New Friends?

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The base looked like a massive treehouse although it was well fortified and had the basic necessities. Monica introduced everyone to Ellie and Curtis as well as their current situation.
"Get them somewhere to sleep, they can share a peace prison bunk bed. Also they'll be on the hunt tonight, we'll be doing area 4-A, so get them fed and ready." Monica left them in the hands of a supervisor named Jane.
"Basically you've got your mess hall, training area, communal area, sleeping area. You two are peaceful prisoners so you'll be locked up at night, but don't worry you have your own toilets, first aid kit, and a bell to ring if you're feeling really unwell. You'll have jerky and water also paper if you want to write." Jane explained.
"That's fine, thank you, we won't be any trouble." Ellie replied.
"I'm sure, troublesome people get turfed out, we treat people well here if it's reciprocated. Okay we usually eat three times a day, 9a.m., 1p.m. and 6p.m., and special meals put on for anyone going on a hunt, you'd better get in the mess hall and then I'll take you both to your room afterwards until you hunt later. Rest or whatever you need to do. You've got 4-A, it's a fairly simple route but it's not protected very well, be careful and good luck. I want to see you both back safe for breakfast tomorrow." Jane was very to the point, but seemed nice enough.
"So do we." Curtis added, laughing to himself.
"I need to slaughter some of these bastards tonight." Ellie said walking away.
Jane raised her eyebrows dramatically at Curtis who shrugged and followed his sister.

After finishing what was an adequate meal, better than Ellie expected they went to their cell and waited. Curtis took the top bunk, Ellie didn't complain. She sat on the edge of her bunk writing in her notepad, she'd lent Monica her books as a gesture of trust, she'd be mad though if she didn't get them back.
"I'm surprised they let us keep our supplies and ammunition." Curtis said.
"If we were dumb enough to try and shoot our way out we'd be dead in minutes, besides we had a deal."
Curtis looked down. "What are you writing?"
"You can have a look when I'm finished, I hope that woman gives me those books back or I'll be pissed." Her frustration was showing.
"Chill Ellie, she promised she would. Let's just keep a cool head, especially for tonight, we don't want to ruin this."
"I know, I'll keep my head screwed on. We need to prove ourselves so when we get to Horne it will be in good standing. This is all good for now, but however they swing it we're under their control until then. I just don't like it, but I know I have to deal with it." Ellie finished writing and gave her diary to Curtis. "All my deepest inner thoughts just for you." She grinned.
Curtis smiled back. "All the juicy secrets."
Ellie rolled her eyes. "I'm going to try and get my head down for a bit so don't mind me."
"Alright, I'm too awake for that, but you're twenty one now so you need your nap time." Curtis laughed.
Ellie sniggered then surprisingly got to sleep with ease. Her sleep was dreamless and she was awoken by the big iron door being unlocked.
"Time to hunt." Monica said as a bleary eyed Ellie rubbed her face and shook herself awake. Monica placed the books on the little table. "I told you I'd return them."
Ellie and Curtis followed her out.

They got outside and mounted up. Alongside them were Zara, Damien and a guy they hadn't been acquainted with called Christophe. Monica took the lead with Ellie by her side, Curtis was at the back with Damien.
"So what's the usual plan for this place we're going to?" Ellie asked.
"It's a swamp area with some old ruins, sometimes infected find their way in there. As I'm sure you know, just keep alert and you'll be fine, it's about ten minutes ride from here. If you're as good with a rifle as you say you are and your brother is a regular Robin Hood you two can do the long range killing before we move in." Monica explained.
"Robin who?" Curtis asked.
"It's a book about an outlaw from England." Monica said.
"Oh I guess that's cool, me and Ellie are kinda like outlaws now." He said shrugging.
"I'm the Best Fucking Gun in America." Ellie replied.
Monica found that funny, Ellie didn't respond, she'd see who was laughing later.

