American Eagles

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July 4. The National Day of the Eagle. As is traditional someone was dressed as an Eagle with the flag wrapped around them. Then they willingly allowed themselves to be set on fire, they would scream, shout then drop to the ground a pile of cooked meat. Their reward was to be forever known as the Deity of the Year, to forever be known in our book of the Holy Americans. The sacrificial would ascend to Godliness and watch over us with the eagles. I'd rather be an ordinary guy thanks. Lewis ~

"Geez, talk about being fucked in the head." Ellie said to herself.

Ellie continued to read the diary.
She found something interesting in it, but it could wait until they'd rested. If she had it her own way she'd have already covered another three to four hours. But she was pleasantly surprised at herself for not seeing Curtis as a burden. She afforded herself a weak smile.
"Yeah Ellie you're such a great person now." She shook her head, sarcastic until the end she thought.

Ellie finally managed to sleep but many hours after Curtis had dropped off. His sleep had been peaceful and Ellie was glad of that.
Hers wasn't, she continued to see Joel and it never got easier.

Curtis awoke feeling rested then his heart skipped a beat, he quickly dressed and he rushed into the front bedroom.
Ellie was writing in her notepad, she looked up.
"Thought I'd run out on you?" She asked, sitting cross legged on the floor, copying something from the diary.
Curtis scratched his neck, he was blushing.
"It's okay man, I'm not someone who trusts people easily either."
"Yeah I just..."
Ellie cut him off. "Forget it."
"I want to say sorry for what I said..."
"I don't know what you mean Curtis."
"I called you scum didn't I? You're not, I know it. I feel bad about saying it, I just feel the world is against me." Curtis scratched his neck.
"It's okay." Ellie shrugged. "Forget it."
"I feel really bad about it though."
"You shouldn't, friends forgive, you're forgiven. My problem is I couldn't forgive people for so long, and you were within your rights to say it, I was selfish and didn't care about leaving you behind to fend for yourself. You forgave me when I got mad at you and called you a chicken. You're no chicken. You did me a favor."
Curtis nodded, it was good enough for him. "We're friends?"
"Yes, we're friends." Ellie nodded.
Curtis grinned. "So what are you doing now?"
Ellie waved him over. "Come look at this, our 'friend' Geena makes an appearance."
Curtis knelt beside her. "Where?"
"We finished up in May right, but I read all of it. When it gets to September..." Ellie found the correct page and pointed at it. "Here, September 20. Everything in between isn't important but this, wow, I killed someone who was one of this guy Daniels' higher ups. Also that guy who's face you blew a hole through at your farm?"
"Who you tore a new asshole in." Curtis replied.
"Yeah, he's in it too. I'm sure it's him."
"How do you know?"
The guy was the only one in the group I killed who had a grey streak in his hair, it's mentioned in here. He and Geena were in their forties I'd guess. There was a kid and the other two were older as well. Even more interesting still, the kid Lewis? I think It was him who's head I blew off back at that motel."
"Let me read this and everything will make sense. I'm getting ahead of myself."

September 20. Things aren't going as planned, I have no chance to strike back at these people and my sanctions are still in place. I'm watched almost constantly and I have to keep my diary close by. I'm surprised no one has demanded to look at it. It's not like I make it obvious I have it, I usually write late at night now.
Tomorrow I'm being put with two of the so called 'Old Guard' Geena and Denzel. We'll be going out on regular hunts from now on. Lewis ~

September 21. I went on my first hunt with Geena and her husband Denzel (both in their 40's), in a group of five. I've been put with two other guys I don't know very well, Jim Reed (late 50's I think)  and Kendall Leroux (mid to late 20's). Apparently this is the group I am assigned to and I have to stick with.
Denzel is a loudmouth with a grey strip in his hair and Geena clearly finds his behavior amusing, she sounds like a mule when she laughs. Acting the way they do I'm surprised they've survived so long. Kendall doesn't talk much but I can already tell he resents my presence, Jim is nice enough though. Lewis ~

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