie and Jane were still awkward, Alwaleed had picked up on this.
"Pardon me for asking, is something wrong between the two of you?"
Ellie was quick to answer. "I dealt with a situation poorly, someone I thought I could trust turned out differently. I killed them, not my finest hour. Since then Jane hasn't wanted to talk to me much. I guess I deserve it, I'm sorry Jane, I really am but it can't be undone now."
"I know, like I said, we're friends, we always will be, it shook me is all. I'd never seen that side of you."
"That side of me would be there to protect you if you ever needed it. Like I know you would for me. Look I can't do this emotional shit, just know okay?"
Jane put her hands out. "Come here silly." She hugged Ellie. "Just don't bring that side out too much."
"It's a deal." Ellie was rigid, Jane still didn't expect a hug back, she expected correctly.
"Finally, all this awkwardness was getting to me."
"Yeah Curtis, best to keep quiet when women are having a problem with each other. Get involved they both turn on you." Lance replied.
"Fuck off." Ashley said. Alwaleed and Curtis laughed.
"See? It was a joke. Everyone is good again so I'm more than happy." Lance gave an offhanded smile.
"Thanks for coming with us, every extra person helps." Ellie told them.
"Trade is the way around here, but we're more than happy to share our food, our camp and anything you need. Like Ashley says though, as long as we get the official stuff written down and out of the way first it's never an inconvenience." Alwaleed began to cook the rabbits they had caught earlier.

The Last of Us part III Ellie's RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now