It didn't take long to get to 4A and Ellie had got her wish, there was infected in the area. It was starting to get dark so she wanted to get this done with quickly.
"Okay Roland Deschain, you and Robin can put down those infected from here then we'll continue on." Monica said.
Ellie didn't know who this Roland guy was but she dismounted, her and Curtis took aim.
Ellie blew the heads off two clickers and a runner while Curtis took down a clicker and a stalker. Out of nowhere a shambler appeared, Curtis threw a Molotov Cocktail on it while Ellie finished it with a double barrel shotgun.
"Color me impressed, you two are earning your keep quickly." Monica replied.
Ellie didn't react, Curtis gave a thumbs up thumbs down.
They all dismounted. "Sweep the area." Monica added.
There was a bit more activity as Monica dropped two runners with picture perfect pistol headshots.
"Right, final bit is this tunnel here under these ruins, everyone get your gas masks on, known spores down here. Ellie you won't need to if you're telling the truth."
Ellie nodded and entered the tunnel first without her mask, Curtis second and Monica third.
As they reached the bottom there was indeed spores. Ellie turned to Curtis and whispered, "Mishmash." He nodded.
She then shouted. "Come out you asshole I'm not standing here all day!"
Curtis bellowed with laughter underneath his mask.
"What the fu..." Damien said.
A roar could be heard from deeper in.
"I said come here asshole!" Ellie shouted at the top of her voice.
Curtis was laughing even harder, he wasn't frightened with Ellie here. Ever since he admitted he wasn't afraid to die to her he was ready to face anything.
"They're both crazy." Christophe said as scared of the two newbies as he was of the infected.
"They're idiots." Zara added.
"You can apologize for that later." Ellie replied as she and Curtis went further in.
Monica was loving every second of it.
"Get a nail bomb ready Curtis, I've got the shotgun ready." The two marched forward.
"Come out now or I'll make your death fucking slow!" Ellie definitely wasn't playing.
Then they saw what was ahead of them. An infected with an elongated neck packed with lumps over it, it's stomach contents open, decaying and sore ridden.
"It's a fucking Belcher!" Christophe shouted.
Curtis threw the nail bomb blowing chunks out of it, the creature smelt worse than sewage.
"Light this piece of shit up!" Ellie shouted to Curtis who flung a Molotov Cocktail into its gut setting it ablaze, Ellie pumped the shotgun until the Belcher began to fall apart. The creature tried to snap at them both with its long neck measuring almost two metres.
Ellie grabbed it around the neck, she was lifted off her feet. She began hacking away at it with her butterfly knife until it came apart, Ellie fell hard, winding herself. Curtis put an arrow into the thing's breast cavity as blood exploded everywhere. Monica and the others finished of the flaming bulk with bullets until it stopped flailing and lay a pile of flames on the ground.
Curtis helped Ellie up who was wiping gunk off herself and laughing. She grabbed Curtis around the neck playfully.
"Good fucking job, there's no one I'd have trusted more than you."
"The Best fucking Gun in America needed the Best fucking Bowman." He laughed. Then he looked at his flaming arrow. "Shit that one's lost."
He turned as Monica began to clap. "Heartwarming and fearless displays from both of you."
Ellie just stared back, she then looked to Zara. "Apologize to me now."
"What...? No, you are a fucking idiot." Zara replied, she was clearly shaken and wary of Ellie.
Ellie pointed to the exit. "You and me outside, fists only."
Zara looked around at everyone, on the way outside she was hoping Ellie would drop it, she didn't.
"She's a chicken aren't you?" Curtis said to her.
"No I'm not you little..."
"I suggest you fight her Zara, what's a little pugilism among friends?" Monica said with a Cheshire cat smile on her face.
"Go on." Christophe said.
"Fight her Zara, beat her ass." Damien added.
Zara put her gear down and raised her fists. "Okay idiot, if you want to be beaten black and blue come on."
Ellie didn't waste breath, she hit Zara square on the jaw. The two traded fists until both were bleeding. Curtis cheering on Ellie, with Christophe and Damien on Zara's side, Monica was impartial.
Eventually Ellie caught Zara in a rear naked choke. "Apologize or I'll put you to sleep."
Zara was choked out before she could, Ellie put her down gently, dropping to her knees, Curtis tended to her cuts with a handkerchief.
Eventually Zara woke up, she was shaken but capable enough to ride back to the base, everyone rode in silence until Monica spoke as they reached the entrance.
"So you are immune Ellie from Wyoming, you and me will need to chat in the morning after breakfast."
"Sure, Curtis too." Ellie replied sharply.
"I suppose so, after all you're in this together." Monica replied.
"Aren't you going to punish the little crippled bitch?" Zara whined.
Ellie began to laugh at this.
"Who choked your fat ass out." Curtis replied, Zara glared at him.
"I'm not fat, runt!"
"Don't go calling people you don't know idiots next time, that's a lesson for you right there. But I'll warn you both, no more fighting or you won't be looking at your promotion Zara and no Horne for you Ellie. This is your only warning, do you both understand?"
"Sorry ma'am." Zara replied.
"Understood, I'm sorry." Ellie left it at that.
"Good enough. Ellie and Curtis I'd have you both as soldiers of mine any day of the week, it's a pity you won't stay. But I'll make  use of you both yet until the report on Daniels' death is back."
"Fuck Daniels, a little bitch I snuffed out like an old whining dog. No one else was going to dare put an end to him, that much was clear." Ellie dismounted and walked away, Curtis by her side.
"Fucking arrogant brat." Damien said, spitting on the ground.
"She clearly thinks she's something special." Zara added just as angrily.
Christophe stayed silent.
"Who wants to bet she was the one to execute Daniels. I'll bet a weeks laundry she did." Monica said, the rest placed their bets.

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