Bonding/The Journal

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Ellie explained her immunity to him, how it had happened and why she'd hid it from people with the tattoo and had told people it was an acid burn.
She had told Curtis about how she killed her first person, rescuing Joel and her first infected kill in Bill's town. The close calls they had in Pittsburgh and Utah. How she had met Joel and he had become her adopted father. She had explained her journey to find a cure. She hadn't told him the truth about why there wasn't a cure, she had told him what Joel had told her that day when she was 15 on the way back to Jackson. She had told him about Tommy, Maria, Dina, J.J., Rich and Cat. She had told him how she and Joel had not talked for a while and how angry she was she didn't get a chance to put things right with him. She told him she was looking for a cure because she had nothing left in Jackson. She had left the part out about pointing a gun at Rich. She had talked about Henry and Sam, she had mentioned Sarah and how she would have liked to know her. She talked about Riley, Marlene and Tess. About how Jackson thrived, about the patrols, about how every town has its bigots and idiots and not to tolerate any of their shit.
Eventually she went quiet and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths.
"How did Joel die?"
Ellie looked up at him, haunted eyes told him that maybe he shouldn't pursue it.
"Killed, we never found out who did it." Ellie looked away. She hadn't sounded very convincing but thankfully Curtis had accepted this reason, although she thought it might be brought up again.
"Do you feel better for getting it off your chest Ellie? You had a lot to tell me."
Ellie had been talking for around an hour, that was long enough. She picked up the book smoothing her hand over it.
Curtis guessed the subject was over for now.
"Let's find out a little about these Eagles idiots. I guess you don't have any clues about them?" She asked.
"No, when my parents were around I was protected you see, I was in a safe little bubble. I wish I hadn't been now."
Ellie nodded. She pointed for Curtis to sit beside her. "There might be something useful in it, stop me if you notice anything."
"I will."
Ellie flicked the pages, the first had another New Eagles drawing on it with the words ~ From Verity~ on it.
The next page had some doodles on it, a family it looked like with Eagles wings and halos, above each halo were names.
~Jake (38 dad), Morgan (36 mom) and Lewis (me 16)~.
She flicked the page again and began reading.

~ January 1. We celebrated the New Years in typical fashion. Everyone lined up and pledged their allegiance to Captain Daniels (Captain, yeah right, the guy is a thug). We pledge to a New Year and new rules amongst the countless archaic ones we are already forced to follow.
No one dared go against him, especially after Natalie refused to pledge and then she was taken to the 'Officer Barracks'. Next thing we know she's covered in bruises and bleeding, she kept crying 'Rape' but no one listened or cared. I was too damn weak and helpless to do anything, I'm no better than the people I'm angry at. Lewis ~

~ January 6. Natalie was found dead this morning, she had hanged herself. She was only 19! One of the men dug a grave out back and threw her in it. There's a graveyard here but she was deemed unfit and therefore not deserving of a Soldiers Grave. What is wrong with these people? Her father was seen outside crying and shouting, he was beaten senseless and left there by two soldiers. I'd better not let anyone see what I'm writing, I don't think I can even trust mom and dad. Lewis ~

January 9. Everyone was woken at 5.a.m and we were all marched outside, everyone was frightened, we didn't know what was happening.
When Daniels arrived with his two head goons Roberts and Lopez with a torn Stars and Stripes flag in his hands he threw it to the ground and demanded to know who the culprit was. We were given 24 hours for someone to own up or face consequences. Why does this jackass care? He flies the flag upside down anyway. He has an excuse for everything though, his reason is 'New America, New Eagles, New Way.' We all know what it means, a constant state of war. Lewis ~

January 10. No on has come forward. My parents are just as scared as everyone, why won't anyone stand up to this regime? There's more of us than there are of them.
We lined up again and had ice cold water thrown over us then we were told to stand in the winter cold for two hours. Anyone that moved would be punished according. Those bastards went back to their barracks and drank their hot milk, laughing all the way there.
Someone freaked out and ran back into their house, the guy with a speech impediment, Donald Harris. Almost immediately one of the soldiers who was visibly upset from having to come out of his cosy environment had gone in, shots were fired and Harris was dragged out with bullet holes in his head. The soldier had said Harris had threatened to shoot him. Bullshit, Harris never owned a gun, he was afraid of them.
These people wanted any excuse to kill him and they finally got it.
I want to run away.
Lewis ~

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